Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a

Topical index

October 2024

Total number of topics: 336.

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Topic Section Title
2008 excavationsJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Excavations in 2008
2009 excavationsJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Excavations in 2009
abandonmentJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Abandonment
abutJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Abuts
accessJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentInstallations in Unit J5 > C. Access
accretionJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5
Depositional data for Unit J5 > Accretion
accumulationsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5 > Accumulations
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Accumulations
accumulations above installationsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > 1. Accumulations above installations
altered accumulationsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > B. Altered Accumulations
amorphous amassmentJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Amorphous amassment
architectureJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J5 > Architecture
J5 Synthetic View / IntegrativeComparative data for unit J5 > Architecture
J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5
Architectural data for unit J5
archiveGeneral IntroCurrent version of Unit J5
areasJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > The pertinent areas
assemblagesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5 > Assemblages
atomsTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Nodes and atoms
backgroundJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > Background
beadsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsClay objects from Unit J5 > Clay Beads
bio-archaeologyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesBio-archaeology data for Unit J5
bondJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Bonds
bordersJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentInstallations in Unit J5 > B. Borders
brick roofsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Brick roofs (?)
buildupFeaturesFeatures for unit J5 > Buildup
built environmentJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J5
burialsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesPhysical anthropology of Unit J5 > Description
capJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Caps
categoriesJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation laboratory activities for Unit J5 > Categories of objects
ceramicsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5
ceramics: stratum 12J5 Synthetic View / Introduction / TopicsJ5 Ceramics
J5 Ceramics general character of ceramics in Unit J5 stratum 12
ceramics: stratum 14J5 Synthetic View / Introduction / TopicsJ5 Ceramics
J5 Ceramics
ceramics: stratum 70, horizon 8mJ5 Synthetic View / Introduction / TopicsJ5 Ceramics
chronicleJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5
clayJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsClay objects from Unit J5
collapseJ5 Synthetic ViewStorm Damage in Unit J5 > Collapse of Portion of Late Mittani Wall
J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Collapse
comparative dataJ5 Synthetic View / IntegrativeComparative data for unit J5
complex installationsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Complex installations
Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Complex installations
conclusion (preface)J5 Synthetic View / IntroductionPreface
conservationJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J5
conservation: architectureJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation activities for Unit J5
conservation: objectsJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation laboratory activities for Unit J5
constructionJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for Unit J5 > Construction
constructionsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5
control pointsJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Control points
corpusJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5 > Methodology and corpus
correlationsTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Correlations
coverJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Covers
cutJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5 > Cuts
daily sketchesJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
damageJ5 Synthetic ViewStorm Damage in Unit J5
data setTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Data set
depositionJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for Unit J5
TabulationDeposition header
depositional historyJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5
depositsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5 > Deposits
Architectural data for unit J5 > Deposits
disaggregationJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for Unit J5
Depositional data for Unit J5 > Disaggregation
discardJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5
Depositional data for Unit J5 > Discard
dumpingJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Dumping
early accumulationsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > 3. Early accumulations
Early MittaniJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Early Mittani period (Phases 7a to 7e-J5A): Secular Use
EDIIIJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > Early Dynastic wall system (2009)
elementsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5
emplacementJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for Unit J5
Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation
TabulationDeposition header
emplacement: statisticsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5
errorsJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionErrors for Unit J5
Errors for Unit J5
escarpmentsSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Glacis and Escarpments
essaysJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionEssays for Unit J5
J5 Synthetic View / Introduction / EssaysThe Ninevite V hypothesis
excavation historyJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > Pre-excavation History (1999-2007)
excavations volumeJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Size and volume of excavations
feature listSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Feature List
featuresFeaturesFeatures for unit J5
J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Stationary elements: features
figurinesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J5
fillJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Fills
fillsFeaturesFeatures for unit J5 > Fills
J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Fills
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Fills
First EscarpmentJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Early in Early Dynastic III period: First Escarpment and West Wall
floating stonesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > 2. Floating stones
floorsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5 > Floors and Pavements
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Surfaces defined by soil compaction (floors)
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Surfaces defined by soil compaction (floors)
frequenciesTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Frequencies
functionalJ5 Synthetic View / IntegrativeComparative data for unit J5 > Functional use
J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5 > Functional areas
functional areasJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5 > Functional areas
future plansJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > Plans for the future
geo-physical dataJ5 Synthetic ViewGeo-physical data for unit J5
glacisSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Glacis and Escarpments
glass artifactsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsOther objects from Unit J5 > Glass artifact
glypticsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsGlyptics from Unit J5
goalsJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Goals for next excavation season
gullyJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Gully
Emplacement for unit J5 > Gully
historical dataJ5 Synthetic View / IntegrativeHistorical data for Unit J5
horizonsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J5 > Horizons
