A Grammar of the Archaeological Record

1. The System

Volume One. The System

Giorgio Buccellati – May 2010
Marco De Pietri – November 2022

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Compact Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - System Configuration

Section A. Constituents: The concept
    Chapter 2 - Nature and structure of constituents
    Chapter 3 - Constituent inventory
    Chapter 4 - Constituent labels
    Chapter 5 - Constituent Properties

Section B. Primary Categorization
    Chapter 6 - The Main Roster
    Chapter 7 - Lexicon for main roster
    Chapter 8 - Special rosters
    Chapter 9 - Lexica for special rosters
    Chapter 10 - Standards

Section C. Stratigraphic clustering
    Chapter 11 - Principles
    Chapter 12 - MZ frame
    Chapter 13 - Sequences
    Chapter 14 - Horizons

Section D. Typological clustering
    Chapter 21 - Typological Clustering: Introductory
    Chapter 22 - The built environment
    Chapter 23 - Objects
    Chapter 24 - Samples and specimens

Section E. Analytical record
    Chapter 31 - Analytical record: Introductory
    Chapter 32 - Archive structure
    Chapter 33 - Text files

Section F. Synthesis
    Chapter 41 - Synthetical: Introductory
    Chapter 42 - Stratigraphy
    Chapter 43 - Typology
    Chapter 44 - Conservation
    Chapter 45 - Presentation
    Chapter 46 - Beyond
    Chapter 47 - Tabulations

Alphabetical index
Topical index

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Detailed Table of Contents

Chapter 1: System Configuration
1.1: Introductory
1.2: The System as a Practical Implementation of Theory
1.3: Recording and Archive
1.4: The Urkesh Global Record and the Browswer Edition as Exemplification of the System
1.5: Goals and Limits


Chapter 2: Nature and Structure of Constituents
2.1: The notion of minimal constituents
2.2: Constituents proper and para-constituents
2.3: Classes of constituents proper
2.4: Minimality and systemics
2.5: Intrinsic properties as criteria for definition
2.6: Combinatorial properties of elements
2.7: Summary

Chapter 3: Constituent Inventory
3.1: Introductory
3.2: Elements
3.3: Para-elements
3.4: Complex Elements (element clusters)
3.5: Referents
     3.5.1: Volumetric localization or positioning of elements
     3.5.2: Analogical representation of elements
3.6: Complex referents (referent clusters)
     3.6.1: Volumetric localization or positioning of elements
     3.6.2: Analogical representation of elements
     3.6.2: Typological and/or Chronological Sorting of Elements
3.7: Summary

Chapter 4: Constituent Label
4.1: Labels
4.2: Ranks
4.3: Rank 1: Project
4.4: Rank 2: Constituent prefix (book)
     4.4.1: First Segment
     4.4.2: Second Segment
4.5: Rank 3: Constituent proper
4.6: Rank 4: Component
4.7: Rank 5: Sub-component
4.8: Constituent label: Summary
4.9: Incidentals

Chapter 5: Constituents Properties
5.1: Labels, Properties and Codes
5.2: Rosters: codes for variables
5.3: Lexica: codes for variants
5.4: Standards: criteria for variants


Chapter 6: The Main Roster
     Main Roster (Zmr-010, yellow version)
     Main Roster (Zmr-022, green version)
     Index 1: order by roster slot number (see 6.5: Roster definitions and labels)
     Index 2: order by codes (see 6.5: Roster definitions and labels)
Main page:
     6.1: Introductory
     6.2: Current version
     6.3: Major categories
     6.4: Fixed format and local notes
     6.5: Roster definitions and labels
          6.5.1: OVERVIEW (A)
          6.5.2: IDENTIFICATION
      Labeling (B)
      Designation (B)
          6.5.3: STRATIGRAPHY
      Recovery/Assignment (C)
      Volumetric localization (D)
      Axial definition (E)
      Contact association (F)
      Spatial aggregation (G)
      Deposition (H)
      Time sequencing (I)
          6.5.4: TYPOLOGY
      Measurements (J)
      Items field record (BA)
      Morphology (K)
      Manufacturing (L)
      Function (M)
          6.5.5: TREATMENT
      Conservation (N)
      Site presentation (N)
          6.5.6: REFERENCE
      Analogical record (O)
      Disposition (P)
      Files and publications (Q)
     6.6: Alphabetical list of mnemonic codes
     6.7: A note on the practical use of the roster

