Unit Book A14

The lower sacral area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-22


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
North coordinate of relay 2003-08-11 rd2 40019 [Input: N909JL.R]
East coordinate of relay 2003-08-11 rd2 35899 [Input: N909JL.R]
Elevation 2003-08-11 rd2 8376 [Input: N909JL.R]
Relay definition 2003-08-11 rd2 outline of locus [Input: N909JL.R]
Relay location on element 2003-08-11 rd2 south-west corner [Input: N909JL.R]
Method of measurement 2003-08-11 rd2 taped [Input: N909JL.R]
Origin of tie 1 2003-08-11 rd2 m3327 [Input: N909JL.R]
Origin of tie 2 2003-08-11 rd2 m3351 [Input: N909JL.R]
Origin of elevation 2003-08-11 rd2 m3351: 8411+100-135 [Input: N909JL.R]
Tie 1 2003-08-11 rd2 409 [Input: N909JL.R]
Tie 2 2003-08-11 rd2 449 [Input: N909JL.R]
Tie to elevation 2003-08-11 rd2 135 [Input: N909JL.R]
Height @top 2003-08-11 rd2 100 [Input: N909JL.R]
Notes on volumetric localization 2003-09-10 jl m1 for this relay was written in the relay log as m3328. When the relay had no solution, I changed m1 to m3327, on the possibility that rd2 had entered the wrong marker number. At that time, the relay plotted in approximately the right position. For that reason, I believe that m3327 was the proper m1 value and have left it that way. [Input: N910JL.j]


Items Field Record

Roster Date Author Record
Field definition 2003-08-11 rd2 locus [Input: N909JL.R]