A Grammar of the Archaeological Record

2. The Manual

Volume Two. The Manual


Giorgio Buccellati – May 2010

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Compact Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Preface

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Section A. Data Input

Chapter 2 - Overview
Chapter 3 - Folders & files
Chapter 4 - Primary input
Chapter 5 - Secondary input
Chapter 6 - Graphic files
Chapter 7 - Procedures

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Section B. Operations

Chapter 10 - Overview
Chapter 11 - Definitions
Chapter 12 - Standards
Chapter 13 - Forms
Chapter 14 - Procedures
Chapter 15 - Checklists

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Section C. Core Programs

Chapter 20 - Overview
Chapter 21 - Batch files
Chapter 22 - Intra‑unit programs
Chapter 23 - Extra‑unit programs
Chapter 24 - Sitewide programs

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Section D. Auxiliary Programs

Chapter 30 - Overview
Chapter 31 - Utility programs
Chapter 32 - Search programs
Chapter 33 - Commercial programs

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Section E. Data Base

Chapter 40 - Purpose and uses
Chapter 41 - Text data bases
Chapter 42 - Graphic data bases
Chapter 43 - Exogenous data

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Section F. Browser Edition

Chapter 50 - Overview
Chapter 51 - UGR frame
Chapter 52 - Parallel books
Chapter 53 - Discursive synthesis

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- Alphabetical index
- Topical index

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Detailed Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Preface
1.1: Producing the Urkesh Global Record
1.2: The data
1.3: The programs
1.4: Data entry as publication
1.5: Typographical conventions

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Chapter 2: Overview
2.1: The Mozan LAN system
2.2: Representation of subviews
2.3: The three types of input
2.4: Protocols and procedures
2.5: "Dirty tree" (Hubble) and "clean tree" (Socrates)
Chapter 3: Folders and files
3.1: Input folders
3.2: Input files
3.3: Definition files
     3.3.1: -BOOK.DEF
     3.3.2: V-FILES.TXT and W-FILES.TXT
     3.3.3: -VWX.DEF
3.4: Blind index files
     3.4.1: File placed by JD1-J program in root folder
     3.4.2: File placed by JD1-J program in SUMMARY
     3.4.3: Files placed by JD2-E program in root folder
     3.4.4: Files placed by JD2-E program in I\E
     3.4.5: Files placed by JD2-E program in O
     3.4.6: Files placed by JD3-O program in D\X\LABELS
     3.4.7: Files placed by JD3-O program in O
     3.4.8: Files placed by JD4-X program in O\X
     3.4.9: File placed by the RD and PTD programs in root folder
3.5: Common files

Chapter 4: Primary input
4.1: Input folders
4.2: Constituents, rosters and lexica
4.3: Forms
4.4: Universal format constraints
     4.4.1: Special hyperlink
     4.4.2: Bypassing creation of constituent hyperlink
4.5: HTML codes
4.6: Journal
     4.6.1: Diary, logs and lists
     4.6.2: Filenames
     4.6.3: Universal rules
     4.6.4: Date and initials
     4.6.5: File headers (with a dot in first position)
     4.6.6: .J files
     4.6.7: .R files
     4.6.8: .G files
     4.6.9: .M files
4.7: Diary
     4.7.1: Record headers
     4.7.2: Field within record (with double or multiple alphanumeric code in first position)
     4.7.3: Fixed formats
4.8: Logs
     4.8.1: Aggregates
     4.8.2: Features
     4.8.3: Items
     4.8.4: Loci
     4.8.5: Q-lots
     4.8.6: Q-items
     4.8.7: Relays
     4.8.8: Strata assignment and definition
     4.8.9: Views and drawings
4.9: Lists
     4.9.1: List 1
     4.9.2: List 2
4.10: Texts
4.11: Exogenous files
4.12: Sample J-files
     4.12.1: Templates

Chapter 5: Secondary input
5.1: Introduction
5.2: D folders within V/W folders
5.3: FILELIST folder within W or W\LoRes
5.4: 2JPG
5.5: Processing directories
     5.5.1: Multiple input within I\J folder
     5.5.2: Plots
     5.5.3: Templates
5.6: Strata assignment to elements other than features
5.7: Strata assignment to aggregates and element assignment to aggregates (and viceversa)
5.8: Directories of photographs and drawings
5.9: Directories of plots and templates
     5.10.1: Plots
     5.10.2: Templates
5.10: Typology of pottery (body and shape sherds)

Chapter 6: Graphic files
6.1: Principles
6.2: Manual input
     6.2.1: Direct drawing
     6.2.2: Modification of graphic files
     6.2.3: Quality alterations
     6.2.4: Elaborations
6.3: Digital photography
6.4: Templates
     6.4.1: Low resolution image as background layer
     6.4.2: File names
     6.4.3: Formats
     6.4.4: Graphic conventions: constituents
     6.4.5: Graphic conventions: subviews
     6.4.6: Footnotes
     6.4.7: Triple filing
6.5: Scanned drawings
6.6: Plots
6.7: Extra-canonical
     6.7.1: Plates
     6.7.2: Harris Matrices

Chapter 7: Data Input: Procedures
7.1: Procedures for processing photo files
     7.1.1: Download
     7.1.2: Selection
     7.1.3: Cropping
     7.1.4: V Folder
     7.1.5: LoRes/TN
     7.1.6: VWX Program
     7.1.7: Import
7.2: How To: U Photography
7.3: Checklist for unit directors
7.4: Data entry sequence
7.5: The "deep freeze" storage
7.6: Scan Procedures for slides

