Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements |
2001-06-23 |
jlw |
after reming topsoil, f195, we immediately began to see evidence of living spaces. These included a mud brick surface, f197, a layer of stones and sherds, f196 and a hard layer of accumulation, f198, all in the northern two-thirds of the locus. A softer accumulation, f199, was located in the southern third. [Input: L704JLW.j] |
2001-06-24 |
jlw |
vp excavated a narrow, rectangular block of accumulation, f203, contained within accumulation, f198, that possibly could have been a later burial. Nothing found. [Input: L706JLW.j] |
2001-07-12 |
jlw |
began to remove the architecture that was immediately beneath the topsoil when the locus was first excavated in the first days of the season. Removed wall, f197, stone and sherd layer, f196 and what we believed at the time to be an accumulation, f198. Now, there is some indication that it may be part of a pise foundation or platform, some of which are found in other Khabur settlements on the tell. Also began to remove accumulation f199 in the south half of the locus, which was considerably softer than f198. New features include a hard accumulation, f293, in the north half, in which is a softer pocket of accumulation, f293. In the SE corner, just under f199, there is an E-W line of bricks, f296 which runs along the south baulk. [Input: L923JW.j] |
2001-07-12 |
vp |
Tariq and Ali dug in K22; they started to dig with small picks the top of the accumulation f198,for about 15 cm.Then they continued to remove the layer on the NE corner of the locus, f196. That layer was formed by some small stones and pottery mixed with clean ground, c#10YR6/3 co pale brown. It was possible to draw parallels between that feature and the f278 on the NW corner of K23. Then vp did a sketch of the w f197 on the NW corner of K22, before to remove it. Even jlw and vp had suggested to dig until the f199, showing the whole locus north section, the dig was stopped when a new situation became visible; it was possible to see, under the old features f196,f197,f198, an hard accumulation with a very big pit along it. The color of the pit, c#10YR6/3 co pale brown, wasn't very different from the accumulation one's, c#10YR7/3, but naturally the ground within the pit was softer. [Input: L712VP.j] |
2001-07-14 |
jlw |
continued digging to define the architecture. Further excavation of accumulation, f294, revealed that it covered a short, single N-S line of bricks, f298, in the NW quadrant that extended south out of the north baulk. Under f199, in the SW quadrant there was an accumulation, f299. [Input: L923JW1.j] |
2001-07-14 |
vp |
Tariq and Ali started to dig the f294 in the N-half of the locus, called as a pit from jlw and vp, at the end of the later dig day. Though either, the color and the texture of the fill, looked like a pit, after the dig it was possible to see that it wasn't enough deep. Then Tariq and Ali started to clean with the brushes the S-half of the locus a f199, where Tariq found some bricks in the SE corner. They continued to dig very carefuly there and Tariq found a W running EW until about the center of the southern side of the locus, f296. At the same time, Ali dug the SW quadrant of the locus, about 15cm deep, where it was possible to see, under the a f199, an accumulation softer then the higher one's and, maybe, a pit on the center between both. [Input: L714VP.j] |
2001-07-15 |
jlw |
finished excavating the SW corner of the locus in accumulation, f301, under f299. We originally believed that it was the fill for a pit because it was very ashy. However, a pair of E-W sections, one through the middle and one along the N baulk revealed that it is really an ashy accumlation that rises in elevation from west to east. The eastern containment is not obvious at this point, although f296 may bound it to the south. [Input: L923JW2.j] |
Strategy (projected or implemented) |
2001-07-14 |
vp |
we will continue to dig in k22 to understand well the situation come out yesterday. Tariq and Ali will dig there. [Input: L714VP.j] |
Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
2001-09-29 |
jlw |
a34 (pit) [Input: L930JW1.j] |
2001-06-23 |
jw |
f195 (topsoil) f196 (layer) f197 (group of bricks) f198 (accumulation) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-06-24 |
jw |
f199 (accumulation) f203 (accumulation) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-07-12 |
jw |
f293 (accumulation) f294 (accumulation) f296 (group of bricks) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-07-14 |
jw |
f298 (group of bricks) f299 (accumulation) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-07-15 |
jw |
f301 (fill) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-06-23 |
vp |
i98 (metal artifact) i99 (jar) i100 (figurine) i101 (clay lump) i102 (lithic artifact) q646 (bones, items, pottery) q647 (pottery) q648 (pottery) q649 (bones, items, pottery) q650 (bones, items, pottery) q651 (bones, pottery) q652 (items, pottery) q656 (pottery) q783 q784 q785 q786 q789 (bones, pottery) q790 (pottery) q795 (pottery) q799 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: L920JW.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r684 (45490 36296 - 9076 / Relay location: k22) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r685 (45344 36672 - 9073 / Relay location: k22) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r686 (45109 36158 - 8951 / Relay location: k22) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r687 (44967 36531 - 8959 / Relay location: k22) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
Extension of locus or q-lot |
2001-10-02 |
jlw |
m2560 [Input: LX02JW.j] |
Length of two sides |
2001-10-02 |
jlw |
500E [Input: LX02JW.j] |
2001-10-02 |
jlw |
500N [Input: LX02JW.j] |