A12 incidentals – Sequential




1999-7-22 gb I concentrated on clearing a22 (the horseshoe shaped stone wall) by removing baulk and going down to the first course of stones in k19. I also took pictures aimed at showing especially the presence of a deep gully wash (ancient?) in the middle of the gateway. Confirmed also in k16 articulating structure, that lean against the gateway a22, in k17 aiming to reach same level as in k16, and in k18 to seek SW-most end of gateway. [Input File: j718gb.J]

2000-6-21 jl Today, gb met with lr and me to discuss the plans for excavating in A12 this season. Our team will consist of myself, lr, okk, and one unknown person from the new expedition members, with jlw supervising as we work. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-22 jl Today, I began my first real work on the excavation. This morning, lr (who worked on A12 last season) and I went down to the site and discussed our excavation goals as gb had related them to us yesterday. Then, with Barbara Pritzkat, I put in the first four marker pegs for relays in loci 21 and 22. Unfortunately, she is limited in the locations which she can measure, due to a lack of surveying points with visibility of A12, but hopefully this will change by the time we begin excavating. Meanwhile, lr prepared (with okk's help) a simplified Harris Matrix of the stratigraphy of upper A12 for mkb. Afterwards, she began checking the written records of the A12 book against the computer files here in Mozan, to see if the files are up-to-date or if any data is missing. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-23 jl Today, okk, lr, and I held a strategy meeting to determine what is necessary to ready last year's A12 data for publication. Hopefully, we will present the results to gb later this afternoon. I also learned that ed, one of the new expedition members this year, will be our fourth team member. However, due to her other commitments to mkb, her role with the team will need to be discussed further with gb and mkb. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-23 jl lr, okk, ed, and I met with gb this afternoon to discuss our strategy for preparing A12 season 12 for publication. lr has also taken on the responsibility of preparing our field box for excavation. We will potentially begin removing the backfill in a21 and a22 tomorrow, but probably the day after. Finally, it seems as if ed will primarily be involved in the excavations, and less so with the data analysis or the work on last season's book, due to her other commitments to mkb. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-24 jl This morning, I took ed down to the site to familiarize her with A12. After breakfast, I supervised the removal of backfill over the whole extent of a22, the apsidal structure. At gb's request, I asked the workmen to take good care of the plastic sheeting, so that we can reuse it at the end of the season. I anticipate that another half-day of work will be needed before excavation can begin. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-28 jl gb met lr, okk, ed, jlw, and myself in A12 this morning to discuss strategy and begin excavating. After we had strategized, we began excavating in k26, in order to level it with k27, and we leveled the top of the south-west shelf next to the k25 trench, which had been excavated rather deeply before (almost to the level of k26; see A12g0014), but will now be included in the south baulk of the locus. After the baulk top was finished, one of the workers (Abdul Rachman) moved into the trench k25 to clean and straighten the west baulk, f309. I am surprised that we have accumulated a great deal of pottery from both f307 and 308, since I have been told that it was a very clean accumulation. We have also found a possible door sealing and a few clay lumps, which makes me wonder what sort of accumulation it is. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-28 jl Abdul Rachman, digging in the trench k25, has discovered the second stone of a stairway! What we took previously to be the stone threshold extends into the baulk for about 30 centimeters, after which another stone, approximately 30 centimeters high, sits on top of it, as if the second stone in a narrow stairway. In addition to confirming that the doorway has been blocked, it suggests that maybe what we took to be the stone threshold is just another step, and the actual floor (flagstone floor?) is further below. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-29 jl While digging down in k24, Abdul Rackman discovered the next two stones going down in the stair of the doorway. It appeared more clear, as the last stone became visible, that we did indeed have a stairway, and now the question is, how far down does it go? If what we took to be the bottom threshold is just another step, then the actual floor of a32 might be much further down than we currently believe. Also, the ^ac within the corridor was very clean, had very little pottery, and was very homogenous, reddish and somewhat bricky, the same as the dirt excavated from the trench k25 last season. This is very different from the dirt that we have excavated in f307 and 308, k26, which held a lot of pottery and ash. I wonder, perhaps, if f307 and 308 actually overlay this layer, and it continues underneath all of a22? It is so clean, it appears as if it might be a deliberate fill. But if it is fill, and apparently Sargonic period, by the sherds, then the question becomes, why fill it in? If it is a burial, perhaps the fill was to discourage tomb robbers, or to link it to earlier mound burials, but I do not know enough about burial practices of this era and location to come to a conclusion. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-26 jl gb and mkb met us at A12 this morning to discuss our excavation plans. lr had completed the final plots of last season's excavations in a32, and I had plotted in the relay markers, m5018 and m5019, which I had placed. gb and mkb expressed their opinion that a32 was possibly an Indo-European burial, with the unusual nature of a33 being explained by the wooden dome/awning which would have covered the burial and the grave goods and had eventually collapsed. We also clearly observed for the first time f303, the seeming vault evidenced in the baulk. In k24, a blocking stone f302 was in danger of falling into the trench k25, so we decided to photograph it and remove it. Finally, as the workmen had begun carrying dirt through the proposed path of bp's surveying point, we decided to move it to the south-west of the area, from which see could see the ground and the north baulk of a32. [Input File: k627jl.j]
2000-6-27 jl This morning, gb taught lr how to draw a section, and okk photographed the south baulk of a22 (v91). gb also investigated the trench k25 slightly, and discovered that the large stone in the east side of the trench did not continue into the baulk, but was oddly stood up vertically over a thick layer of accumulation. It was decided to remove the two small ledges of earth on the east and west baulks in preparation for the picture and let the trench dry (it was still very wet), so that the stratigraphy could be observed. Therefore, lr drew the section of the south baulk of a22, I took more relays, and at gb's instructions, the workmen levelled off the high baulk tops south of a32, so that falling stones would not injure anyone. [Input File: k627jl.j]
2000-7-03 lr I continued to measure the stones of a31 since i was not able to draw the stones that form the antichamber last season. Using the g-plot A12p0003, i measured each stone from the point and found that the plot was off by about 3cm. I remeasured the stairs since they did not plot yesterday using new relay numbers and location. I decided it would be easier to place the points at the center of each edge. I was not able to finish the drawing since a few points were needed to complete it which will be available tomorrow. [Input File: K703lr.j]