Chapter 7: The Main Lexicon (for the Main Roster)
7.1: Introductory
7.2: Simple and complex lemmata
7.3: Current version
7.4: Universal Codes
7.5: Variants for variable B10 (Definition)
     7.5.1: Features (stationary elements)
 Horizontal surfaces
 Layering or buildup
 Amorphous amassment (fills, dumping, collapse)
 Ordered aggregation (walls, installations)
 Other features
     7.5.2: Items (movable elements)
 Other items
     7.5.3: Alphabetical list of codes for features and items
     7.5.4: Codes for Incidentals
7.6: Variants for variable D3 (Ware or material)
7.7: Variants for variable F2 (Contact association)
     7.7.1: Concepts
     7.7.2: Nature of the verbal categorization
     7.7.3: Definitions
     7.7.4: Synopsis
7.8: Variants for variable K4 (Shape for ceramic vessels)
7.9: Variants for variable O21 (View range)
7.10: Variants for variable O22 (View orientation)

Chapter 8: Special Rosters
8.1: Introductory
8.2: Ceramic analysis (Zca) – by M. Kelly-Buccellati
8.3: Ceramic paste analysis (Zcp?) – by M. Kelly-Buccellati
8.4: Seal impressions (Zsi) – by M. Kelly-Buccellati
     8.4.0: Universal Codes (Zsi0)
     8.4.1: Documentation (Zsi1)
     8.4.2: External Characteristics (Zsi2)
     8.4.3: Physical Characteristics of Seal Stones (Zsi3)
     8.4.4: Inscription (Zsi4)
     8.4.5: Theme and Overall Composition (Zsi5)
     8.4.6: Major Compositional Elements (Zsi6)
     8.4.7: Minor Compositional Elements: Attributes (Zsi7)
     8.4.8: Minor Compositional Elements: Filler Motifs (Zsi8)
     8.4.9: Secondary Motifs (Zsi9)
8.5: Aglyptic impressions on sealings (Zai) – by C.K. Kimbrough
     8.5.1: Spin (ZaiK1)
     8.5.2: Angle (ZaiK2)
     8.5.3: Thread 1 (ZaiK3)
     8.5.4: Thread 2 (ZaiK4)
     8.5.5: Twist (ZaiK5)
     8.5.6: Weave (ZaiK6)
     8.5.7: Hole diameter (ZaiK7)
8.6: Figurines (Zfg) – by R. Hauser
8.7: Beads (Zbd) – by M. Stancavage
8.8: Physical Anthropology (Zpa) – by L. Ramos
8.9: Wall Conservation (Zcw) – by G. Buccellati, B. Landini and M. Lorenzon

Chapter 9: Special Lexica (for Secondary Rosters)
9.1: Introductory
9.2: Ceramic analysis (M. Kelly-Buccellati)
9.3: Glyptic analysis (M. Kelly-Buccellati)
     9.3.0: Universal Codes
     9.3.1: Documentation
     9.3.2: External characteristics
     9.3.3: Physical characteristics
     9.3.4: Inscription
     9.3.5: Theme and overall composition
     9.3.6: Major compositional elements
     9.3.7: Minor compositional elements: attributes
     9.3.8: Minor compositional elements: filler motifs
     9.3.9: Secondary motifs
9.4: Aglyptic impressions on sealings (C.K. Kimbrough)
     9.4.0: Universal variant
     9.4.1: Variants for variable ZaiK1 spin
     9.4.2: Variants for variable ZaiK2 angle
     9.4.3: Variants for variable ZaiK3 thread 1 and ZaiK4 thread 2
     9.4.4: Variants for variable ZaiK5 twist
     9.4.5: Variants for variable ZaiK6 weave
     9.4.6: Variants for variable ZaiK7 hole diameter
9.5: Figurines (R. Hauser)
9.6: Beads (M. Stancavage)
9.7: Physical Anthropology (L. Ramos)
     9.7.0: Universal codes
     9.7.1: Zpa1: Identification
     9.7.2: Zpa2: Skeletal analysis
     9.7.3: Zpa3: Trauma
     9.7.4: Zpa4: Pathology
     9.7.5: Zpa5: Muscular-skeletal markers and stress
     9.7.6: Zpa6: Inventory
     9.7.7: Zpa7: Preservation
     9.7.8: Zpa8: Burial type
     9.7.9: Body position

