Unit Book J1


Processed on 2024-07-27


Roster Date Author Record
Constituent label to which relay applies 2005-08-03 jE f143 (accumulation D) [Input: P807JE-R.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
North coordinate of relay 2005-08-03 jE 41506 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
East coordinate of relay 2005-08-03 jE 46651 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Elevation 2005-08-03 jE 9185 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Relay definition 2005-08-03 jE K 22 E artificial Baulk [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Relay location on element 2005-08-03 jE NE corner [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Method of measurement 2005-08-03 jE taped [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Origin of tie 1 2005-08-03 jE m3948 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Origin of tie 2 2005-08-03 jE m3944 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Origin of elevation 2005-08-03 jE m3950: 9218+123-156 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Tie 1 2005-08-03 jE 394 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Tie 2 2005-08-03 jE 420 [Input: P807JE-R.j]
Tie to elevation 2005-08-03 jE 156 [Input: P807JE-R.j]