D June 2010
TO rosters: special
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As mentioned above in 13.2 missing section, ZGx19 mDP, special rosters supplement the Main Roster. for types of analysis, especially typology, which go beyond its limits and purposes. The structure of these rosters is quite analogous in each case.
Special roster codes are identified by a 3 character prefix, of which the first is Z (identifying the entry as belonging to a special roster) and then two characters that identify the particular special roster in question.
The version code is in the same format as for the Main Roster.
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Physical anthropology (Zpa) – by L. Ramos
Zpa1 |
Zpa1df |
definition |
Zpa1mi |
minimum number of individuals |
Zpa2mn |
notes on minimum number of individuals |
Zpa1st |
curation status |
Zpa1nb |
= other label |
Zpa2 |
Zpa2bs |
biological sex |
Zpa2ds |
data on sex determination |
Zpa2sm |
method of estimating sex |
Zpa2ba |
biological age |
Zpa2da |
data on biological age |
Zpa2ma |
methods used for biological age determination |
Zpa2es |
estimated stature |
Zpa2ms |
method used for stature |
Zpa3 |
Zpa3tt |
trauma type |
Zpa3tl |
trauma location |
Zpa3td |
trauma description |
Zpa4 |
Zpa4pt |
pathology type |
Zpa4pl |
pathology location |
Zpa4pd |
pathology description |
Zpa4pn |
notes on pathology |
Zpa5 |
Zpa5sl |
stress location |
Zpa5sm |
muscle stressed |
Zpa5ma |
muscle activity |
Zpa5sn |
notes on muscular stress |
Zpa6 |
Zpa6fr |
frontal |
Zpa6pa |
parietal |
Zpa6oc |
occipital |
Zpa6te |
temporal |
Zpa6sp |
sphenoid |
Zpa6zy |
zygomatic |
Zpa6mx |
maxilla |
Zpa6pa |
palatine |
Zpa6mn |
mandible |
Zpa6na |
nasal |
Zpa6la |
lacrimal |
Zpa6co |
concha |
Zpa6hy |
hyoid |
Zpa6et |
ethmoid |
Zpa6vo |
vomer |
Zpa6sc |
scapula |
Zpa6cl |
clavicle |
Zpa6hu |
humerus |
Zpa6ra |
radius |
Zpa6ul |
ulna |
Zpa6is |
ischium |
Zpa6pu |
pubis |
Zpa6fe |
femur |
Zpa6pt |
patella |
Zpa6ti |
tibia |
Zpa6fi |
fibula |
Zpa6ri |
ribs |
Zpa6ta |
talus |
Zpa6cs |
calcaneus |
Zpa6cu |
cuboid |
Zpa6nv |
navicular |
Zpa6ca |
cuneiform 1 |
Zpa6cb |
cuneiform 2 |
Zpa6cc |
cuneiform 3 |
Zpa6ma |
metatarsal 1 |
Zpa6mb |
metatarsal 2 |
Zpa6mc |
metatarsal 3 |
Zpa6md |
metatarsal 4 |
Zpa6me |
metatarsal 5 |
Zpa6ph |
phalanges |
Zpa6sc |
scaphoid |
Zpa6lu |
lunate |
Zpa6tr |
triquetrum |
Zpa6pi |
pisiform |
Zpa6tz |
trapezium |
Zpa6cp |
capitate |
Zpa6ha |
hamate |
Zpa6mf |
metacarpel 1 |
Zpa6mg |
metacarpel 2 |
Zpa6mh |
metacarpel 3 |
Zpa6mi |
metacarpel 4 |
Zpa6mj |
metacarpel 5 |
Zpa6cv |
cervical vertebrae |
Zpa6tv |
thoracic vertebrae |
Zpa6lv |
lumbar vertebrae |
Zpa6sv |
sacrum |
Zpa6mm |
manubrium |
Zpa6st |
sternum |
Zpa7 |
Zpa7sc |
condition of skeleton |
Zpa7tc |
condition of teeth |
Zpa7pr |
Convervation notes |
Zpa8 |
Zpa8bt |
burial type |
Zpa8go |
grave orientation |
Zpa8bp |
body position |
Zpa8bo |
body orientation |
Zpa8so |
skull orientation |
Zpa8bf |
body facing |
Zpa8sf |
skull facing |
Zpa8if |
items found with body |
Zpa8tp |
time period |
Zpa8ph |
phase |
Zpa8nb |
notes on burial context |
Zpa9 |
Zpa9mu |
max length ulna |
Zpa9mr |
max length radius |
Zpa9mt |
max length tibia |
Zpa9mf |
max lenght femur |
Zpa9bf |
bicondylar lenght femur |
Zpa9mb |
max lenght fibula |
Zpa9rm |
max mandibular ramus (ant-post) |
Zpa9mc |
mandibular condyle |
Zpa9fh |
max diameter femoral head |
Zpa9za |
max length of zygomatic |
Zpa10 |
Zpa10pl |
photos from lab |
Zpa10pe |
photos from excavation |
Zpa10bd |
drawing |
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Separate books
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Ceramic analysis (Zca) – by M. Kelly-Buccellati
As for the ceramic roster, see the dedicated section under the CERAMICS book.
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Seal impressions (Zsi) – by M. Kelly-Buccellati
As for the seal impressions roster, see the dedicated section under the GLYPTICS book.
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Aglyptic impressions on sealings (Zai) – by C. K. Kimbrough
As for the aglyptic impressions roster, see the dedicated section under the GLYPTICS book.
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In progress
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Animal figurines (Zfa) – by R. Hauser
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Human figurines (Zfa) – by Y. Mahmoud
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Beads (Zbd) – by M. Stancavage
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Wall conservation (Zcw) – by G. Buccellati, B. Landini and M. Lorenzon
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As for the metal roster, see the dedicated section under the topical book on metals.
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