2000-6-28 lr Okk, jl, ed, and myself are at the site. Elena and I finished drawing the baulk inside a31. The baulk is the south side of the aggregate facing north. We had some difficulties drawing the section on the account that the red and ashy layers in both k27 and k26 appear to be mixed. The vaulted section was also unclear and the section was drawn based on how we saw it. I triangulated the doorway in order to show the width, r415 and r416. [Input File: K703lr.j]
2000-7-03 jl Since the raising of the tents prevented us from digging in k23, we started a pickrun across k27 instead. There is some confusion for me about the feature. I am not sure whether we are in f316, the ashy layer, or 317, the brown later (or if f317 even exists). ed practiced digging; she has a very sensitive hand, and noticed some important things. [Input File: K705jl.j]
2000-7-04 jl Today we continued excavating in k27. The fissure continued down, and at points even reached 10cm in width. Also, gb spent most of the morning in the square with us, discussing encoding practices and the continuing excavating in k27. We also looked at the recent uncovered brickfall in k23, f319. gb decided that a picture documenting the new observation was needed, so we scraped and cleaned in preparation for it. The rest of the day, we performed most of a second pickrun across k27, with the help of a few extra workmen from A10 (who did not excavate today). Work ended an hour early, since gb decided to speak to the workmen about the project today. Tomorrow, A13 will not be digging, and we will have as many workmen from there as we need. Therefore, once the picture of k23 is taken, we will excavate at both ends of the square, hopefully to get k23 completed so that we can establish this season the S extent of the structure and return to focusing on a22. [Input File: K705jl.j]
2000-7-06 jl This morning, we finished leveling the surface of k26 (f320) and cleaned in preparation for an aerial photo. Unfortunately, the kite rig would not work, so instead okk took a few photos from the ladder and we continued to excavate in k26. We did get a picture of the face of the fissure before they cut it down. Also, Steph articulated the brickfall and ascertained that it was all broken, then he started working with the small pick. Work has progressed more quickly thanks to a few workers from A13, who did not excavate today. [Input File: K706jl.j]
2000-7-06 jl We have come upon a startling discovery that would seem to solve most of our confusion about the nature of a22's stratigraphy: the fissure seems to be the result of a semicircular wall of brick, of which we have only just found a physical trace. Perhaps also this wall is related to the original use of the building; we will know better as we continue down. [Input File: K706jl.j]
2000-7-05 jl Today did not begin as planned. Not only had A13 decided to work and hadn't told me, but our best pickman, Abdul Rackman, was missing. Adnan Omar was promoted from shovel to replace him for the day, since he had impressed me last season as a pickman for jlw and myself in A9. Also, A13's change of plans proved fortuitous, since we soon struck the white pit f325 and had to quit digging in k27, and the extra workforce would have been useless. Before we found the pit, we also traced the red layer f324 in the E half of the locus. After a strategy session with gb, we photographed and covered the pit and switched instead to removing f319 brickfall and leveling f320 in k26. [Input File: K705jl.j]
2000-7-08 jl We spent the morning looking in k26 for traces of the pit f325. When we found nothing, we leveled the locus and instead turned to the possible wall f326. Picking against the W face of f326, we found no brick face, but the possible face of a simple mud wall. The workmen suggested that the room was actually a grain silo, but that would not explain the stone construction. [Input File: K708jl.j]
2000-7-09 jl We started this morning cleaning the square for aerial photos. Once gg had completed the, we continued digging down in k26, in what we presumed would be sterile earth. It was, indeed, not sterile, as proved by the contents of the fill, especially two and possibly three seal impressions, one of which is inscribed! The first one caused us to sift the dirt, leading us to the other two fragments. We finished the day digging very slowly, looking for traces of others. [Input File: K709jl.j]
2000-7-12 jl Yesterday, we continued excavating down in both loci, k26 and 27. In k26, the level of pottery decreased substantially. Conversely, the pottery in k27 increased dramatically. [Input File: K715jl.j]
2000-7-19 jl Today, we started in k27 by removing f337, the white floor. Underneath this, we observed a patch of discolored earth, green and yellow, which seemed to be from a tannur or kiln. This only turned out to be about 10cm deep, so we removed it and leveled the ^aa within the locus. Meanwhile, in k26, having decided that the white patches did not signify floors, we leveled to the lowest one visible and switched to the large pick. Since our plan is to publish the data this year, we want to reach the floor in both loci, if possible. [Input File: K719jl1.j]
2000-7-20 jl Today, we continued our work pattern from yesterday. In k27, one of our workmen, Massoum, uncovered a small anthropomorphic vessel. In k26, we found another step, and maybe a floor of stone; more digging will be necessary once the dirt is removed. Also, another workman found a ^si in last season's k6 while scraping the baulk. [Input File: K720jl.j]
2000-7-22 jl While digging in k26, we found a layer of stone with scattered patches of orange material over them. Also, in the NW corner, the orange seems to curve up the wall and has a definite face. It is possible that we have found a floor, and that the orange is what remains of a plaster that once covered the floor and walls. In the SE corner of k27, against (and mostly in) the baulk, is what appears to be a human burial. If so, then our ideas about the purpose of the structure may need to be reevaluated. [Input File: K722jl.j]
2000-7-27 jl Today, in order to take relays within k27 (we are too far down to see over the mud ledge and to use the second marker), we created two new markers, mA and mB. For mA, we dropped a plumb bob from m5063 on the stones above and placed a marker peg at the bottom. For mB, we lowered the plumb bob from m2338. The elevation of mA is m5063-421cm, the elevation for mB is m2338-203cm. For relays from mA, I will use the coordinates of m5063, and for marker B I will continue using m2338, but with that elevation difference figured in. [Input File: K727jl.j]
2001-7-10 ed Meeting con il professore Castelletti a proposito delle concrezioni concentrate lungo i filari centrali della parete E della struttura absidale. Queste concrezioni sono la conseguenza di un'infiltrazione d'acqua alla sommita' della parete in pietra e del suo lento e continuo scorrimento verso il basso, ma una condizione indispensabile perche' si verifichi questo tipo di fenomeno e' che l'ambiente sia aperto o almeno che davanti alle pietre ci sia uno spazio sufficientemente ampio affinche' l'anidride carbonica possa liberarsi. Da questo si puo' dedurre che l'intonaco notato contro le pietre durante la scorsa campagna di scavo doveva esser stato messo in un momento successivo la formazione delle concrezioni. Inoltre, alcune concrezioni granulari che sembrano essersi appoggiate a strati orizzontali potrebbero testimoniare altrettanti momenti della stratificazione e quindi suggerire che l'intonaco sia cresciuto in altezza poco per volta. Dato che questo intonaco era collegato alla "mud edge" che separava l'ambiente circolare da quello quadrato, si puo' concludere che anche quest'ultima non fosse stata realizzata in un unico momento. Allo stesso modo, laddove le concrezioni sono sovrapposte alla terra che colma i giunti fra le pietre, si puo' dedurre che fosse proprio quella posta in opera al momento della costruzione dell'edificio. Normalmente, e' sufficiente un lasso di tempo abbastanza breve (5-15 anni) perche' si manifesti questo tipo di concrezioni, ma in questo caso il fatto che l'acqua della zona sia molto calcarea potrebbe averne ulteriormente velocizzato il processo di formazione. [Input File: L714ed.j]
