Unit Book A10

The Kitchen Area of the Service Quarter AK - (Version 1a)

Synoptic table
Objects (excluding ceramics) and samples
typologically by definition

Processed on 2025-02-18
Category Total Definitions Sub-Total
clay artifact 125 clay artifact 44
clay lump 4
figurine 34
jar shoulder 2
pot 16
seal impression 15
strainer 1
wheel 9
lithic artifact 35 bead 17
blade 7
cylinder seal 1
li 2
lithic artifact 8
metal artifact 23 arrowhead 1
jewelry item 7
metal artifact 14
pin 1
organic 13 bone artifact 4
human body 9
other 1 weapon 1
Total 197

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Clay artifact

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Clay artifact

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i67 clay artifact - k5 f94 - - - -
i96 clay artifact - k5 f139 - - - -
i100 clay artifact - k5 f131 - - - -
i101 clay artifact - k5 f131 - - - -
i102 clay artifact - k5 f131 - - - -
q1.2 clay artifact - k7 f3 - - - -
q1.4 clay artifact - k3 f2 - - - -
q1.5 clay artifact - k4 f3.7 - - - -
q2.3 clay artifact - k3 f2 - - - -
q2.4 clay artifact - k6 f2.5 - - - -
q8.1 clay artifact - k7 f5 - - - -
q13.1 clay artifact - k4 f4 - - - -
q34.1 clay artifact - - f40 - - - -
q36.1 clay artifact - k4 f3.5 - - - -
q62.1 clay artifact - - f58 - - - -
q66.1 clay artifact - - f61 - - - -
q70.4 clay artifact - - f66 - - - -
q72.1 clay artifact - f62 - - - -
q81.1 clay artifact - - f61 - - - -
q84.1 clay artifact - - f61 - - - -
q113.1 clay artifact - - f56 - - - -
q115.1 clay artifact - - f81 - - - -
q169.3 clay artifact - - f94 - - - -
q173.1 clay artifact - - f62 - - - -
q174.1 clay artifact - - f67 - - - -
q177.1 clay artifact - - f99 - - red crumbly secondarily fired -
q188.1 clay artifact - - f102 - - - -
q189.2 clay artifact - - f100 - - - -
q194.1 clay artifact - - f103 - - - -
q197.1 clay artifact - - f35 - - - -
q200.1 clay artifact - - f115 - - - -
q201.1 clay artifact - - f1 - - - -
q218.1 clay artifact - - f66 - - - -
q218.2 clay artifact - - f66 - - - Storage: zs10-6
q224.1 clay artifact - - f66 - - - -
q232.1 clay artifact - - f123 - - - Storage: ZS10-47
q247.1 clay artifact - - f94 - - - -
q247.2 clay artifact - - f94 - - gray -
q254.1 clay artifact - - f129 - - - -
q260.1 clay artifact - - f133 - - - -
q269.1 clay artifact - - f135 - - - -
q281.1 clay artifact - - f131 - - - -
q284.1 clay artifact - - f139 - - - -
q290.1 clay artifact - - f131 - - - -

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Clay lump

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q2.1 clay lump k3 f1.4 - - - -
q2.2 clay lump - k2 f2 - - - -
q2.5 clay lump - k4 f3 - - - -
q110.3 clay lump - - f59 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i1 figurine - k5 f5 - - - -
i9 figurine - k4 f44 - - - -
i15 figurine - k5 f27 - - - -
i18 figurine - k2 f50 - - - -
i20 figurine - k7 f69 - - - -
i22 figurine - k5 f59 - - - -
i45 figurine - k2 f1 - - - -
i47 figurine - k5 f83 - - - -
i60 figurine k8 f116 - - - -
i62 figurine - k8 f122 - - - -
i71 figurine - k8 f129 - - - -
i88 figurine - k9 f135 - - - -
i89 figurine - k5 f138 - - - -
q1.1 figurine k4 f2.7 - - - -
q5.1 figurine - k6 f4 - - - -
q49.1 figurine - - f2 - - - -
q50.1 figurine - k1.5 f2.2 - - - -
q70.2 figurine - - f66 - - - -
q89.1 figurine - - f37 - - - -
q114.1 figurine - - f77 - - - -
q120.1 figurine - - f81 - - - -
q146.2 figurine - - f67 - - - -
q146.3 figurine - - f67 - - - -
q146.5 figurine - - f67 - - - -
q146.6 figurine - f67 - - - -
q148.1 figurine - - f55 - - - -
q211.1 figurine - - f66 - - - -
q261.2 figurine - - f129 - - - -
q284.4 figurine - - f139 - - - -
q293.1 figurine - - f102 - - - -
q293.2 figurine - - f102 - - - -
q295.1 figurine - - f102 - - - -
q295.2 figurine - - f102 - - - -
q296.1 figurine - - f102 - - - -

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Jar shoulder

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q39.1 jar shoulder - f27 - - - -
q62.2 jar shoulder - f58 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i51 pot k9 f106 - - - -
i64 pot k9 f109 - - - -
i65 pot k9 f109 - - - -
i68 pot k9 f109 - - - -
i83 pot k9 f133 - - - -
i85 pot k9 f133 - - - -
i90 pot k5 f134 - - - -
i91 pot k9 f135 - - - -
i92 pot k9 f135 - - - -
i104 pot k9 f102 - - - -
i107 pot - k9 f102 - - - -
i108 pot - k9 f102 - - - -
i110 pot - k9 f102 - - - -
q146.4 pot - - f67 - - - -
q228.1 pot - - f123 - - - -
q253.1 pot - - f17 - - - -

