
File: /MZ/A/A20/D/I//MZ/A/A20/D/K/0034.HTM
Processed on 21-8-2020
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description (summary) 2010-9-19 lC New excavation unit, N of k24 [Input File: ZE806aMA.j]

daily notes 2010-9-18 lC Today we continued to remove the topsoil f176. We are proceeding slowly because the main efforts are concentrated in the other loci. Right at the end of the day in the north-east corner of the square some middle-sized stones were uncovered. [Input File: U918.j]
2010-9-16 yM Today we opened a new square k34 located north of k24, and we started working there by removing the top soil layer f176. We did not finish the removal yet. [Input File: U916yM.j]
2010-9-19 yM We started working in this locus by continuing the removal of the top soil layer f176. Underneath it we uncovered a natural accumulation layer f181 that we started to remove but we did not finish. [Input File: U919yM.j]
2010-9-20 yM Today we continued removing the natural accumulation layer f181, then we removed the pavement pc f185 that was located in the south eastern corner of the square. [Input File: U920yM.j]
2010-9-21 yM Today we started by continuing to remove the natural accumulation layer f181, under which we uncovered a hard surface f197. [Input File: U921yM.j]
2010-9-25 yM Today we removed f197 uncovering the pebble pavement underneath it. [Input File: U927yM2.j]
2010-9-26 yM Today we removed f197 in the western part of the locus, exposing the pebble pavement f204 underneath it. This pavement f204 is removed in the northern part of the locus, where we see under it another pavement f206, that consists of small sherds and pebbles. This sherd and pebble pavement could be a preparation layer for pavement f204. while in the southern part of the locus, the pavement seems to be cut or finished. [Input File: U927yM2.j]

Volumetric Localization
space definition 2010-9-19 lC m6350 [Input File: ZE806aMA.j]
length of two sides 2010-9-19 lC 400E [Input File: ZE806aMA.j]
2010-9-19 lC 400S [Input File: ZE806aMA.j]

Analogical Record
view/drawing of locus

2010-9-20 / yM / [Input File:ZE819yG.j]

2010-9-16 / lC / [Input File:ZE816aMA.J]

2010-9-29 / yM / [Input File:ZE819yG.j]

2010-9-29 / yM / [Input File:ZE819yG.j]

2010-9-29 / yM / [Input File:ZE819yG.j]

2010-9-29 / yM / [Input File:ZE819yG.j]