2001-6-23 jl Today is the first day of excavation in A12. Work got off to a slow start, since many new workmen needed to be assigned to their areas. We first cleaned the underground structure, and now are carefully digging through the muck to the floor beneath. Until I can get last season's A12 numbers from gb or fab, I am using temporary numbers (temp-1, temp-2). I will correct them this afternoon. [Input File: L625jl.j]
2001-6-23 jl As we cleared the muck (f361 and f362) that formerly was f326, we discovered a semicircle of bricky material where the mud ledge had once been. This reaffirms the existence of f326, which had been at times last year in doubt. We will approach it from the east, to test whether or not there is a step down, i.e. whether or not the edge shows a deliberate, smooth curve over. Also, gb informed me that Dr. Valentini from Tell Baari will be visiting Wednesday afternoon, in five days, to discuss the presumed vault which once covered the underground building. [Input File: L625jl.j]
2001-6-24 jl Today, we excavated the mud in the k27 test trench (f364). However, we finished this soon after breakfast, so we will temporarily stop work here and begin on A14 instead. The mud is currently too wet to excavate effectively. [Input File: L625jl.j]
2001-7-19 jl For the past few days, we have been excavating in both the north half of k27 and cutting away half of the southern baulk, saving samples of soil from every layer for analysis by Professor Castelleti and revealing a fresh baulk face. The new face is actually quite beautiful, and contains many details previously unobserved, such as the white area at the top of f259. [Input File: L822jl.j]
2001-7-29 jl Could the circle be an original well with the square added on later? [Input File: L822jl.j]
2001-7-22 jl Today, we removed the bones in f369 and continued excavating down. Yesterday, we switched from the east side of the baulk (k27) to the west (k26), to prevent the height differential between the two halves from becoming too great, leading to a collapse. [Input File: L822jl.j]
2002-9-09 ms gb has decided that we should stop excavating in f384 for the time being and concentrate on f369/f371 in the trench in the northern half of k27. This decision was made as a result of our discovering f387 both in section and in excavation in f384. Since it has not been properly drawn, he and mkb think that it would be wise to maintain the section and use our excavations in the northern half of the locus as a guide for our later excavations in the southern half. Furthermore, since time is running short, a limited excavation in the circle is more likely to reveal to us the bottom of the structure. [Input File: M909jl.j]
2002-9-05 jl This morning, gb decided to transfer ap to A16, because there was a greater need for her there. Later, while studying the excavated portion of the baulk, I noticed more clearly the curvature of the fissure, f303, visible on the top surface of the excavated area (see v185 and 185a). Previously, it had been too high up to see clearly, and much of the area around it had been washed away by rainwater. At this lower, better preserved level, it is very clear and must be taken into account during excavation. [Input File: M914jl.j]
2002-9-13 ms k27: evened out f392. The fill seems to be less dirty at this elevation (7070) so created f395 to differentiate. We are above the laminations in the north half of the circle and I have told the workmen to be aware. We will watch closely to see where we meet them on this side. Later: did not create f395 after all. However, leaving a small baulk on the eastern side of the feature (against the eastern wall of a32) because the fill seems to be different and we are unclear about the relationship between the different soils. k26: are following the white floor, f394. It goes under f393, bricky mass in south baulk. We are removing f393 to follow the floor. [Input File: M914jl.j]
2002-9-19 ms Finished removing the S baulk in K27. The removal started on M918. Excavated feature by feature, going especially carefully when reaching f371. All the features (f382,f384,f392,f371,f372,f395,f396 and f397) continue into the baulk. The laminations (f372) continue. The only difference is that f395, ashy material, follows around the circle and still remains about 40cm thick from the walls of k27. It seems to be thinning at this final elevation (7941), but it may go further. JL left this morning. [Input File: M920ms.j]
2002-9-22 ms We opened k29 today. Technically this is in E, but we are digging a one meter by one meter trench for another tower. It is near other burials and we thought we might hit a modern burial, but intead have found a wall. It may be Khabur based on initial pottery analysis. It is also the same elevation as other Khabur walls. We enlarged the size of the pit so the wall would not be disturbed by the tower. gb decided it would be better not to do a trench in k27 to see how far the circle goes down. Excavation has ceased for this season. [Input File: M923ms.j]
2003-8-02 jl Today, we uncovered the black seed layer f417/f419 in the north half of A12. The layer is extremely interesting because it seems to slope up against a small mud ledge, as if the ledge was in existence when the black seeds were dropped into the circle (see v236). This raises again the question of the "mud ledge" or lack thereof. gb and I both agree that the "ledge" around the black area could be the result of one of two processes: first, the pouring of mud and other foreign material into the fissure around the accumulation within k27, or second, the edge of a shallow pit dug across the entire circle in order to perform a ritual associated with the api. In the latter case, it means that the whole circle was used for the ritual at this time, not simply a small area in the middle. It is also possible that the later use alternated between small pits and large pits (for example, the ashy layer f333/f334). However, f387, which was a black layer in the southeastern portion of the locus, seemed last season to be linked to the black line in the southeast which first indicated the edge of f417/419. If that is the case, then the pit was at least half of a meter deep, since that is the approximate height of f387 above our current level. [Input File: N802jl.j]
2003-7-22 jl Today, we removed the red, bricky layer f406 on the north-west of k27. It lay directly on top of the laminations f405 over most of the area. gb unveiled the latest version of his hypothesis for the existence of the laminations, divided into five phases: first, deposition of material in the circle; second, light rain creates laminations; third, small pit dug into laminations for performance of ritual; fourth, dirt of different colors is put over the whole area to cover up the evidence of the ritual; and fifth, heavy rain melts the covering dirt, which mixes (explaining the merging red and brown boundary) and falls into the fissure created by the shrinkage of the accumulation within the circle. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-23 jl As we removed the brown layer f407, we discoverd that it didn't cover the laminations, but instead f408, a layer of charred black seeds sloping down sharply to the north. We uncovered the layer up to the laminations, and discovered that it was the cause of the black line which we had observed in f405 (v226b) in the south-eastern part of the circle. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-24 jl We did little digging today, since fab and jjj wanted to film a series of short movies of the laminations being excavated. However, the layers which they chose were too wet to really provide the evidence which they wanted. What excavation we did focused on defining the boundary and relationship between f409 and f410, the laminations and the brown. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-26 jl We did little digging today, since fab, jjj and gb wanted to continue filming, in hopes of getting a better movie of the laminations being excavated. I also contributed some filming, as did rah with his video camera. What little actual excavation we did focused on exploring the boundaries of the laminations. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-27 jl We did little digging today, since we were waiting to finish the sequence of movies made by fab and jjj of the workmen digging the laminations. What excavation we did focused on exploring the boundaries of the laminations. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-28 jl Today, we dug the last remaining area of laminations f405 and found an unlaminated material, f412, underneath them, separating them from the next apparent laminations. We also found a possible distinction between the outer ring of brown soil f410 and the inner brown f411 underneath the laminations, which has a lot of small rocks. In the afternoon, mkb called a team meeting to show us many Phase 3 sherds in our q-lots, possibly contamination through the fissure. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-03 jl We focused on digging in the western half of k30 today, trying to see if the "ledge" f423 continued around the whole circle, or just the eastern half. Ultimately, it is still inconclusive, because we did not clearly find the black seed layer sloping up against any ledge. After breakfast, I felt very ill, so I returned to the house to rest, and let rd2 run things in the excavation. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-04 jl Because of my illness, we did not excavate today. Instead, we stayed at the house and worked on data entry and object descriptions. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-05 jl Today, we tried to clear the question of the mud ledge in the west half of the circle by following the black seed layer in the south-east f424 along the western wall, through f422. The results are still inconclusive. Also, we excavated all of k29 together, trying to reach through the accumulation f421 to the black seeds below. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-12 jl Today, we isolated the new black seed layer within the trench (k32 and k33) and, after determining that it did not continue across the locus, we removed it. Then, we excavated another layer of the accumulation underneath. We also investigated the nature of the mud ledge, f423. gb and fab came down, and we decided to stop after every 50cm and dig the northern half of the circle, to keep the levels even. [Input File: N812jl.j]
2003-8-06 jl Today, we concentrated on the last remaining sections of the circle in which we had layers with scattered black seeds rather than the very strong black seed layers, specifically the southwest and northeast quadrants. We are trying to settle the question of whether all of the black seeds are one layer, or multiple layers and therefore multiple applications. Todays excavations were not completely conclusive, but suggest multiple layers. After breakfast, I was not feeling well again, so I spent much of the time working with dc at the house. [Input File: N807jl.j]
2003-8-07 jl Today, we finished excavating the last small areas of the circle with scattered black seeds, the northwest and a small area in the south. It revealed conclusively that the black seeds are multiple layers, scattered around the square. There are, in some cases, gaps with little or no seed material, and then another layer of strong black color starting at a different elevation. In one case, a layer continues directly underneath another, separated by about three centimeters of brown soil. We removed the chicken wire from the roof and took an overhead photograph, and afterwards removed the first sighted layer of black seeds, the strong patch f424 in the southeast quadrant. We also investigated the "ledge" f423 against which it had leaned, which has a clear face. We are reconsidering the idea of a mud plaster, but gb still considers the most likely explanation to be that the ledge is the result of a shallow pit cut into the soil within the circle in order to perform a ritual associated with the structure. [Input File: N807jl.j]
2003-8-09 jl Having uncovered what appeared to be a continuous black layer (f426/427) last week, we began to excavate it today. Underneath the black seed layer, which appears to only be about 2cm deep, we found mostly brown soil, but in one location in the north-east quadrant of k30, we found a small area of white laminations (f429), gb and fab came down and we discussed the possibility of limiting our excavations to a trench in the south half of the locus. We decided to bring the entire dig staff down to A12 for a discussion of the subject in the afternoon, at which time it was decided that we would make a trench, for three reasons: first, it would give us a physical section, rather than the "virtual" section which we have been trying to keep up until this point; second, we would be able to excavate much deeper in the remaining two weeks, hopefully gaining better insight into the structure's use or construction; third, the excavations within the trench would guide us in excavating the layers in the circle, improving our understanding of them. [Input File: N811jl.j]
2003-8-10 jl We finished excavating the f426/427 black seed layer today. We also laid out the new trench in the southern half of the locus (see v247, v247a). Along its south edge, the trench follows the line of the previous A12 south baulk, namely the baulk after it had been cut back two years ago to reveal a fresh face and as it was continued during last season's excavations. The trench has a width of 75cm, and a length of 343cm along its longer side, the north side. It is divided up into three loci: k31 is the easternmost, k32 the central locus, and k33 in the west. k31 stretches 1 meter from the eastern stone wall along its south side, and k33 stretches 1 meter from the western stone wall along its south side, in order to preserve the distinction between material next to the walls which is in danger of being contaminated and material in the center, which we presume is uncontaminated. [Input File: N811jl.j]
2003-8-11 jl We excavated within the trench today, k31, k32, and k33. There were a few isolated patches of apparent laminations and black seeds, but we did not find a solid layer until the end of the day, in the western half (k32 and k33), where we have what appears to be the next layer of black seeds. We found an unusually large number of q-objects today, given the small area which we excavated; could the nature of the accumulation be changing? It is also interesting that we have not found a clear lamination layer, given our hypothesis that the structure was originally uncovered. Could it be that the structure was only uncovered during the reconstruction phase, when the circle was raised and the square was added, and that prior to this period, it had a roof of some sort, perhaps even a trap-door type cover? [Input File: N811jl.j]
2003-7-21 jl Today, following gb's instructions of the day before, we began to follow the red layer f406 more closely, to see of the laminations f405 lay underneath it. In fact, the whole area underneath was laminated; the red lay on top of a brown layer, which lay on top of a smooth lamination. We borrowed three diggers from A14 today, since one of our diggers left to join the German team at Tell Badr, and two were helping to dig J1. [Input File: N812jl.j]
2003-8-13 jl Today, we continued excavating in the trench. Most of the accumulation was the same brown soil with inclusions which we have seen up until this point; in k31, however, we have begun to expose a large white layer, which seems to slope downwards to the southwest. [Input File: N813jl.j]
