
File: /MZ/A/A12/D/I//MZ/A/A12/D/V/0093.HTM
Processed on 7-14-2022
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Analogical Record
view/drawing orientation 2000-6-27 jl OW [Input File: K713ao.j]
general notes on photos 2000-7-29 jl v93 is a view, looking W, of the stairway in a31 through the doorway. v93a looks overhead down to the threshold/final step. v93b, from the E, looks through the doorway to the stone f291 in the baulk of k25. Finally, v93c looks at the doorway and the antechamber, to show the relationship between the two areas. [Input File: K730jl.j]
text description of view 2000-6-27 jl doorway with steps, looking down to threshold [Input File: K713ao.j]
constituents within view/drawing 2000-6-27 jl a31 [Input File: K713ao.j]