2006-08-24 |
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i62 (bowl) i63 (jar) i68 (jar) i69 (bowl) i71 (jar) i72 (jewellery) i73 (jewelry) i74 (jewelry) i75 (seal impression) i76 (^ pin) i77 (bowl) i78 (human body) i79 (animal bones) i85 (^ sample) i86 (^ sample) i88 (uncertain) i89 (seal impression) i90 (^ seal impression) i91 (^ seal impression) i92 (^ seal impression) i93 (tool) i94 (tool) i95 (^ clay lump) i96 (^ human body) i97 (jar) i98 (jar) i99 (^ seal impression) i100 (^ seal impression) i101 (pin) i102 (^ figurine) i103 (earring) i105 (unknown) i106 (uncertain) i107 (pin) i108 (^ seal impression) i109 (^ seal impression) i110 (uncertain) i111 (uncertain) i112 (^ seal impression) i113 (^ seal impression) i114 (jar) i115 (jar) i116 (figurine) i117 (^ seal impression) i118 (^ seal impression) i119 (^ seal impression) i120 (needle or pin) i121 (^ bead) i123 (^ human body) i124 (^ jewelry item) i127 (unknown) i130 (bowl) i131 (^ seal impression) i134 (^ jewelry item) i148 (^ sample) i156 (^ human body) i157 (unknown) i158 (^ pin) i159 (^ pin) i160 (unknown) i161 (jar) i162 (grinding stone) i163 (animal bone) i164 (stand) i167 (seal impression) i168 (cup) i169 (^ lithic artifact) i170 (^ seal impression) i172 (^ seal impression) i173 (pin) i174 (^ seal impression) i175 (^ human body) q641.1 (figurine) q641.2 (strainer) q643.1 (^ figurine) q643.3 (^ figurine) q643.4 (lithic specimen) q645.1 (^ wheel) q651.1 (^ seal impression) q652.1 (^ clay lump) q652.2 (^ jewelry item) q655.1 (sherd) q700.1 (^ clay lump) q701.1 (debitage) q703.1 (human body) q704.1 (^ figurine) q704.2 (unknown) q704.3 (^ clay artifact) q704.4 (uncertain) q706.1 (^ lithic artifact) q708.1 (^ clay lump) q714.1 (uncertain) q715.1 (human body) q717.1 (^ seal impression) q721.1 (^ seal impression) q721.2 (uncertain) q724.1 (^ clay lump) q728.1 (^ clay lump) q728.2 (debitage) q728.3 (grinding stone) q729.1 (^ clay lump) q741.1 (^ figurine) q742.1 (^ figurine) q744.1 (^ clay lump) q746.1 (^ seal impression) q746.2 (shell artifact) q747.1 (^ blade) q749.1 (^ clay artifact) q749.2 (^ clay lump) q749.3 (^ clay lump) q752.1 (bowl) q756.1 (debitage) q756.2 (debitage) q756.3 (human body) q757.1 (uncertain) q759.1 (bowl) q761.1 (unknown) q761.2 (door socket) q761.3 (pin) q763.1 (^ seal impression) q763.2 (^ seal impression) q763.3 (blade) q763.99 (^ clay lump) q765.1 (^ clay lump) q765.2 (debitage) q765.3 (debitage) q765.4 (^ figurine) q765.5 (debitage) q765.99 (blade) q766.1 (unknown) q766.1.1 (^ seal impression) q766.1.2 (^ sealing) q766.1.3 (^ sealing) q766.1.4 (^ seal impression) q766.1.5 (^ sealing) q766.2 (debitage) q766.6 (^ lithic artifact) q766.7 (^ sample) q767.1 (^ figurine) q768.1 (sling ball) q768.2 (^ seal impression) q768.3 (^ clay lump) q771.1 (^ clay lump) q771.2 (^ clay lump) q771.3 (debitage) q771.4 (debitage) q771.5 (uncertain) q771.5.1 (sealing) q771.5.2 (sealing) q771.5.3 (sealing) q771.5.4 (sealing) q771.5.5 (sealing) q771.5.6 (sealing) q771.6 (^ figurine) q771.99 (debitage) q772.1 (^ clay lump) q772.2 (^ clay lump) q772.3 (blade) q773.1 (debitage) q773.2 (bead (clay)) q773.3 (blade) q775.1 (blade) q775.2 (^ clay lump) q776.1 (uncertain) q776.2 (blade) q776.5 (debitage) q776.99 (blade) q777.1 (debitage) q777.2 (unknown) q780.1 (^ clay lump) q780.2 (^ lithic artifact) q780.2.1 (debitage) q780.2.2 (blade) q780.2.3 (debitage) q782.1 (^ clay lump) q783.1 (^ clay lump) q783.2 (tool) q783.3 (^ figurine) q783.4 (bead (clay)) q785.1 (sample) q788.1 (sealing impression) q788.2 (^ clay lump) q788.3 (^ figurine) q795.1 (^ figurine) q798.1 (^ unknown) q798.2 (^ sample) q798.3 (^ sample) q798.98 (lithic artifact) q799.1 (blade) q802.1 (^ wheel) q802.2 (uncertain) q803.1 (debitage) q805.1 (^ figurine) q805.2 (^ figurine) q808.1 (blade) q808.2 (unknown) q808.99 (^ lithic artifact) q811.1 (flake) q812.1 (lithic specimen) q819.1 (uncertain) q819.2 (debitage) q843.1 (uncertain) q849.1 (^ figurine) q864.1 (slag) q864.2 (debitage) q864.3 (debitage) q864.4 (unknown) q864.5 (pin) q864.6 (^ seal impression) q864.7 (unknown) q864.8 (figurine) q864.9 (^ blade) q864.10 (^ bowl) q871.1 (^ wheel) q871.2 (uncertain) q871.3 (^ clay lump) q871.3.1 (clay lump) q871.3.2 (^ sealing) q871.3.3 (^ sealing) q871.3.4 (clay lump) q871.4 (^ clay lump) q871.5 (unknown) q871.6 (grinding stone) q871.7 (clay strainer) q880.1 (jar) q881.1 (^ sealing) q885.1 (^ sealing) q885.2 (^ sealing) q885.5 (lithic specimen) q885.99 (lithic specimen) q886.1 (jar) q886.2 (^ figurine) q886.3 (unknown) q886.4 (^ wheel) q897.1 (^ seal impression) q897.2 (^ clay lump) q897.3 (debitage) q897.4 (^ clay lump) q897.5 (stopper) q897.99 (jar) q899.1 (^ clay lump) q899.2 (^ jar) q900.1 (^ figurine) q900.2 (uncertain) q641 q643 q645 q651 q652 q655 q656 q657 q658 q661 q663 q664 q700 q701 q702 q703 q704 q705 q706 q708 q709 q712 q713 q714 q715 q717 q718 q719 q720 q721 q724 q725 q728 q729 q731 q736 q737 q739 q741 q742 q744 q745 q746 q747 q749 q750 q751 q752 q754 q756 q757 q758 q759 q760 q761 q763 q764 q765 q766 q767 q768 q769 q770 q771 q772 q773 q774 q775 q776 q777 q778 q779 q780 q781 q782 q783 q784 q785 q786 q787 q788 q789 q791 q792 q793 q794 q795 q798 q799 q802 q803 q805 q806 q807 q808 q811 q812 q819 q843 q849 q864 q866 q869 q871 q877 q880 q881 q883 q885 q886 q888 q889 q890 q897 q899 q900 q901 q903 q904 q906 q641-p1 (bowl) q641-p2 (jar) q641-p3 (cup) q641-p4 (cup) q641-p5 (cup) q641-p6 (jar) q641-p7 (other shape sherd) q641-p8 (jar) q641-p70 (body sherd) q641-p71 (body sherd) q641-p72 (body sherd) q641-p73 (body sherd) q641-p74 (body sherd) q641-p75 (body sherd) q641-p76 (body sherd) q641-p77 (body sherd) q641-p78 (body sherd) q641-p79 (body sherd) q641-p80 (body sherd) q641-p81 (body sherd) q641-p82 (body sherd) q643-p1 (base: flat, slightly convex) q643-p2 (jar) q643-p3 (base: flat) q643-p4 (base: flat) q643-p5 (jar) q643-p6 (jar) q643-p7 (jar) q643-p8 (bowl) q643-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q643-p10 (cup) q643-p11 (cup) q643-p12 (bowl) q643-p13 (jar) q643-p14 (other shape sherd) q643-p15 (jar) q643-p16 (cup) q643-p17 (jar) q643-p18 (jar) q643-p19 (jar) q643-p20 (bowl) q643-p21 (base: rounded) q643-p22 (bowl) q643-p23 (jar) q643-p24 (cup) q643-p25 (jar) q643-p26 (other shape sherd) q643-p27 (jar) q643-p28 (cup) q643-p29 (bowl) q643-p30 (base: flat) q643-p31 (base: flat, slightly convex) q643-p32 (base: rounded) q643-p33 (base: holed in center of base) q643-p34 (base: rounded) q643-p35 (base: holed in center of base) q643-p36 (other shape sherd) q643-p37 (jar) q643-p38 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q643-p39 (base: flat) q643-p40 (other shape sherd) q643-p41 (bowl) q643-p42 (pot) q643-p43 (bowl) q643-p44 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q643-p45 (base: flat) q643-p46 (bowl) q643-p47 (bowl) q643-p48 (rim: collared-grooved) q643-p49 (rim: collared-grooved) q643-p50 (strainer) q643-p52 (cup) q643-p53 (bowl) q643-p54 (base: rounded) q643-p55 (cup) q643-p56 (bowl) q643-p57 (strainer) q643-p58 (base: flat) q643-p59 (base: rounded) q643-p60 (base: rounded) q643-p61 (base: flat, slightly convex) q643-p62 (strainer) q643-p63 (strainer) q643-p64 (base: flat, slightly convex) q643-p65 (base: holed in center of base) q643-p66 (jar) q643-p67 (base: flat, slightly convex) q643-p68 (base: flat) q645-p70 (body sherd) q645-p71 (body sherd) q645-p72 (body sherd) q645-p73 (body sherd) q651-p1 (cup) q651-p2 (bowl) q651-p3 (rim: notched) q651-p4 (cup) q651-p5 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q651-p6 (jar) q651-p70 (body sherd) q651-p71 (body sherd) q651-p72 (body sherd) q651-p73 (body sherd) q651-p74 (body sherd) q651-p75 (body sherd) q651-p76 (strainer) q651-p77 (body sherd) q652-p70 (body sherd) q652-p71 (body sherd) q652-p72 (body sherd) q652-p73 (body sherd) q661-p1 (jar) q661-p2 (other shape sherd) q661-p3 (bowl) q661-p4 (other shape sherd) q661-p5 (strainer) q661-p6 (bowl) q661-p7 (cup) q661-p8 (bowl) q661-p9 (bowl) q661-p10 (rim: rounded) q661-p11 (bowl) q661-p12 (other shape sherd) q661-p13 (other shape sherd) q661-p14 (jar) q661-p15 (bowl) q661-p16 (jar) q661-p17 (cup) q661-p18 (jar) q661-p19 (cup) q663-p1 (base: flat) q663-p2 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q663-p3 (rim: flat) q663-p4 (bowl) q663-p5 (bowl) q663-p6 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q663-p7 (bowl) q663-p8 (base: rounded) q663-p9 (cup) q663-p10 (base: flat) q663-p11 (other shape sherd) q663-p12 (bowl) q663-p13 (rim: flat) q663-p14 (other shape sherd) q663-p15 (bowl) q663-p16 (cup) q663-p17 (cup) q663-p18 (other shape sherd) q663-p19 (other shape sherd) q663-p20 (other shape sherd) q663-p21 (other shape sherd) q663-p22 (other shape sherd) q663-p23 (other shape sherd) q663-p24 (other shape sherd) q663-p25 (other