2003-8-17 jl Today, we continued to uncover the black seed layer f441/f442 (equal to f433/435) in k29 and k30. Once we had completely uncovered it, we photographed it and began to remove it. [Input File: N817jl.j]
2003-8-16 jl We did not dig today, in order to get caught up on templates and feature descriptions before making our final push in both A12 and A14. [Input File: N817jl.j]
2003-8-14 jl We continued exposing the white layer f440 in k31 and digging downwards in the other loci, but stopped after we had reached 50cm depth in the trench. gb suggested that f440 would be a good layer to see completely and, given our depth in the trench, we began to excavate the accumulation north of the trench. Specifically, we began to remove f439 in k29, uncovering the black layer f441, which equals f434/f435, although we did not complete the entire locus. [Input File: N817jl.j]
2003-8-19 jl Today, we continued digging in k29, exploring the area of f445, the sloping face/cut, and f446, the white layer. We also began digging in k30, but stopped short when we found the edge of another sloping mud face, f447, which turned out to be the top of a shallow pit. Because we mistook it for a slope, like f445, rather than a full pit, we originally mixed the fill of the pit with the surrounding accumulation, f444. Once we realized our mistake, we separated out the pit fill as f448. [Input File: N819jl.j]
2003-8-18 jl We finished excavating f442 in k30 today. Afterwards, in addition to a small sliver of f441 which we had missed along the western edge of k29, we excavated f443 and a small sample in the southeast corner of f444. These two features consisted of a series of poor, dirty laminations, filled with stones and pottery lying flat, which could only be properly observed and excavated when the layer was very dry, as was the case only in the corner of f444. So, we were forced to excavate f443 as a block of soil, rather than a series of layers, because it was too wet to distinguish between the laminations, and we have neither the time nor the resources to fully dry out each layer before we excavate it. Within f443, we found the sloping face, f445, and the white layer f446 connecting with f440 in k31. [Input File: N818jl.j]
2003-8-20 jl Today in k30, we finished removing the fill f447 from pit a38 and we excavated in f444 on either side of a38. In k29, although there was stil some f443 on top of the white layer f446, gb decided that we should quit digging it so that a little could be left to show the NG photographer when he came, if he was interested. Instead, we photographed and measured f445 and then began to remove f445 and the platform of f443 against which it rested. [Input File: N820jl.j]
2003-8-21 jl Today, our last day of work, we continued excavating the platform of f443 which lay behind f445. We actually discovered another small section of f445, which was at a different angle from the main slope, and which we apparently cut while excavating the trench. We photographed and removed it, bringing the platform to the level of the trench. We also removed the f444 band along the west side of the circle up to the edge of a38, and then removed the mud ledge f423 along it, revealing a very wide and long section of fissure. Finally, we excavated the last portion of f444 in the east, on top of f449, the white layer, up to the eastern edge of a38. At this point, we quit excavating, saving all a38, the f440/f446/f449 white layer, the southern baulk, a large section of f423, and a small area of f443 bordering on f446 as witnesses of this season, for further photography and possibly excavation. [Input File: N821jl.j]
2003-8-20 jl Today, we removed the rest of f448, the fill in a38, exposing the mud ledge f423 behind the pit and the edge of the presumed cut f447 itself. We excavated f444 both in the east, over f449, and in the west, trying to bring it to the level of the trench. We brought the area of f443 in between f445, the sloping face, and f446, the white layer, down to the level of the trench, and, even though f445 did not end, we photographed it and began excavating the platform of f443 against which it lay, since we did not want to leave too many platforms in between seasons. Finally, we did some exploratory digging in the mud ledge along the western wall, in an effort to explain the difference between f423 and f450, which actually appears on the face of the mud ledge in the north. [Input File: N821jl.j]
1999-6-26 jo our MZ12 A10 excavation k13 to k19 will be added to the new book of area A12, features, loci, aggregates, items and relays from A10 (k13-k19) will be given an A12 corresponding numbers. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-27 jo ab will be checking the pottery from the top soil f75 in the field, no bones will be collected. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo top soil sherds will be collected to be checked in the field by ab. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo chunks of red bricks are found scattered throughout f103. They might have been fallen from a nearby brickwall (f12 and/or f45). [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo even though f103 is not highly compacted, there are only few sherds find in the accumulation despite the large excavated volume of the feature. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo after the removal of accumulation f103, the surface of the bricks f96 is uncovered and it turned to be a brick paved floor. Brick size 35 x 35 cm. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-7-22 okk It appears that the corner of W Wall f12 and NS Wall F--- is cut by a pit a6. In the W most end of f12 the stones and the mudbrick of the superstructure f81 (stones) are missing, and there are laminations of fine clay layers near the bottom. In the N part of wall f--- the stones of the superstructure f--- are also missing and the bricks are found in an oblique position as if fallen in a pit. The southern most end of wall f--- shows the stone foundation, one large stone of the superstructure. There is also a ground stone stuck in the surface of the corner of the walls. The pit seems to have been dug from above, but stops at the stone foundations. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-7-31 okk we excavated the remainder of this feature, and carefully took off the rest of the mudbrick until the vertical red accumulation which separated the two features, f249 and f198 (what I called previously a "mortar line"). gB suggest that this is the face of the wall f198. After peeling off the layer of mudbrick we noticed fissures that appear to have been created by roots, as well as phytolith impressions which also look like tree roots. This lends credence to the idea that the red accumulation is bonded to f198 and not f249, as one would expect tree roots to come on the outside face of a wall, and not between the wall and the "plaster". This accumulation does not look like regular mud plaster - it is very red in color and only about 2 cm thick. There also appeared bricks within f249 that are different from most of the bricks in this feature. They are smaller, red, rectangualr bricks, two rows and 8 courses deep which are found about a meter to the east of the face of the "cube", and at the dividing line between f73 and f249. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
721 gb Fan-Xi and Carol both sick today. I spend the whole day with lr. Concentrated on k15,k16,k17,k19. [Input File: j718gb.J]
1999-7-22 okk The remainder of f193 was excavated today. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-7-22 gb Fxx & AN at home. I confirmed with LR. Disturbed by various visitors who came to plead for relative caught as they broke in our home in the middle of the night. [Input File: j718gb.J]




1999-6-16 gb JO gives item numbers to what may be tannurs because it is uncertain whether they are in fact tannurs or jars. If tannurs, technically they would be features, as JO points our correctly, but for brevity sake we agree to keep them as items. He does however establish aggregates which include accumulation around them and content inside them. [Input File: J626gb.J]
