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The system for recording stratigraphic sequence used in later seasons, was not yet implemented in these earliest excavations of K1 in 1984 and 1985, and it has not yet been completely integrated into the new system. Nevertheless, it can be said that the K1 sequence belongs almost entirely in Horizon 3 (Early Dynastic), possibly into Phase 4c (Early Dynastic IIIb).
The following information concerning the stratigraphy of K1 comes from Mozan 1 and various notes and images processed during the review of this unit book for digital publication.
Sketches showing profiles of the stratigraphy of area K (from Mozan 1):
Views showing stratigraphy in K1:

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Notes on stratigraphy and emplacement
The following was noted in Mozan 1 concerning the layers and sequence of layers in K1:
Locus / Sondage A (1984):
- At the top, there was some modern disturbance
- Below this: sherds and fragments of burnt bricks and ashes. This seems to be an accumulation of the debris of a fire, possibly deposited in two stages
- This destruction layer rests on an inclined slope, a glacis, clearly recognised during excavation, but only cleaned in the northern part due to time constraints
- Below destruction layer: thick coating of gridded earth to smoothe the slope of the glacis
- Immediately below this, a double layer of bricks (measuring 35 x 31/32 x 7.5/8 cm), consolidating the glacis
- Under this, 10-20 cm thick layer of fragments, rubble, ash, pebbles, small horse figurine
- Lower layers and bottom not reached: wall min. 5m high
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