shape sherd) q663-p26 (other shape sherd) q663-p27 (other shape sherd) q663-p28 (other shape sherd) q663-p29 (other shape sherd) q663-p30 (other shape sherd) q663-p31 (other shape sherd) q663-p32 (other shape sherd) q663-p33 (other shape sherd) q663-p34 (other shape sherd) q663-p35 (other shape sherd) q663-p36 (other shape sherd) q663-p37 (other shape sherd) q663-p38 (other shape sherd) q663-p39 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q663-p70 (body sherd) q663-p71 (body sherd) q700-p1 (strainer) q700-p2 (cup) q700-p3 (bowl) q700-p4 (cup) q700-p5 (cup) q700-p6 (bowl) q700-p7 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q700-p8 (rim: flat) q700-p9 (rim: square) q700-p10 (cup) q700-p11 (rim: rounded) q700-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q700-p13 (base: flat, slightly convex) q700-p70 (body sherd) q700-p71 (body sherd) q700-p72 (body sherd) q700-p73 (body sherd) q700-p74 (body sherd) q700-p75 (body sherd) q700-p76 (body sherd) q700-p77 (body sherd) q701-p1 (bowl) q701-p2 (bowl) q701-p3 (bowl) q701-p4 (bowl) q701-p5 (cup) q701-p6 (bowl) q701-p7 (bowl) q701-p8 (cup) q701-p9 (cup) q701-p10 (rim: rounded) q701-p11 (bowl) q701-p12 (cup) q701-p13 (rim: flat) q701-p14 (jar) q701-p15 (rim: rounded) q701-p16 (rim: rounded) q701-p17 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q701-p18 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q701-p19 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q701-p20 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q701-p21 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q701-p22 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q701-p23 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q701-p24 (other shape sherd) q701-p70 (body sherd) q701-p71 (body sherd) q701-p72 (body sherd) q701-p73 (body sherd) q701-p74 (body sherd) q701-p75 (body sherd) q701-p76 (body sherd) q701-p77 (body sherd) q701-p78 (body sherd) q702-p1 (rim: rounded) q702-p2 (jar) q702-p3 (jar) q702-p4 (base: flat, slightly convex) q702-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q702-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q702-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q702-p8 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q702-p9 (base: flat) q702-p10 (other shape sherd) q702-p70 (body sherd) q702-p71 (body sherd) q702-p72 (body sherd) q702-p73 (body sherd) q702-p74 (body sherd) q702-p75 (body sherd) q702-p76 (body sherd) q702-p77 (body sherd) q702-p78 (body sherd) q703-p1 (cup) q703-p2 (cup) q703-p3 (bowl) q703-p4 (bowl) q703-p5 (bowl) q703-p6 (jar) q703-p7 (jar) q703-p8 (rim: square) q703-p9 (jar) q703-p10 (base: pointed) q703-p11 (base: flat) q703-p12 (other shape sherd) q703-p70 (body sherd) q703-p71 (body sherd) q703-p72 (body sherd) q703-p73 (body sherd) q703-p74 (body sherd) q703-p75 (body sherd) q703-p76 (body sherd) q703-p77 (body sherd) q703-p78 (body sherd) q703-p79 (body sherd) q704-p1 (cup) q704-p2 (rim: notched) q704-p3 (bowl) q704-p4 (bowl) q704-p5 (bowl) q704-p6 (cup) q704-p7 (bowl) q704-p8 (rim: notched) q704-p9 (bowl) q704-p10 (jar) q704-p11 (jar) q704-p12 (jar) q704-p13 (base: flat, slightly convex) q704-p14 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q704-p15 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q704-p70 (body sherd) q704-p71 (body sherd) q704-p72 (body sherd) q704-p73 (body sherd) q704-p74 (body sherd) q704-p75 (body sherd) q704-p76 (body sherd) q704-p77 (body sherd) q704-p78 (body sherd) q704-p79 (body sherd) q705-p1 (strainer) q705-p2 (rim: flat) q705-p3 (cup) q705-p4 (rim: rounded) q705-p5 (cup) q705-p6 (bowl) q705-p7 (rim: square) q705-p8 (rim: square) q705-p9 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q705-p10 (jar) q705-p11 (rim: rounded) q705-p12 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q705-p13 (base: flat) q705-p14 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q705-p15 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q705-p16 (base: flat, slightly convex) q705-p70 (body sherd) q705-p71 (body sherd) q705-p72 (body sherd) q705-p73 (body sherd) q705-p74 (body sherd) q705-p75 (body sherd) q705-p76 (body sherd) q706-p1 (base: flat) q706-p2 (bowl) q706-p3 (bowl) q706-p4 (base: holed in center of base) q706-p5 (bowl) q706-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q706-p7 (base: string cut cup) q706-p70 (body sherd) q706-p71 (body sherd) q706-p72 (body sherd) q706-p73 (body sherd) q706-p74 (body sherd) q706-p75 (body sherd) q706-p76 (body sherd) q706-p77 (body sherd) q708-p1 (bowl) q708-p2 (cup) q708-p3 (jar) q708-p4 (cup) q708-p5 (jar) q708-p6 (cup) q708-p7 (jar) q708-p8 (rim: collared-grooved) q708-p9 (base: rounded) q708-p10 (bowl) q708-p70 (body sherd) q708-p71 (body sherd) q708-p72 (body sherd) q708-p73 (body sherd) q708-p74 (body sherd) q708-p75 (body sherd) q709-p70 (body sherd) q709-p71 (body sherd) q709-p72 (body sherd) q709-p73 (body sherd) q712-p1 (jar) q712-p2 (jar) q712-p70 (body sherd) q712-p71 (body sherd) q712-p72 (body sherd) q713-p1 (bowl) q713-p2 (rim: rounded) q713-p3 (cup) q713-p70 (body sherd) q713-p71 (body sherd) q713-p72 (body sherd) q713-p73 (body sherd) q713-p74 (body sherd) q714-p1 (rim: rounded) q714-p70 (body sherd) q714-p71 (body sherd) q714-p72 (body sherd) q714-p73 (body sherd) q717-p1 (jar) q717-p2 (rim: rounded) q717-p3 (base: ring) q717-p70 (body sherd) q717-p71 (body sherd) q717-p72 (strainer) q718-p1 (cup) q718-p70 (body sherd) q718-p71 (body sherd) q718-p72 (body sherd) q718-p73 (body sherd) q718-p74 (body sherd) q718-p75 (body sherd) q719-p1 (bowl) q719-p2 (bowl) q719-p3 (cup) q719-p4 (bowl) q719-p5 (bowl) q719-p6 (cup) q719-p7 (cup) q719-p8 (base: flat, slightly convex) q719-p9 (base: flat) q719-p10 (base: flat) q719-p11 (base: flat, slightly convex) q719-p12 (bowl) q719-p13 (bowl) q719-p14 (bowl) q719-p15 (cup) q719-p70 (body sherd) q719-p71 (body sherd) q719-p72 (body sherd) q719-p73 (body sherd) q719-p74 (body sherd) q719-p75 (body sherd) q719-p76 (body sherd) q720-p70 (body sherd) q720-p71 (body sherd) q720-p72 (body sherd) q724-p70 (body sherd) q724-p71 (body sherd) q724-p72 (body sherd) q724-p73 (body sherd) q725-p70 (body sherd) q725-p71 (body sherd) q725-p72 (body sherd) q728-p1 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q728-p2 (jar) q728-p3 (base: flat, slightly convex) q728-p4 (jar) q728-p5 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q728-p6 (base: flat) q728-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q728-p70 (body sherd) q728-p71 (body sherd) q728-p72 (body sherd) q728-p73 (body sherd) q728-p74 (body sherd) q728-p75 (body sherd) q731-p1 (bowl) q731-p2 (cup) q731-p3 (bowl) q731-p4 (jar) q731-p5 (bowl) q731-p6 (base: string cut cup) q731-p7 (bowl) q731-p8 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q731-p9 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q731-p10 (cup) q731-p70 (body sherd) q731-p71 (body sherd) q731-p72 (body sherd) q731-p73 (body sherd) q731-p74 (body sherd) q731-p75 (body sherd) q731-p76 (body sherd) q731-p77 (body sherd) q736-p1 (base: flat) q736-p2 (base: flat, slightly convex) q736-p3 (base: flat, slightly convex) q736-p4 (bowl) q736-p5 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q736-p6 (bowl) q736-p7 (bowl) q736-p8 (rim: notched) q736-p9 (cup) q736-p10 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q736-p11 (other shape sherd) q736-p70 (body sherd) q736-p71 (body sherd) q736-p72 (body sherd) q736-p73 (body sherd) q736-p74 (body sherd) q736-p75 (body sherd) q736-p76 (body sherd) q737-p1 (bowl) q737-p2 (jar) q737-p3 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q737-p4 (rim: square) q737-p5 (bowl) q737-p6 (base: ring) q737-p7 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q737-p70 (body sherd) q737-p71 (body sherd) q737-p72 (body sherd) q737-p73 (body sherd) q737-p74 (body sherd) q737-p75 (body sherd) q737-p76 (body sherd) q739-p1 (cup) q739-p2 (rim: rounded) q739-p3 (other shape sherd) q739-p70 (body sherd) q739-p71 (body sherd) q739-p72 (body sherd) q739-p73 (body sherd) q742-p1 (bowl) q742-p2 (bowl) q742-p3 (bowl) q742-p4 (cup) q742-p5 (bowl) q742-p6 (bowl) q742-p7 (cup) q742-p8 (bowl) q742-p9 (cup) q742-p10 (bowl) q742-p11 (strainer) q742-p12 (bowl) q742-p13 (base: ring) q742-p14 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q742-p15 (bowl) q742-p16 (bowl) q742-p17 (rim: rounded) q742-p18 (rim: flat) q742-p19 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q742-p70 (body sherd) q742-p71 (body sherd) q742-p72 (body sherd) q742-p73 (body sherd) q742-p74 (body sherd) q742-p75 (body sherd) q742-p76 (body sherd) q742-p77 (body sherd) q742-p78 (body sherd) q742-p79 (body sherd) q742-p80 (body sherd) q744-p1 (jar) q744-p2 (base: flat) q744-p3 