2000-7-04 gb kw and sg: see A12-lb for alternative abbreviations referring to kiln waste and slag, used often ambiguously. [Input File: K705jl.j]
1999-7-18 gb I will use the label AR to refer to the Royal part of the presumed royal comlex, i.e., the new building adjoining AK in A12. I will continue using AH for the house comlex in the pos-palance level, and I will us AP to refer to AK and AR as a single related complex. Even though AR and AP remain conjecturual, the labels are useful for the sake of discussion. [Input File: j718gb.J]
1999-7-18 gb I will use the label AR to refer to the Royal part of the presumed royal comlex, i.e., the new building adjoining AK in A12. I will continue using AH for the house comlex in the post-palace level, and I will us AP to refer to AK and AR as a single related complex. Even though AR and AP remain conjecturual, the labels are useful for the sake of discussion. [Input File: j718gb.J]




1999-6-26 jo changing names numbers as needed from A10 to A12 designation original file A12 j717jo.j [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-12 jlw changing names numbers from A10 to A12 designation original file A10 j624jo [Input File: zg1182.j]




2000-7-17 jl due to a misunderstanding between myself and the photography staff, v116 was accidentally assigned to a photo which was never taken. Therefore, v117-118 have been renamed v116-117 to correct the log. [Input File: K717jl.j]




2000-7-12 jl This view shows two stones at the NW end of the horseshoe wall of a22 which were removed because they were unstable and in danger of falling. [Input File: K715jl.j]




2000-6-21 jl We will try to further define a22, the apsidal structure, by excavating inside of it and around its south and west faces to define those borders. This will require excavation in k21 and 22, and a small team of perhaps 10 workmen. Also, we will be responsible to prepare the A12 book, from both this season and last season, so that it will be ready for publication in the fall. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-23 jl Today, I met with okk and lr for the purpose of outlining the task of preparing the A12 book from season 12 (j) for publication. We suggested six main tasks. First, scan the A12 archive to find any gaps or errors in the data so that we can fill these in with the information from the original field book. Second, we need to complete the templates of the views. Although some work was done last season, much was left undone or partly completed due to unforseen circumstances. Third, as an addendum to goal two, the view descriptions need to be completed. Very few, if any, were done last season. Fourth, the G plots need to be checked and completed. Thankfully, lr remembered that most of the plots were completed last season, with the exception of lower A12. Fifth, the stratigraphy needs to be reanalyzed and reordered, and especially needs to be connected with this season's excavations. Certain equivalent feature numbers need to be extracted from other books to accomplish this, especially for lower A12. Finally, according to okk, when jo left the excavation early last season, he took certain materials with him to complete. If this is true, then these materials need to be identified and accounted for. [Input File: k624jl.j]
1999-7-18 MKB in k18 I am analyzing the sherds in stratigraphic sequence. The earliest feature excavated thus far is f173. In order of stratigraphic sequence going from earliest to latest we have: f159, then f131 and f175 which equal A10f227, above these is f103 which equals A10f226, above these is f76 equal to A10f222, the highest and latest feature is A10f164. [Input File: j718p.J]
2000-6-23 jl With gb's input, we have expanded our strategy to include the following considerations. Apparently, jo did not take any data with him from the excavation, so that is one less problem to worry about. Regarding the archive data, not only does it need to be scanned for format and completeness, but also its substance needs to be checked, and improved or supplemented by additional entries when neccessary. As regards the stratigraphic analysis, we will not only need to combine the stratigraphy excavated by jo and fxx, but we will also need to prepare a final summary of A12 for the publication, bringing all of the data together. [Input File: k624jl.j]
2000-6-28 jl gb suggested that we start by leveling k26, especially the south-west baulk top. Then, we should proceed to straighten the west baulk of k25, the east face of the ^a found in the ^d. Once this is completed, then we will decide whether to continue through a22 in layers or to dig each locus separately. okk suggested that we dig in layers, to keep the stratigraphic links intact. I tend to agree with this idea, but will refrain from judgement until gb has presented his opinion. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-28 jl gb makes a good point: we cannot see time, only emplacement, and we infer time progression from emplacement. Therefore, as our understanding of the deposition here is unclear, then we need to proceed slowly and carefully. The "vault" f303, on the one hand our best clue, is also very confusing. As a vault, the brick material that we can see in the section could not have stood by itself, so it could not be a collapsed roof over which outside dirt accumulated. But no other explanation presents itself earlier. Therefore, since gb suggests that W2 does seem to have been mounded against W3, whatever the structure might be, then the W3 accumulation probably predates W2 completely. Another possibility is that they are coeval, gradually building up over, say, parts of a well. The final decision is to dig both pickruns together for a few pickruns, and if this gives us a better idea of the relationship of the two loci, then we will proceed from there. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-28 jl At breakfast, gb decided to change the strategy. Since there have as yet been no aerial photos of a32, he asked that it be cleaned off in preparation for a kite photo. Therefore, the workmen finished digging the ashy layer f307 and cleaned the square. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-29 jl Unfortunately, since the aerial photography rig could not be prepared in time, we will have to postpone the aerial photo for two days. Instead we will excavate the southwest corner of k22, south of k23. This would serve the dual purpose of refamiliarizing us with the stratigraphy of A12 above the apsidal structure, and (hopefully) giving us the southwest corner of a31, the doorway and perhaps the outer wall of the whole structure. Also, we will remove all of the ledges in k26. In k27, we will (not today, but soon) excavate down until we find the floor equalling the layer just revealed under f307 in k26. It is clear that the floor makes a significant dip at the edge between the loci, and perhaps we can find the stratigraphic link. More immediately, we will excavate the doorway in a31 (k24) in order to find out what is happening with the stones in the doorway, i.e. whether it is a very narrow and steep stairway, or just blocking. [Input File: K629jl.j]
2000-6-26 jl gb wanted to better see the stratigraphy in the south baulk of a22 and in the trench k25, so we decided to further clean both areas and photograph them in the next morning's light before continuing. Also, as the plots of last season were somewhat incomplete, I resolved to take some more relays of a32 before proceeding. [Input File: k627jl.j]
2000-7-04 jl Due to complications with the tent in the past few days, we have been unable to complete excavation in k23. Now that those problems have been solved, and given that we will have A13's workforce tomorrow, I hope to photograph and excavate the last meter of ^a tomorrow. This would serve two purposes: first, it would make the most efficient use of the available manpower, and second, it would let us (hopefully) define the S edge of the apsidal structure. Even if we do not finish digging within a22 this season, I would consider this one accomplishment almost as important, especially given the limited goals of this season. [Input File: K705jl.j]
