Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace (Version 2)


Processed on 2025-02-26



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2015-05-20 cJC 5h-AAH [Input: ZA520CJC.j]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Features included within stratum 2006-08-24 !! i53 (^ seal)
i70 (uncertain)
i80 (zoomorphic vessel)
i87 (^ clay lump)
q633.1 (^ rim: simple with horseshoe handle)
q633.2 (debitage)
q633.3 (debitage)
q633.4 (tool)
q659.1 (debitage)
q665.1 (^ figurine)
q665.2 (^wd)
q665.3 (human body)
q678.1 (bead (clay))
q678.4 (^ figurine)
q681.1 (uncertain)
q681.2 (bead)
q686.1 (^ wheel)
q686.2 (^ sample)
q697.1 (^ clay lump)
q697.2 (^ seal impression)
q633-p1 (cup)
q633-p2 (jar)
q633-p3 (jar)
q633-p4 (bowl)
q633-p5 (base: flat)
q633-p6 (rim: interior groove or ledge)
q633-p7 (cup)
q633-p8 (other shape sherd)
q633-p9 (other shape sherd)
q633-p10 (other shape sherd)
q654-p1 (jar)
q654-p2 (bowl)
q654-p3 (rim: collared-incised)
q654-p4 (tablet)
q654-p5 (base: ring)
q654-p6 (rim: rounded)
q654-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex)
q654-p70 (body sherd)
q654-p71 (body sherd)
q654-p72 (body sherd)
q654-p73 (body sherd)
q654-p74 (body sherd)
q654-p75 (body sherd)
q654-p76 (body sherd)
q659-p1 (jar)
q659-p2 (jar)
q659-p3 (jar)
q659-p4 (jar)
q659-p5 (rim: interior groove or ledge)
q659-p6 (rim: rounded)
q659-p7 (rim: rounded)
q659-p8 (base: disk base, slightly concave)
q659-p9 (rim: rounded)
q659-p10 (base: flat, slightly convex)
q659-p11 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center)
q659-p70 (body sherd)
q659-p71 (body sherd)
q659-p72 (body sherd)
q659-p73 (body sherd)
q659-p74 (body sherd)
q659-p75 (body sherd)
q659-p76 (body sherd)
q659-p77 (body sherd)
q660-p1 (rim: rounded)
q660-p2 (bowl)
q660-p3 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed))
q660-p4 (base: flat)
q660-p5 (bowl)
q660-p6 (cup)
q660-p7 (other shape sherd)
q660-p8 (other shape sherd)
q660-p9 (other shape sherd)
q660-p10 (other shape sherd)
q660-p11 (other shape sherd)
q660-p12 (other shape sherd)
q660-p13 (other shape sherd)
q678-p1 (jar)
q678-p2 (rim: rounded)
q678-p3 (bowl)
q678-p4 (jar)
q678-p5 (bowl)
q678-p6 (rim: rounded)
q678-p7 (jar)
q678-p8 (jar)
q678-p9 (rim: rounded)
q678-p10 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center)
q678-p11 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center)
q678-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center)
q678-p70 (body sherd)
q678-p71 (body sherd)
q678-p72 (body sherd)
q678-p73 (body sherd)
q678-p74 (body sherd)
q678-p75 (body sherd)
q686-p1 (cup)
q686-p2 (cup)
q686-p3 (jar)
q686-p4 (jar)
q686-p5 (bowl)
q686-p70 (body sherd)
q686-p71 (body sherd)
q686-p72 (body sherd)
q686-p73 (body sherd)
q686-p74 (body sherd)
q697-p1 (cup)
q697-p2 (root)
q697-p3 (bowl)
q697-p4 (rim: rounded)
q697-p5 (bowl)
q697-p6 (jar)
q697-p7 (plate)
q697-p8 (jar)
q697-p9 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center)
q697-p10 (base: disk base, slightly concave)
q697-p11 (base: disk base, slightly concave)
q697-p12 (tablet)
q697-p70 (body sherd)
q697-p71 (body sherd)
q697-p72 (body sherd)
q697-p73 (body sherd)
q697-p74 (body sherd)
q697-p75 (body sherd)
q697-p76 (body sherd) [Input: S-CUMUL.j]
2015-05-20 cJC f207 (^ pavement)
f208 (^ accumulation)
f210 (^ accumulation)
f226 (^ fill)
f231 (^ accumulation)
f237 (fill)
f248 (isolated stone) [Input: ZA520CJC.j]