Unit Book A12

The ābi (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-12



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 1999-06-26 jo A12 corresponding number of A10k13 [Input: ZG127ms.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 1999-06-10 jo f1 (topsoil)
f2 (accumulation C)
f3 (accumulation C)
f4 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG118ms.j]
1999-06-11 jo f5 (accumulation C)
f6 (pit cut)
f7 (fill)
f8 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG118ms.j]
1999-06-12 jo f9 (accumulation C)
f10 (layer) [Input: ZG118ms.j]
1999-06-13 jo f11 (accumulation C)
f12 (wall)
f13 (accumulation C)
f14 (accumulation C)
f15 (fill)
f16 (wall)
f17 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG118ms.j]
1999-06-15 jo f23 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG118ms.j]
1999-06-16 jo f32 (isolated individual brick) [Input: ZG118ms.j]
1999-06-12 jlw i1 (seal impression) [Input: ZG1182ms.j]
1999-06-10 jo q316 (bones, pottery)
q317 (bones, pottery)
q318 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZG1182ms.j]
1999-06-11 jo q319 (bones, pottery)
q320 (pottery)
q321 (pottery)
q322 (bones, pottery)
q323 (bones, pottery)
q324 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZG1182ms.j]
1999-06-12 jo q325 (bones, pottery)
q326 (pottery)
q327 (bones, pottery)
q328 (pottery)
q329 (pottery)
q330 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZG1182ms.j]
1999-06-13 jo q331 (bones, pottery)
q332 (bones, pottery)
q333 (bones, pottery)
q334 (bones, pottery)
q335 (bones, pottery)
q336 (pottery)
q337 (bones, pottery)
q338 (pottery)
q339 (pottery) [Input: ZG1182ms.j]
1999-06-15 jo q345 (bones, pottery)
q346 (pottery) [Input: ZG1182ms.j]
Length of two sides 1999-06-10 jo 350 NS [Input: ZG1183ms.j]
1999-06-10 jo 400 EW [Input: ZG1183ms.j]