2000-7-06 jl We are going to continue digging in k26 for the time being, in order to expose the W face of the wall and to see if the pit in k27 continues on this side of the wall as well. [Input File: K706jl.j]
2000-7-08 jl Since excavation in the S half of k26 next to wall f326 did not reveal a trace of the pit f325, we will excavate the N half of the locus until it is level with the S half, then we will section the N face of the ^ac against f326. Once we have examined the section for traces of brick, then we will slowly remove it, hopefully to reveal a preserved brick face of the wall. [Input File: K708jl.j]
2000-7-05 jl for the moment, our strategy is to leave k27 alone and ask the rest of the team what they think about our conundrum. Soon, we will have to decide whether to continue in k27 or switch to k26. [Input File: K705jl.j]
2000-7-09 jl gb believes that we can now safely dig down in both k26 and 27 at the same time, partly due to the barrier of the wall between them. So hopefully, we will get a few extra workmen tomorrow to begin this effort. [Input File: K709jl.j]
2000-7-12 jl Today, after removing f291, the stone in k25, we will continue excavating down in only k27. The wall f326 is confusing, and we are not sure whether it originates on the first floor or if it is a later construction. By following it down in only k27, we intend to follow the face down until it ends or until it is level with k26. If the wall is ephemeral and stops, and the two ^ac join, then we will be able to confidently dig them both separately. [Input File: K715jl.j]
2000-7-13 jl Since we are nearly equal in k27 to the level of k26, we will continue digging in only k27 today. If we reach an equal elevation today, then we will look closely again at the wall f326 and decide whether it continues to that elevation and the two loci should be dug separately, or whether it is ephemeral and can be removed, and the two loci can be dug together. [Input File: K715jl.j]
2000-7-15 jl Because we have reached the same level in loci k26 and 27, we will now proceed down in both loci at the same time. Keeping equal elevations in both loci will be difficult, since in k26, we seem to have reached the final layer of ^a, while in k27, we are uncovering the top of a sloping black layer, f333. [Input File: K715jl.j]
2000-7-16 jl Since the ^a in k26 is so sterile, we have switched to the large pick for thjis locus, and will continue using it until we either find something which necessitates returning to the small pick or we reach the floor. [Input File: K716jl.j]
2000-7-19 ed In k27, since the surface under the white floor f337 seems contiguous and homogenous, we are again digging the whole locus. In k26, since it appears that the white layers are not floors, but pockets, we have switched back to the large picks. [Input File: K719jl.j]
2000-7-24 jl In k26, our first plan is to clear away the last section of ^aa on top of the newly discovered floor, f348. We need to decide how to proceed to find the presumed stone floor beneath the plaster. Also, we will clean the W face of f326, the mud ledge, until we have removed all of the ^aa, and a few other remaining pedestals. In k27, we will continue digging down across the locus. [Input File: K724jl.j]
2001-7-19 jl We will continue cutting back the baulk. Not only do we want to get a column of soil samples for lc to analyze, but we also want to see a fresh, complete section. Given that the baulk might not survive another winter's rains, we need to get as much information from it as possible. [Input File: L822jl.j]
2001-7-22 jl We will continue excavating in k27, until we uncover the red layer, f371. [Input File: L822jl.j]
2002-9-05 jl Because I have observed the curve of the fissure extending into the south baulk in k26/k27 (a32), I have had to change our excavation strategy. Before, we had been cutting into the baulk as if the locus had a square corner. In fact, it is (somewhat obviously in hindsight) circular, and we had actually been cutting into a part of k26 the whole time. Now that we can see the divide between the two loci clearly, I have instructed the digger, Stef, to excavate into the baulk no further than the fissure. [Input File: M914jl.j]
2002-9-19 ms We are stopping the excavations in k26 and k27 at this point, although we may do a test trench in k27 to see how deep the structure goes, if possible. We have reached f397 which is the layer under the laminations. We will do a good cleaning and scraping to do a final analysis of which features are apparent. Because the floor slopes and features do not always cross the locus, there may be some differentiation. [Input File: M920ms.j]
2003-7-22 jl We will remove the brown, f407, in the eastern and southern parts of the circle, in order to see if it also covers the laminations. Then, after photography, we will remove the laminations, in order to find the layer underneath. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-23 jl Since this black seed layer f408 slopes underneath the laminations, we presume that it predates them. Therefore, after photography/filming sessions, we will remove the layers and then excavate the black. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-7-28 jl In order to better control contamination, we will divide k27 into two loci, k29 and k30. k29 will be the ring of material within a meter of the stone walls; k30 will be the circle inside of this ring, which we are fairly certain is uncontaminated. We will have separate feature numbers for each locus, to identify the pottery in the sherd yard. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-03 jl Because of my illness and dc's injury, I think that we will take tomorrow off from field work. After we return, the focus will still be on trying to follow the ledge f423 and excavating k29, since it is becoming pedestalled. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-05 jl We will continue to expose the strong black seed layer f424 and follow the ledge around the circle, if it indeed continues around the circle. [Input File: N805jl.j]
2003-8-10 jl Since we have cleared an apparently uniform layer across the circle, we will begin excavating within the trench tomorrow. [Input File: N811jl.j]
2003-7-21 jl Tomorrow, we will continue removing the red layer, f406, in order to see if the brown underneath it is an extension of the brown around the circumference of the circle or a separate feature. This will help us determine whether to dig the brown, f407, or the laminations, f405, first. [Input File: N812jl.j]
2003-8-13 jl We will continue following the top of the white layer as we dig downward. [Input File: N813jl.j]
2003-8-17 jl Our goal is to make the accumulation in k29 and k30 even with that in the trench by the end of the season. Therefore, we will continue removing f441/f442 and then continue in the the soil beneath it, which (judging from our findings in the trench) will be mostly undifferentiated brown fill. [Input File: N817jl.j]
2003-8-14 jl Our overall plan for the last week is to bring the material in the north half of the circle down to the elevation of the bottom of the trench. Given the relative homogeneity of the material in the trench, we expect to excavate very quickly in k29 and k30 once we remove the black layer f441/f442. [Input File: N817jl.j]
2003-8-18 jl As we seem to have found the extent [Input File: N818jl.j]
