Unit Book A20


Processed on 2024-07-27


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of context (v view)

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]
View/drawing of features 2008-08-06 yM f30 (brickfall), f41 (wall), f50 (pavement, type c), f59 (hearth), f60, f61 (pavement, type c), f62 (accumulation), f63 (wall), f77 (wall), f81 (accumulation A) [Input: S812LC.j]
View/drawing of locus 2008-08-06 yM k13, k14 [Input: S812LC.j]
View/drawing orientation 2008-08-06 yM looking northeast [Input: S812LC.j]
Text description of view 2008-08-06 yM View showing the mudbrick wall f41 in k13 and f63 in k14 and the probable wall N-S f77 exactly in the eastern baulk of k13. In the foreground it's visible the pebble pavement f50 not yet removed in the southern baulk of k13, and the accumulation f81 below it. [Input: S812LC.j]
Web view

2008-08-06 !!! [Input: A20V-^.j]

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]
Photo of view

2008-08-06 !!! [Input: A20V-^.j]