Chapter 10: Standards


Chapter 11: Principles
11. Introduction
11.1. Clustering
     11.1.1: Concepts
     11.1.2: Contact
     11.1.3: Space/time
     11.1.4: Strata
     11.1.5: Phases/horizons
11.2. Emplacement
     11.2.1: Concepts
     11.2.2: Elements
     11.2.3: Types of contact
     11.2.4: Data format
     11.2.5: Relevance
11.3. Volumetry
     11.3.1: Concepts
     11.3.2: Sections
     11.3.3: Loci & squares
     11.3.4: Floor plans
     11.3.5: Geo-refer.
     11.3.6: Techniques
     11.3.7: The grid
     11.3.8: 3D volumetry
11.4. Deposition
     11.4.1: Concepts
     11.4.2: Correlations
     11.4.3: Dep. hist.
     11.4.4: Constr. hist.
     11.4.5: Depos./constr.
     11.4.6: Constr./typ.
     11.4.7: Harris matrix
11.5. Sequencing
     11.5.1: Concepts
     11.5.2: Indexing
     11.5.3: Sequences
     11.5.4: The MZ frame
     11.5.5: Archival version

Chapter 12: The MZ Frame

[See under Mozan Sitewide]

Chapter 13: Sequences

[See under Mozan Sitewide]

Chapter 14: Horizons


Chapter 21: Typology: An Overview
21.1: Introduction: stratigraphy and typology
21.2: Categorization
21.3: Primary categories

Chapter 22: The Built Environment
22.0: Principles

22.1: Introduction
22.2: Definitions

22.3: Elements
     22.3.3: Isolated elements
22.4: Sub−elements
22.5: Complexes
22.6: Units Structures Use areas Installations Loose materials

22.7: Function
22.8: Perception
22.9: Stratigraphy

Chapter 23: Typology of Objects
23.1: Typology and stratigraphy
23.2: Incremental publication
23.3: Categorization

Chapter 24: Samples


Chapter 31: Introductory to Analytical Record

Chapter 32: Archive Structure
32.1: Correlation between labels and archive
32.2: Archive structure: Directories
     32.2.1: Rank 2a, for directories only: Type of data
     32.2.2: Part Two. Analysis Section A. Constituents (2/4/2014)
     32.2.3: Constituent label and archive structure (2/11/2014)
     32.2.4: Constituent label and archive structure (3/4/2014)
32.3: Archive Structure Files
32.4: V/W directory/file names
     32.4.1: Constituent label and archive structure (2/13/2014)
     32.4.2: Part Two. Analysis Section A. Constituents (2/18/2014)
     32.4.3: Constituent label and archive structure (2/18/2014)
32.5: Labels for ZC referents (T725)
     32.5.1: Part Two. Analysis-Section A. Constituents (2/18/2014)
32.6: Special books
     32.6.1: Constituent label and archive structure (2/20/2014)
32.7: Summary
32.8: Incidentals
32.9: Figures

Chapter 33: Text Files


Chapter 41: Introductory to Synthetical Record
41.1: Introduction
41.2: Excavations
41.3: Tabulations
41.4: The limits of an excavation unit

Chapter 42: Stratigraphy

Chapter 43: Typology

Chapter 44: Conservation
44.1: Concepts
44.2: The built environment and volumetry
44.3: Objects
44.4: Storage

Chapter 45: Presentation

Chapter 46: Beyond

Chapter 47: Tabulation