1999-6-26 jo will start excavation at the 1st 300cm W of k11 by digging f76. for the protection of the western face of f45 a 200cm x 200cm protection bulk will be left unexcavated. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-26 jo as a result of our last 2 weeks of excavation in k5 we have decided to expand the excavation in two directions, 1st we will open three new squares (k8, k9 and k10) E and S of k5. in this portion of the new expansion, we will try find out abut the nature and function of the uncovered net of walls (f41, f45 and f69) and try to determine their stratigraphic and constructional relationship to AK, by opening these new squares we expect to uncover the reminder of these walls and probably new feature in connection with them, that might help answering the following, 1) are these walls part of Ak building? if so, do they form an other major sector of the building other than the already uncover sector?. 2) if these walls are not part of the same complex AK, then what is the stratigraphic relation between the two? pri, post or contemporary with AK? the 2nd expansion of excavations will take place W k5 where we will dig the entire area S f12 up to the level of the paving f69 (A10 f230) in k11 (A10 k18), this operation well allow us to fully expose the outer (southern) face of the wall f12 and to uncover the floors outside the building which are corresponding to AK first floors. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-10 jo changing old A10 numbers to new A12 numbers for k and a from file J623JO [Input File: zg1183ms.j]
1999-6-26 jo will start today excavation by removing top soil. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-26 jo pottery will be collected to be checked in the filed by ab. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-26 jo since MZ10 A10 excavation on top of the current k6, and this season A12 k11 excavations did not yield much of material culture, we will dig in k6 with big picks, unless we come across a change in the nature of the deposit in the locus. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-27 jo will start excavating k10 by removing top soil f75. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-27 jo will continue excavation horizontally digging f80, below top soil. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-27 jo after excavating the first E-W 300cm of f76 for 38cm deep, will start digging an other 300cm farther W. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-28 jo we continue digging f76 for an other 250 cm further to W, to the same depth of the previous portion of the same feature. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-28 jo we will dig f82 using big picks, 10 cm at the time, looking particularly for any signs that might help to understand the nature of the accumulation f40 k6 whether it is a filling of a pit or an other type of accumulation; we will look for any indication of a cut. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-28 jo we will clear and scrape f80 all around the grave a7 checking if the grave has any construction surrounding other than the cut f84. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-29 jo we will dig the last portion of f76 S of the farthest W end of the wall f12. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-29 jo we continue to dig f90. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-29 jo we will keep excavating f91 at the W side and f92 at E side. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo we start digging f103. We will divide it horizontally across k6. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo we will start digging f104 after removing a9 and features 96 and 101. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-6-30 jo we will stop excavation in k10 for now, until we get to the same level in k8 and k9. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-7-02 jo we will continue to remove floor accumulation f105 fully exposing floor f103. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-7-02 jo we will start digging f108 (accumulation below top soil). [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-7-02 jo we will continue the excavation of f103 farther to the W to the level of f96 to uncover any other portion of f96. [Input File: zg127ms.J]
1999-7-31 okk We will continue to excavate the remainder of f72 and f249 and find the beginning of f73 beneath it. Also to continue excavation in f131,to find the extent of the stone platform f252. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-7-22 okk We began to excavate the "cube" of unexcavated material in the east of k6. This was left unexcavated in order to preserve the mud brick wall f45 for which is served as a support. We separated the material into two features: a6 (f193, f165), the pit which was dug into wall f12, and f72 (A12f226) which was excvated in the test trench k18. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-7-25 okk today we continued to dig the "cube" of unexcavated material that comes up to the NS wall, f45. We will leave a 10cm covering against wall f45 to protect it. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-7-26 okk We will continue to excavate the fill f72, but we are interested to determine if f249 is a wall. Yesterday gB noticed that there appeared to be visible courses of brick in the N face of the 'cube', although they did not appear in a clear, straight wall line. So today we will scrape the cut left by the pit a6 and the west face of the 'cube' to all, if we can find the courses of the wall. This should also clarify the relationship of f249 to f198. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-7-26 1999-7-27 After consulting with gb and ab, we decided to excavate f72 and f73 down to f89, the pavement, and cut through f249, as well. f249 apperas to be a wall that was built in successive layers, as the fill next to it rose in height. It may have functioned as a restraining wall. It is attached to f198 which runs parallel to f45, which likely had a supportive function. [Input File: zg525ms.j]
1999-8-01 1999-7-27 Today we will continue to excavate the remainder of f73 which covers f251, the pebble sherd pavement with a layer of phytoliths. We will leave the phytolith layer in place after being fully uncovered, and continue excavating to the west to follow the surface of stone platform f 252. [Input File: zg525ms.j]




1999-6-16 gb There is no obvious floor surface associated with the tannurs (I checked next to one). It would be interesting to recover full layout of this example of scattered occupation, but given our time constraints and their objectively limited substantive significance we will rely on sections to establish connections. This is also supported by the fact that the excavation area is limited in size, hence sections are quite plausible. [Input File: J626gb.J]
1999-6-25 gb During a general strategy meeting, it is decided that A12 will be opened to explore the area immediately outside the South-eastern corner of the AK building. Until now, this area has been excavated as A10. The rationale was that, if the corner of AK was found and no possible extension of the AK building existed, then we would no longer excavate in this area. As it happened, we did find the corner of AK, but we are not certain that the structure to the Southeast is not connected with AK. The reasons for such possible connections are as follows. (1) The new wall (f45) leans against the AK wall (f16), and thus is posterior to it, but it seems to be of the same construction, even though the stone courses are lower. (2) The foundations of both wall seem to rest at the same level, and they are linked by a sort of paving, of which 4 stones have been found so far in the sounding k18. (3) The new wall is monumental in nature, and may represent a different sector of the same building, structurally later in actual construction, but possibly built at the same general point in time. The new structure may of course have nothing to do with AK, but even a remote possibility of a connection makes it incumbent upon us to test this further. [Input File: J626gb.J]




2000-7-11 jl We are short two workmen today because of the accident with the tent. One, Diadin, took the injured man to the hospital; the other, Sultan, was transferred to A13 to replace him. [Input File: K711jl.j]