Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J2
Amorphous amassment

Caitlin Chaves Yates – November 2010

Back to top: Emplacement for Unit J2 Amorphous amassment


Of the three types of amorphous amassment (fills, dumping and collapse), only fills and collapse are well attested in J2.

Back to top: Emplacement for Unit J2 Amorphous amassment


The fills of J2 are primarily fills of small pits or holes. Although they make up a considerable number of features (13 total or 3% of all features) they do not represent a large “filling in” of the area, but rather small individual fills. In particular there are several small holes in the stones of the apron, each of which was filled when the apron was covered (e.g. f279, f281, f283, f284).

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The are no notable incidences of dumping in J2 with the area primarily kept clean and used for the monumental access in the early periods. After the brickfall the area was reused for activities and as such, not subject to dumping.

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Collapse is well represented in the amorphous deposits of J2 in the form of the large brickfall. This brickfall slopes down from the southeast, across parts of J6 and J7 before stretching across J2.

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