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Chapter 10: Overview
10.1: Introduction to operations

Chapter 11: Definitions

Chapter 12: Standards

Chapter 13: Forms
13.1: Unit books
13.2: Typological analysis
13.3: Storage

Chapter 14: Operations: Procedures
14.1: House and field life
14.2: Fieldwork
14.3: Computers
14.4: Conservation
14.5: Photography
14.6: Checklists
14.7: Miscellanea

Chapter 15: Checklists

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Chapter 20: Core Programs: An Overview
20.1: Background
20.2: The core programs: The JD suite
20.3: Other intra-unit programs
20.4: The extra-unit programs
20.5: Synopsis
     20.5.1: Synopsis OLD for reference
20.6: Flowchart

Chapter 21: Batch files
21.1: Introduction
21.2: File Lists
     21.2.1: FILELIST
     21.2.2: ALLFILES
21.3: Rename-J
21.4: Startup Files
     21.4.1: JD J1
     21.4.2: JD
     21.4.3: JX
     21.4.4: S
     21.4.5: A
     21.4.6: B
     21.4.7: P
     21.4.8: T
     21.4.9: VWX
     21.4.10: X
21.5: Resizing Graphic Files
     21.5.1: A1-LoRes.BAT
     21.5.2: A1-TN.BAT

Chapter 22: Intra-unit programs
22.1: Introduction
22.2: JD suite
     22.2.1: Directory organization
     22.2.2: JD1-J: processes .J files (white on red)
     22.2.3: JD2-E: processes the .E file (blue on black)
     22.2.4: JD3-O: processes the .O files (yellow on black)
     22.2.5: JD4-X: produces the indices (blue on grey)
     22.2.6: JD5-V: produces frequencies for ceramic vessels
     22.2.7: JD8-Y: starts indices, frequencies, spreadsheets, data bases
     22.2.8: JD9-Z: displays the final summary (yellow on turquoise)
22.3: R: produces .J and .X files from .R (black on green)
22.4: G: processes .G files to produce script files for AutoCAD
22.5: PT: produces .J files from G\P and G\T
     22.5.1: Input
     22.5.2: Operations
     22.5.3: Output
22.6: B: produces the data base output (yellow on blue)
22.7: S: produces a .J file to attribute strata to elements other than features (yellow on red)
22.8: A: produces a .J file to attribute strata/phases to aggregates and aggregates to elements (red on grey)
22.9: OSPR: treats special rosters starting from .O
22.10: OSPRZ: treats special rosters for Z99
22.11: D: depositional synopsis
22.12: X: indices within element folders

Chapter 23: Extra-unit programs
23.1: Overview
23.2: TP: typology of pottery
23.3: TZ-KN: produces Excel file from KNOCOD
23.4: VWX: produces indices from V and W books and input .J files for unit books (white on black)
23.5: VWH: produces HTML for photos and drawings
23.6: M: produces Y01\O\.O files in Y01\O\M
23.7: MOD: produces Y01\D\.HTM files from O\M
23.8: CerPhaS: produces .HTM files from O

Chapter 24: Sitewide programs
24.1: Overview
24.2: MZX: produces sitewide indices
24.3: XVW: sitewide indices of photos and drawings
24.4: ZT: from .O to Museum book

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Chapter 30: Auxiliary Programs: An Overview
30.1: Background
30.2: The backbone programs
30.3: Auxiliary programs
30.4: Utility programs
30.5: Synopsis
30.6: Flowchart

Chapter 31: Utility programs
31.1: UFL: splits files within files by file label
31.2: UINS: inserts data in blank fields of TP files
     31.2.1: Input
     31.2.2: Operations
     31.2.3: Output
31.3: UOJ: creates J-files from O output
31.4: UJXCL: creates EXCEL file from .J files
31.5: URPL: replaces one string for another within a given folder
31.6: UTPD: checks Exel TP files for duplicate sherd numbers
31.7: UTPF: fills in number 70 for cp if blank

Chapter 32: Search programs
32.1: X: produces indices from .O
     32.1.1: Input
     32.1.2: Operations
     32.1.3: Output
32.2: QUICKx: produces indices from .O files
     32.2.1: [MISSING TITLE; ZGz05 mDP]

Chapter 33: Adaptation to commercial programs
33.1: Background
33.2: AutoCAD
33.3: Excel
33.4: Access
33.5: Statistical packages

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Chapter 40: Purpose and uses
40.1: Introduction
     40.1.1: View

Chapter 41: Text data bases
41.1: Introduction
41.2: O files
     41.2.1: View
     41.2.2: Z.. – special rosters

Chapter 42: Graphic data bases
42.1: Introduction
     42.1.1: View

Chapter 43: Exogenous data
43.1: Introduction
     43.1.1: View
43.2: Photography
43.3: Drawings
43.4: Makers
43.5: Mozan sitewide

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Chapter 50: Browser Edition: An Overview
50.1: Folders needed
     50.1.1: View

Chapter 51: UGR frame
51.1 Required folders

Chapter 52: Parallel books
52.1: Introduction
     53: 2.1.1: View

Chapter 53: Discursive synthesis
53.1: Concept
53.2: Format
53.3: The overview files
53.4: The stratigraphy files
53.5: The typology files
53.6: The integrative files

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- Alphabetical index
- Topical index