Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-09-22


Roster Date Author Record
Includes other label 2022-09-22 jW f19 (isolated stone), f37 (stone installation), f38 (isolated stone), f46 (stone installation), f48 (accumulation D), f54 (fill) [Input: ZG822W.j]
Typological specific label 2022-09-22 jW ^bin1 [Input: ZG822W.j]
Category !! !! installation
Best definition 2022-09-22 !! bin [Input: ZG822W.j]
Best image 2022-09-22 jW v122 [Input: ZG822jW1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2022-09-22 jW bin [Input: ZG822W.j]
Description (summary) 2022-09-22 jW A late cluster of stones and pavement which forms an entrance to the last temple. Starting at the lowest point, it is framed by an arc of stones, f37 and f46, which are separated by a pathway consisting of accumulation, f48, to the south and melted brick, f54, to the north. To the north it is framed by stone installation, f19. [Input: ZG822W.j]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on time sequencing 2022-08-22 jW Tentatively assigned to Mittani Stratum 14a in the JPB phase sequence when the staircase complex was being remodeled. This structure rests on a layer of soil atop revetment wall, f3, and therefore must be later. [Input: ZG822W2.j]