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Seal impression

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i14 seal impression - k4 f44 - - gray with some inclusions, secondarily fired -
i17 seal impression k5 f27 - - Type 4 -
i57 seal impression - k4 f107 - - - -
i73 seal impression k5 f94 - - red crumbly, secondarily fired -
i74 seal impression - k5 f94 - - Type 1 -
i82 seal impression k5 f131 - - red crumbly, secondarily fired -
i86 seal impression - k5 f131 - - - -
i87 seal impression - k5 f131 - - - -
i111 seal impression k9 f102 - - Type 4 -
q70.1 seal impression - - f66 - - Type 4 -
q180.1 seal impression - - f94 - - Type 3 -
q196.1 seal impression - - f107 - - Type 3 -
q204.1 seal impression - - f115 - - red crumbly -
q204.2 seal impression - - f115 - - Type 2 -
q217.1 seal impression - - f103 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q26.1 strainer - - f7 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i75 wheel - k8 f129 - - - -
i95 wheel - k5 f139 - - - -
q1.6 wheel - f1 - - - -
q113.2 wheel - - f56 - - - -
q244.1 wheel - - f125 - - - -
q250.1 wheel - - f129 - - - -
q284.3 wheel - - f139 - - - -
q288.1 wheel - - f141 - - - -
q289.2 wheel - - f131 - - - -

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Lithic artifact

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i8 bead - k5 f27 - - - -
i11 bead - k5 f27 - - - -
i13 bead - k2 f50 - - - -
q41.1 bead - k3 f2 - - - -
q64.1 bead - - f59 - - - -
q146.7 bead - - f67 - - - -
q189.1 bead - - f100 - - - -
q198.1 bead - - f103 - - cl -
q208.1 bead - - f109 - - - -
q208.2 bead - - f109 - - - -
q213.1 bead - - f1 - - - -
q220.1 bead - - f58 - - - -
q229.1 bead - - f94 - - - -
q259.1 bead - - f131 - - - -
q265.1 bead - - f134 - - - -
q270.1 bead - - f131 - - - -
q290.2 bead - - f131 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i52 blade - k5 f94 - - - -
i56 blade k1 f68 - - - -
q77.2 blade - f63 - - - -
q147.1 blade - f94 - - - -
q214.1 blade - - f109 - - - -
q218.3 blade - f66 - - - -
q219.1 blade - f122 - - - -

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Cylinder seal

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q249.1 cylinder seal - f126 - - gray stone -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q237.1 li - f126 - - obsidian -
q238.1 li - f94 - - obsidian -

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Lithic artifact

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i38 lithic artifact - k5 f56 - - - -
q124.1 lithic artifact - - f77 - - - -
q126.1 lithic artifact - f84 - - - -
q169.1 lithic artifact - - f94 - - - -
q207.1 lithic artifact - - f116 - - - -
q207.2 lithic artifact - - f116 - - - -
q226.1 lithic artifact - f109 - - - -
q255.1 lithic artifact - - f126 - - - -

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Metal artifact

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i5 arrowhead k1 f23 - - - -

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Jewelry item

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i31 jewelry item - k5 f56 - - - -
i32 jewelry item - k5 f56 - - - -
i35 jewelry item - k5 f56 - - - -
i40 jewelry item - k5 f56 - - - -
i42 jewelry item - k5 f56 - - - -
i44 jewelry item - k5 f56 - - - -
i54 jewelry item k9 f106 - - - -

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Metal artifact

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i24 metal artifact - k5 f56 - - - -
i53 metal artifact k5 f94 - - - -
i58 metal artifact - k11 f103 - - - -
i59 metal artifact k4 f107 - - - -
i66 metal artifact - k5 f94 - - - -
i81 metal artifact k9 f133 - - - -
i93 metal artifact k9 f135 - - - -
i97 metal artifact k5 f135 - - - -
i99 metal artifact - k9 f135 - - - -
i103 metal artifact k5 f131 - - - -
q70.3 metal artifact - - f66 - - - -
q199.1 metal artifact - f110 - - - -
q242.1 metal artifact - - f126 - - Dark Brick Red Ware -
q284.5 metal artifact - - f139 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i16 pin - k5 f27 - - - -

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Bone artifact

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i41 bone artifact - k5 f56 - - - -
i109 bone artifact k5 f131 - - - -
q77.1 bone artifact - - f63 - - - -
q123.1 bone artifact - - f83 - - - -

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Human body

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i39 human body - k5 f56 - - - -
i49 human body - k5 f94 - - - -
i50 human body - k11 f103 - - - -
i55 human body - k9 f106 - - - -
i63 human body - k8 f124 - - - -
i69 human body - k9 f109 - - - -
i77 human body - k9 f133 - - - -
i78 human body - k9 f133 - - - -
i98 human body - k9 f135 - - - -

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Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i33 weapon - k5 f56 - - - -