Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements |
1997-06-22 |
jo |
Wadi accumulation f21 is still being dug in k1 , a total of 25cm . No items or q items has been found in k1 . Starting elevation are relatevelly lower than k2 and k3 [Input: H627JO-2.j] |
1997-07-01 |
jo |
another 30cm deep of f21 k1 was dug, and it stil contenu, k1 was allredy lower than k2 as efect of the wadi which also drops more in k1 [Input: H728JO.j] |
1997-07-06 |
jo |
the southern end of k1 just to the north of A6k22 was cleand, infront of the doorway a1, asharp drop of the wadi accumulation can be seen throw this section; that conferming that the wadi deposetion have started accumulating as early as the early time of the abandonmentof the building whith the same runing bath contenuasly to the highst deposetion of A9 [Input: H728JO-2.j] |
Strategy (projected or implemented) |
1997-06-21 |
jo |
Will start excavating k1, will begin removing topsoil from the highest point of the square , the NE corner of k1 [Input: H627JO.j] |
1997-07-02 |
jm |
continue to remove wadi accumulation f21. [Input: H714JLW1.j] |
1997-07-05 |
jlw |
continue to remove accumulation f54. Explore two areas with softer, grayer soil along the north baulk. Using one large and two small picks. Continue to trim east baulk, one of two major stratigraphic sections. [Input: H716JLW2.j] |
1997-07-08 |
jo |
after finishing diging f54 the eastern section of k1 will be drown and will remove the baulk [Input: H728JO-2.j] |
Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
1997-06-15 |
jo |
a1 (doorway) [Input: H620JO-3.j] |
1997-07-05 |
jo |
a9 (pit) a10 (pit) [Input: H709JLW1.j] |
1997-06-21 |
jo |
f14 (topsoil) [Input: H626JO.j] |
1997-06-22 |
jo |
f21 (accumulation D) [Input: H626JO.j] |
1997-07-03 |
jlw |
f54 (accumulation) [Input: H709JLW1.j] |
1997-07-05 |
jo |
f56 (fill) f57 (fill) f58 (pit) f59 (pit) f60 (brick installation) [Input: H709JLW1.j] |
1997-07-03 |
jm |
i17 (figurine) [Input: H708JLW1.j] |
1997-06-24 |
jlw |
q27 (pottery) [Input: H701JO.j] |
1997-06-30 |
jlw |
q49 (bones, pottery) q52 (pottery) [Input: H701JO-2.j] |
1997-07-01 |
jlw |
q56 (bones, pottery) [Input: H701JO-2.j] |
1997-07-02 |
jlw |
q61 (bones, pottery) [Input: H708JLW2.j] |
1997-07-03 |
jlw |
q67 (bones, pottery) q71 (pottery) [Input: H708JLW2.j] |
1997-07-05 |
jlw |
q72 (pottery) q75 (bones, pottery) q76 (bones, pottery) [Input: H708JLW2.j] |
1997-07-06 |
jlw |
q84 (bones, pottery) [Input: H708JLW2.j] |
1997-07-07 |
jm |
q87 (bones, pottery) [Input: H708JLW2.j] |
1997-07-07 |
jlw |
q88 (pottery) q89 (pottery) q90 (pottery) q91 (pottery) q92 (pottery) [Input: H708JLW2.j] |
1997-07-08 |
jO |
q93 (bones, pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
1997-06-18 |
jm |
r2 (43499 35739 - 8625 / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: H619JLWR.j] |
1997-06-18 |
jm |
r3 (44011 36156 - 8661 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: H619JLWR.j] |
1997-06-18 |
jm |
r4 (44114 35566 - 8719 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: H619JLWR.j] |
Extension of locus or q-lot |
1997-06-16 |
jo |
1-4 [Input: H620JO-3.j] |
Length of two sides |
1997-06-16 |
jo |
500 [Input: H620JO-3.j] |
Notes on volumetric localization |
1997-06-18 |
jm |
Relay 1 was taken aproximately 1 meter N of actual SW corner of k1 , because actual corner is located above 20cm S of unexcavated A9 . [Input: H620JO-2.j] |