J5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy / HorizonHorizons for Unit J5
J5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy / SequenceSequencing data for Unit J2 > Horizons
horizontal surfacesJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Horizontal surfaces
indexGeneral introJ5 Index
indicesTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Indices
inputJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionInput for Unit J5
installationsFeaturesFeatures for unit J5 > Installations
J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5 > Installations
Installations in Unit J5
Overview of Built Environment in Unit J5 > Installations
installations”“J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5 > Installations
introduction: prefaceJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionPreface
intrudeJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5 > Bonds
Emplacement for unit J5 > Intrude
isolated elementsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentIsolated elements in Unit J5
isolated stonesJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Isolated Stones
Emplacement for unit J5 > Isolated Stones
isolationGeneral introPreface to Unit J5 > J5 in isolation
itemsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Movable elements: items
laminationsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Laminations
Late AkkadianJ5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy / HorizonHorizons for Unit J5 > Late Akkadian
Late Early Dynastic IIIJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Late Early Dynastic III period (Phase 3s-J5A): Use of Escarpments
Late EDIIIJ5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy / HorizonHorizons for Unit J5 > Late ED III / early Akkadian lateAkk
Late MittaniJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Late Mittani
layeringJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Layering
layersJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5 > Layers
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Layers
leanJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Leans on
limitsTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Limits
list of daily sketchesJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > List of Sketches by date
lithicsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsLithics from Unit J5
locationJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Location
lociJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Loci
J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
loci: MZ22 (2009)J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > MZ22(2009) loci: k100, k104, k105, k106
looseJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J5 > Loose materials
loose materialsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5
map (overall)J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Overall map
markersJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
metalsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsMetal objects from Unit J5
methodologyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5 > Methodology and corpus
Middle AkkadianJ5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy / HorizonHorizons for Unit J5 > Middle Akkadian
Middle AssyrianJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Middle Assyrian
Middle Early Dynastic IIIJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Middle Early Dynastic III period Phase 3p-J5A: Rebuild of East Wall and Second Escarpment
Middle MittaniJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Middle Mittani period (Phases 7g to 7i-J5A): Western Expansion
miscellaneousJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentInstallations in Unit J5 > D. Miscellaneous
MittaniJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > Westward Mittani retrenchment (2008)
movable elementsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Movable elements: items
natural accumulationsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > A. Natural Accumulations
Ninevite VJ5 Synthetic View / Introduction / EssaysThe Ninevite V hypothesis
nodesTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Nodes and atoms
non-sacral areaJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > Non-sacral Area
objectsJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J5 > Objects
J5 Synthetic View / IntegrativeComparative data for unit J5 > Objects
J5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsObjects from Unit J5
J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects & SamplesSpecial Analysis of J5 Objects and Samples
objects: otherJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsOther objects from Unit J5
objects: statisticsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsObject statistics for Unit J5
Old BabylonianJ5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy / HorizonHorizons for Unit J5 > Old Babylonian
ordered aggregationJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Ordered aggregation
Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation
ordered inputJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionInput for Unit J5 > Ordered input (the intermediate format)
overlayJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
overlaysJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Overlays
overviewJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5
paleobotanyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesPaleobotany of Unit J5
Paleo-botanyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesBio-archaeology data for Unit J5 > Paleo-botany
paleo-zoologySynthetic view / Typology / SamplesPaleo-zoology of Unit J5
Paleo-zoologyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesBio-archaeology data for Unit J5 > Paleo-zoology
pavementsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5 > Surfaces defined by discrete components (pavements)
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Surfaces defined by discrete components (pavements)
PedologyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesBio-archaeology data for Unit J5 > Pedology
phase 2mJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 2mJ5B within Unit J5
phase 3dJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3dJ5B within Unit J5
phase 3lJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3lJ5B within Unit J5
phase 3mJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3mJ5B within Unit J5
phase 3nJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3nJ5B within Unit J5
phase 3pJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3pJ5B within Unit J5
phase 3sJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3sJ5B within Unit J5
phase 7cJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 7cJ5B within Unit J5
phase 7fJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 7fJ5B within Unit J5
phase 7jJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 7jJ5B within Unit J5
phase 7mJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 7mJ5B within Unit J5
phase 7sJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 7sJ5B within Unit J5
phase 7vJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 7vJ5B within Unit J5
phase 8mJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 8mJ5B within Unit J5
phase 8rJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 8rJ5B within Unit J5
phase 9cJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 9cJ5B within Unit J5
phase 9mJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 9mJ5B within Unit J5
phase 9pJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 9pJ5B within Unit J5
phase 9sJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 9sJ5B within Unit J5
phasesJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Phases
J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyPhases for Unit J5
Phases for Unit J5
Strata for Unit J5 > Phases
J5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy / SequenceSequencing data for Unit J2 > Phases
physical anthropologyJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesPhysical anthropology of Unit J5
physicalAnthroJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / SamplesBio-archaeology data for Unit J5 > Physical anthropology
physiognomyJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Physiognomy
Pre-Early Dynastic IIIJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Pre-EDII period: Earliest Wall
prefaceGeneral introPreface to Unit J5
presentationJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J5 > Site presentation
J5 Synthetic View / PresentationPresentation of Unit J5
proceduresJ5 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation laboratory activities for Unit J5 > Procedures
random inputJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionInput for Unit J5 > Random input (the primary format)
recordJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionErrors for Unit J5 > Record
restJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5 > Rests on
resultsJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > Main results
sacral areasJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > Sacral Areas
sacral bordersJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > Sacral Borders
sacred spacesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > A. Sacred Spaces
samplesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects & SamplesSpecial Analysis of J5 Objects and Samples
sectionsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Sections
J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
sections: individualJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Individual sections
sections: season MZ22 (2009-T)J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Sections for season MZ22(2009-T)
secular spacesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > B. Secular Spaces
sequencing dataJ5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy / SequenceSequencing data for Unit J2
settingGeneral introPreface to Unit J5 > J5 within its broader setting
shapesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5 > Shapes
shell artifactsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsOther objects from Unit J5 > Shell artifacts
sit inJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5 > Sits in
sitewideTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Sitewide tabulations
sizeJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
size/volume of excavationJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Size and volume of excavations
special analysisJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects & SamplesSpecial Analysis of J5 Objects and Samples
special lociJ5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Special loci: k101, k102, k103
special locus k100J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Special locus: k100
special locus k107J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Special loci: k107
squaresJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > Squares
J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5 > MZ21(2008) loci (squares)
staffJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionStaff for Unit J5
stages of accretionJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5 > Stages of Accretion
staircasesJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5 > Staircases
stairwaysSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Stairways
stationary elementsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Stationary elements: features
statisticsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Statistics
statistics: generalJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionOverview of Unit J5 > General statistics
statistics: stationary elements (features)J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
statistics: types of contactJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
storageJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsObjects from Unit J5 > Storage – by G. Buccellati
stormJ5 Synthetic ViewStorm Damage in Unit J5
strataJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J5
Strata for Unit J5
Strata for Unit J5
Strata for Unit J5 > Strata
J5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy / SequenceSequencing data for Unit J2 > Strata
strata chartJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J5 > Chart
strata definition chart (J5A)J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J5 > The strata definition chart (J5A)
strata definition chart (J5B)J5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J5 > The strata definition chart (J5B)
stratigraphic chartJ5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy / SequenceSequencing data for Unit J2 > Chart
stratigraphy: summaryTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Stratigraphic summaries
structuresJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentArchitectural data for unit J5 > Structures
Architectural data for unit J5 > Structures
Overview of Built Environment in Unit J5 > Structures
Structures in Unit J5
sub-shapesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5 > Sub-shapes
surfacesFeaturesFeatures for unit J5 > Surfaces
synopsisJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > Synopsis of elements per season
table of contentsGeneral IntroTable of Contents for J5
tabulationsTabulationsIntro to tabulations
tabulations: specificTabulationsIntro to tabulations > Ad hoc tabulations
topical indexGeneral introJ5 Index > Topical index
topicsJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionTopics for Unit J5
topsoilJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Topsoil
types of contactsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
Emplacement for unit J5
typological columnJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J5 > The typological column
typologyJ5 synthetic View / StratigraphyPhase 3dJ5B within Unit J5 > Typology
Phase 3sJ5B within Unit J5 > Typology
Phase 8mJ5B within Unit J5 > Typology
Phase 8rJ5B within Unit J5 > Typology
Phase 9mJ5B within Unit J5 > Typology
Phase 9sJ5B within Unit J5 > Typology
Ur III/Isin-LarsaJ5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy / HorizonHorizons for Unit J5 > Ur III / Isin-Larsa
useJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J5 > Use areas
use areasJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5
use of digital booksGeneral introPreface to Unit J5 > The uses of the book
versionJ5 Synthetic View / IntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J5 > This version
versionsGeneral IntroCurrent version of Unit J5
vesselsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsClay objects from Unit J5 > Clay artifacts
vista pointJ5 Synthetic View / PresentationPresentation of Unit J5 > The vista point
volumetric dataJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
J5 Synthetic View/ StratighraphyVolumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
Volumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
Volumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
Volumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
Volumetric data ("topography") for Unit J5
volumetric materialJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J5 > Volumetric Material
wallJ5 Synthetic ViewStorm Damage in Unit J5
wall bordersJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > 1. Wall Borders
wallsJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional data for unit J5 > Discards related to use through time
Depositional data for Unit J5 > Evidence
Depositional data for unit J5 > Revetment Walls and Escarpments
Emplacement for Unit J5 > Walls
J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentStructures in Unit J5 > A. Walls
Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Walls
waresJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsCeramics from Unit J5 > Wares
water actionJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > 2. Water action
water protectionJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentInstallations in Unit J5 > A. Water Protection
West Plaza floorsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentLoose elements in Unit J5 > 1. West Plaza floors
West WallJ5 Synthetic View / StratigraphyDepositional history for Unit J5 > Early in Early Dynastic III period: First Escarpment and West Wall
Western Sacred spaceJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in unit J5 > 2. Western Sacred Space
Western Temple entranceJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentStructures in Unit J5 > B. Western Temple Entrance
wheelsJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsClay objects from Unit J5 > Clay wheels
work in progressGeneral introPreface to Unit J5 > A work in progress
worked stonesJ5 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsLithics from Unit J5 > Small worked stone