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q744-p4 (jar) q744-p5 (base: flat) q744-p6 (jar) q744-p7 (rim: rounded) q744-p70 (body sherd) q744-p71 (body sherd) q744-p72 (body sherd) q744-p73 (body sherd) q744-p74 (body sherd) q744-p75 (body sherd) q744-p76 (body sherd) q744-p77 (body sherd) q745-p1 (jar) q745-p2 (jar) q745-p3 (worked disk) q745-p70 (body sherd) q745-p71 (body sherd) q745-p72 (body sherd) q745-p73 (body sherd) q745-p74 (body sherd) q745-p75 (body sherd) q745-p76 (body sherd) q746-p1 (cup) q746-p2 (bowl) q746-p3 (bowl) q746-p4 (bowl) q746-p5 (base: pointed) q746-p70 (body sherd) q746-p71 (body sherd) q746-p72 (body sherd) q746-p73 (body sherd) q746-p74 (body sherd) q747-p1 (jar) q747-p2 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q747-p3 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q747-p4 (bowl) q747-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q747-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q747-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q747-p8 (bowl) q747-p9 (jar) q747-p10 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q747-p11 (jar) q747-p12 (cup) q747-p13 (jar) q747-p14 (rim: rounded) q747-p15 (rim: notched) q747-p16 (cup) q747-p17 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q747-p18 (base: flat, slightly convex) q747-p70 (body sherd) q747-p71 (body sherd) q747-p72 (body sherd) q747-p73 (body sherd) q747-p74 (body sherd) q747-p75 (body sherd) q747-p76 (body sherd) q747-p77 (body sherd) q749-p1 (rim: flat) q749-p2 (cup) q749-p3 (cup) q749-p4 (cup) q749-p5 (base: ring) q749-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q749-p70 (body sherd) q749-p71 (body sherd) q749-p72 (body sherd) q749-p73 (body sherd) q749-p74 (body sherd) q749-p75 (body sherd) q749-p76 (body sherd) q749-p77 (body sherd) q750-p1 (jar) q750-p2 (jar) q750-p3 (jar) q750-p4 (bowl) q750-p5 (base: flat) q750-p6 (base: flat) q750-p70 (body sherd) q750-p71 (body sherd) q750-p72 (body sherd) q750-p73 (body sherd) q750-p74 (body sherd) q750-p75 (body sherd) q750-p76 (body sherd) q751-p1 (cup) q751-p2 (bowl) q751-p3 (bowl) q751-p4 (bowl) q751-p5 (bowl) q751-p6 (bowl) q751-p7 (cup) q751-p8 (bowl) q751-p9 (bowl) q751-p10 (bowl) q751-p11 (cup) q751-p12 (bowl) q751-p13 (bowl) q751-p14 (bowl) q751-p15 (jar) q751-p16 (jar) q751-p17 (jar) q751-p18 (bowl) q751-p19 (jar) q751-p70 (body sherd) q751-p71 (body sherd) q751-p72 (body sherd) q751-p73 (body sherd) q751-p74 (body sherd) q751-p75 (strainer) q751-p76 (body sherd) q751-p77 (body sherd) q751-p78 (body sherd) q752-p1 (jar) q752-p2 (cup) q752-p3 (base: rounded) q752-p70 (body sherd) q752-p71 (body sherd) q752-p72 (body sherd) q752-p73 (body sherd) q752-p74 (body sherd) q754-p1 (jar) q754-p2 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q754-p70 (body sherd) q754-p71 (body sherd) q754-p72 (body sherd) q754-p73 (body sherd) q754-p74 (body sherd) q756-p1 (base: rounded) q756-p2 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q756-p3 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q756-p4 (base: flat, slightly convex) q756-p5 (bowl) q756-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q756-p7 (bowl) q756-p8 (bowl) q756-p9 (bowl) q756-p10 (bowl) q756-p11 (bowl) q756-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q756-p13 (jar) q756-p14 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q756-p15 (jar) q756-p70 (body sherd) q756-p71 (body sherd) q756-p72 (body sherd) q756-p73 (body sherd) q756-p74 (body sherd) q756-p75 (body sherd) q756-p76 (body sherd) q756-p77 (body sherd) q756-p78 (body sherd) q756-p79 (body sherd) q756-p80 (body sherd) q756-p81 (body sherd) q757-p1 (cup) q757-p2 (bowl) q757-p3 (strainer) q757-p4 (bowl) q757-p5 (bowl) q757-p6 (cup) q757-p7 (rim: notched) q757-p8 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q757-p9 (other shape sherd) q757-p10 (bowl) q757-p11 (bowl) q757-p12 (rim: square) q757-p13 (root) q757-p14 (rim: rounded) q757-p15 (strainer) q757-p70 (body sherd) q757-p71 (body sherd) q757-p72 (body sherd) q757-p73 (body sherd) q757-p74 (body sherd) q757-p75 (body sherd) q757-p76 (body sherd) q757-p77 (body sherd) q757-p78 (body sherd) q758-p1 (bowl) q758-p2 (cup) q758-p3 (plate) q758-p4 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q758-p5 (base: disk base, flat) q758-p6 (bowl) q758-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q758-p8 (bowl) q758-p9 (rim: rounded) q758-p10 (jar) q758-p11 (bowl) q758-p12 (cup) q758-p13 (jar) q758-p14 (tablet) q758-p15 (rim: rounded) q758-p16 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q758-p17 (jar) q758-p18 (rim: flat) q758-p70 (body sherd) q758-p71 (body sherd) q758-p72 (body sherd) q758-p73 (body sherd) q758-p74 (body sherd) q758-p75 (body sherd) q758-p76 (body sherd) q758-p77 (body sherd) q758-p78 (body sherd) q759-p1 (bowl) q759-p2 (bowl) q759-p3 (bowl) q759-p4 (bowl) q759-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q759-p70 (body sherd) q759-p71 (body sherd) q759-p72 (body sherd) q759-p73 (body sherd) q759-p74 (body sherd) q759-p75 (body sherd) q759-p76 (body sherd) q760-p1 (bowl) q760-p2 (jar) q760-p3 (bowl) q760-p4 (jar) q760-p5 (base: flat) q760-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q760-p7 (rim: rounded) q760-p8 (base: flat, slightly convex) q760-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q760-p10 (base: flat, slightly convex) q760-p11 (other shape sherd) q760-p70 (body sherd) q760-p71 (body sherd) q760-p72 (body sherd) q760-p73 (body sherd) q760-p74 (body sherd) q760-p75 (body sherd) q760-p76 (body sherd) q760-p77 (body sherd) q761-p1 (jar) q761-p2 (bowl) q761-p3 (jar) q761-p4 (bowl) q761-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q761-p6 (bowl) q761-p7 (bowl) q761-p8 (base: flat) q761-p9 (jar) q761-p10 (jar) q761-p11 (jar) q761-p12 (rim: rounded) q761-p13 (rim: rounded) q761-p70 (body sherd) q761-p71 (body sherd) q761-p72 (body sherd) q761-p73 (body sherd) q761-p74 (body sherd) q761-p75 (body sherd) q761-p76 (strainer) q763-p1 (jar) q763-p2 (cup) q763-p3 (bowl) q763-p4 (cup) q763-p5 (cup) q763-p6 (cup) q763-p7 (cup) q763-p8 (bowl) q763-p9 (cup) q763-p10 (jar) q763-p11 (jar) q763-p12 (jar) q763-p13 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q763-p14 (base: ring) q763-p15 (base: flat, slightly convex) q763-p16 (base: flat) q763-p17 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q763-p18 (base: flat) q763-p70 (body sherd) q763-p71 (body sherd) q763-p72 (body sherd) q763-p73 (body sherd) q763-p74 (body sherd) q764-p1 (bowl) q764-p2 (cup) q764-p3 (cup) q764-p4 (bowl) q764-p5 (jar) q764-p6 (rim: rounded) q764-p7 (jar) q764-p8 (base: ring) q764-p9 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q764-p10 (base: flat, slightly convex) q764-p11 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q764-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q764-p13 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q764-p14 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q764-p70 (body sherd) q764-p71 (body sherd) q764-p72 (body sherd) q764-p73 (body sherd) q764-p74 (body sherd) q764-p75 (body sherd) q764-p76 (body sherd) q765-p1 (bowl) q765-p2 (cup) q765-p3 (cup) q765-p4 (cup) q765-p5 (pot) q765-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q765-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q765-p8 (jar) q765-p9 (cup) q765-p10 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q765-p11 (bowl) q765-p12 (bowl) q765-p13 (rim: rounded) q765-p14 (bowl) q765-p15 (jar) q765-p16 (jar) q765-p17 (other shape sherd) q765-p70 (body sherd) q765-p71 (body sherd) q765-p72 (body sherd) q765-p73 (body sherd) q765-p74 (body sherd) q765-p75 (body sherd) q765-p76 (body sherd) q765-p77 (body sherd) q765-p78 (body sherd) q765-p79 (body sherd) q766-p1 (bowl) q766-p2 (bowl) q766-p3 (bowl) q766-p4 (bowl) q766-p5 (cup) q766-p6 (bowl) q766-p7 (bowl) q766-p8 (bowl) q766-p9 (bowl) q766-p10 (cup) q766-p11 (bowl) q766-p12 (cup) q766-p13 (bowl) q766-p14 (bowl) q766-p15 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q766-p16 (base: flat, slightly convex) q766-p17 (base: flat, slightly convex) q766-p18 (base: flat) q766-p19 (base: flat, slightly convex) q766-p20 (rim: rounded) q766-p21 (base: flat, slightly convex) q766-p22 (bowl) q766-p23 (bowl) q766-p70 (body sherd) q766-p71 (body sherd) q766-p72 (body sherd) q766-p73 (body sherd) q766-p74 (body sherd) q766-p75 (body sherd) q766-p76 (body sherd) q766-p77 (body sherd) q766-p78 (body sherd) q766-p79 (body sherd) q766-p80 (body sherd) q766-p81 (body sherd) q767-p1 (bowl) q767-p2 (bowl) q767-p3 (bowl) q767-p4 (bowl) q767-p5 (rim: notched) q767-p6 (bowl) q767-p7 (pot) q767-p8 (plate) q767-p9 (cup) q767-p10 (cup) q767-p11 (cup) q767-p12 (bowl) q767-p13 (base: ring) q767-p14 (base: ring) q767-p15 (base: rounded) q767-p16 (base: flat) q767-p17 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q767-p18 (base: flat, slightly convex) q767-p19 (jar) q767-p20 (jar) q767-p21 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q767-p22 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q767-p23 (bowl) q767-p24 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q767-p70 (body sherd) q767-p71 (body sherd) q767-p72 (body sherd) q767-p73 (body sherd) q767-p74 (body sherd) q767-p75 (body sherd) q767-p76 (body sherd) q767-p77 (body sherd) q767-p78 (body sherd) q767-p79 (body sherd) q768-p1 (cup) q768-p2 (cup) q768-p3 (cup) q768-p4 (bowl) q768-p5 (cup) q768-p6 (bowl) q768-p7 (bowl) q768-p8 (jar) q768-p9 (bowl) q768-p10 (bowl) q768-p11 (jar) q768-p12 (jar) q768-p13 (jar) q768-p14 (jar) q768-p15 (bowl) q768-p16 (bowl) q768-p17 (rim: square) q768-p18 (rim: square) q768-p19 (rim: flat) q768-p20 (rim: rounded) q768-p21 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q768-p22 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q768-p23 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q768-p24 (base: flat) q768-p25 (tablet) q768-p70 (body sherd) q768-p71 (body sherd) q768-p72 (body sherd) q768-p73 (body sherd) q768-p74 (body sherd) q768-p75 (body sherd) q769-p70 (body sherd) q769-p71 (body sherd) q770-p70 (body sherd) q770-p71 (body sherd) q771-p1 (bowl) q771-p2 (bowl) q771-p3 (bowl) q771-p4 (bowl) q771-p5 (bowl) q771-p6 (bowl) q771-p7 (bowl) q771-p8 (cup) q771-p9 (cup) q771-p10 (cup) q771-p11 (cup) q771-p12 (cup) q771-p13 (bowl) q771-p14 (bowl) q771-p15 (cup) q771-p16 (bowl) q771-p17 (strainer) q771-p18 (rim: notched) q771-p19 (base: flat) q771-p20 (base: flat) q771-p21 (base: holed in center of base) q771-p22 (base: flat, slightly convex) q771-p23 (base: flat) q771-p24 (base: flat) q771-p25 (base: flat, slightly convex) q771-p26 (base: flat, slightly convex) q771-p27 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q771-p28 (base: flat, slightly convex) q771-p29 (base: flat, slightly convex) q771-p30 (bowl) q771-p31 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q771-p32 (jar) q771-p33 (rim: flat) q771-p34 (jar) q771-p35 (jar) q771-p36 (tablet) q771-p37 (rim: rounded) q771-p38 (bowl) q771-p70 (body sherd) q771-p71 (body sherd) q771-p72 (body sherd) q771-p73 (body sherd) q771-p74 (body sherd) q771-p75 (body sherd) q771-p76 (body sherd) q771-p77 (body sherd) q771-p78 (body sherd) q771-p79 (body sherd) q771-p80 (body sherd) q772-p1 (jar) q772-p2 (jar) q772-p3 (bowl) q772-p4 (bowl) q772-p5 (bowl) q772-p6 (bowl) q772-p7 (bowl) q772-p8 (bowl) q772-p9 (rim: collared-grooved) q772-p10 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q772-p11 (base: ring) q772-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q772-p13 (rim: flat) q772-p14 (base: flat, slightly convex) q772-p15 (bowl) q772-p16 (cup) q772-p17 (cup) q772-p18 (cup) q772-p19 (cup) q772-p20 (bowl) q772-p21 (cup) q772-p22 (cup) q772-p23 (cup) q772-p24 (cup) q772-p25 (bowl) q772-p26 (rim: rounded) q772-p27 (tablet) q772-p28 (cup) q772-p70 (body sherd) q772-p71 (body sherd) q772-p72 (body sherd) q772-p73 (body sherd) q772-p74 (body sherd) q772-p75 (body sherd) q772-p76 (body sherd) q772-p77 (body sherd) q772-p78 (body sherd) q772-p79 (body sherd) q772-p80 (body sherd) q772-p81 (body sherd) q772-p82 (body sherd) q772-p83 (body sherd) q772-p84 (strainer) q773-p1 (jar) q773-p2 (bowl) q773-p3 (bowl) q773-p4 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) q773-p5 (base: disk base, flat) q773-p6 (worked disk) q773-p7 (base: flat) q773-p70 (body sherd) q773-p71 (body sherd) q773-p72 (body sherd) q773-p73 (body sherd) q773-p74 (body sherd) q773-p75 (body sherd) q773-p76 (body sherd) q774-p70 (body sherd) q774-p71 (body sherd) q774-p72 (body sherd) q774-p73 (body sherd) q775-p1 (bowl) q775-p2 (bowl) q775-p3 (cup) q775-p4 (cup) q775-p5 (bowl) q775-p6 (rim: rounded) q775-p7 (cup) q775-p8 (bowl) q775-p9 (bowl) q775-p10 (cup) q775-p11 (plate) q775-p12 (cup) q775-p13 (bowl) q775-p14 (jar) q775-p15 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q775-p16 (base: flat) q775-p70 (body sherd) q775-p71 (body sherd) q775-p72 (body sherd) q775-p73 (body sherd) q775-p74 (body sherd) q775-p75 (body sherd) q775-p76 (body sherd) q775-p77 (body sherd) q776-p1 (jar) q776-p2 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q776-p3 (base: flat, slightly convex) q776-p4 (bowl) q776-p5 (cup) q776-p6 (bowl) q776-p7 (base: disk base, slightly convex) q776-p8 (jar) q776-p9 (strainer) q776-p10 (bowl) q776-p11 (bowl) q776-p12 (rim: double strand (both rounded)) q776-p13 (cup) q776-p14 (base: flat) q776-p15 (rim: square) q776-p16 (bowl) q776-p17 (rim: notched) q776-p18 (rim: rounded) q776-p19 (other shape sherd) q776-p20 (strainer) q776-p70 (body sherd) q776-p71 (body sherd) q776-p72 (body sherd) q776-p73 (body sherd) q776-p74 (body sherd) q776-p75 (body sherd) q776-p76 (body sherd) q776-p77 (body sherd) q776-p78 (body sherd) q776-p79 (body sherd) q777-p1 (bowl) q777-p2 (cup) q777-p3 (bowl) q777-p4 (cup) q777-p5 (plate) q777-p6 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q777-p70 (body sherd) q777-p71 (body sherd) q777-p72 (body sherd) q777-p73 (body sherd) q777-p74 (body sherd) q777-p75 (body sherd) q778-p1 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q778-p2 (bowl) q778-p3 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q778-p4 (bowl) q778-p70 (body sherd) q778-p71 (body sherd) q778-p72 (body sherd) q778-p73 (body sherd) q778-p74 (body sherd) q778-p75 (body sherd) q778-p76 (body sherd) q778-p77 (body sherd) q778-p78 (body sherd) q779-p1 (base: rounded) q779-p70 (body sherd) q779-p71 (body sherd) q779-p72 (body sherd) q779-p73 (body sherd) q779-p74 (body sherd) q779-p75 (body sherd) q780-p1 (cup) q780-p2 (bowl) q780-p3 (jar) q780-p4 (tablet) q780-p5 (jar) q780-p6 (strainer) q780-p7 (bowl) q780-p8 (jar) q780-p9 (bowl) q780-p10 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q780-p11 (rim: rounded) q780-p12 (rim: collared-grooved) q780-p13 (bowl) q780-p14 (base: rounded) q780-p15 (jar) q780-p16 (jar) q780-p17 (rim: double strand (both rounded)) q780-p18 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) q780-p19 (rim: square) q780-p20 (jar) q780-p21 (base: flat, slightly convex) q780-p22 (base: rounded) q780-p23 (base: flat) q780-p24 (base: rounded) q780-p25 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q780-p26 (base: flat, slightly convex) q780-p27 (base: flat) q780-p70 (body sherd) q780-p71 (body sherd) q780-p72 (body sherd) q780-p73 (body sherd) q780-p74 (body sherd) q780-p75 (body sherd) q780-p76 (body sherd) q780-p77 (body sherd) q780-p78 (body sherd) q780-p79 (body sherd) q780-p80 (body sherd) q780-p81 (body sherd) q780-p82 (body sherd) q781-p1 (base: flat) q781-p2 (jar) q781-p3 (bowl) q781-p4 (cup) q781-p5 (cup) q781-p6 (cup) q781-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q781-p8 (cup) q781-p9 (rim: rounded) q781-p10 (bowl) q781-p70 (body sherd) q781-p71 (body sherd) q781-p72 (body sherd) q781-p73 (body sherd) q781-p74 (body sherd) q781-p75 (body sherd) q781-p76 (body sherd) q781-p77 (body sherd) q781-p78 (body sherd) q781-p79 (body sherd) q782-p1 (bowl) q782-p2 (cup) q782-p3 (bowl) q782-p70 (body sherd) q782-p71 (body sherd) q782-p72 (body sherd) q782-p73 (body sherd) q782-p74 (body sherd) q782-p75 (body sherd) q783-p1 (cup) q783-p2 (bowl) q783-p3 (bowl) q783-p4 (bowl) q783-p5 (cup) q783-p6 (bowl) q783-p7 (jar) q783-p8 (jar) q783-p9 (root) q783-p10 (jar) q783-p11 (jar) q783-p12 (rim: rounded) q783-p13 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q783-p14 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q783-p15 (base: flat) q783-p70 (body sherd) q783-p71 (body sherd) q783-p72 (body sherd) q783-p73 (body sherd) q783-p74 (body sherd) q783-p75 (body sherd) q783-p76 (body sherd) q783-p77 (body sherd) q783-p78 (body sherd) q783-p79 (body sherd) q784-p1 (root) q784-p2 (pot) q784-p3 (cup) q784-p4 (jar) q784-p5 (bowl) q784-p6 (base: flat) q784-p7 (base: rounded) q784-p70 (body sherd) q784-p71 (body sherd) q784-p72 (body sherd) q784-p73 (body sherd) q784-p74 (body sherd) q784-p75 (body sherd) q784-p76 (body sherd) q784-p77 (body sherd) q785-p1 (root) q785-p2 (bowl) q785-p3 (bowl) q785-p4 (cup) q785-p5 (plate) q785-p6 (jar) q785-p7 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q785-p8 (bowl) q785-p9 (bowl) q785-p10 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q785-p11 (base: rounded) q785-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q785-p70 (body sherd) q785-p71 (body sherd) q785-p72 (body sherd) q785-p73 (body sherd) q785-p74 (body sherd) q785-p75 (body sherd) q785-p76 (body sherd) q785-p77 (body sherd) q786-p1 (bowl) q786-p2 (base: holed in center of base) q786-p3 (base: flat) q786-p4 (bowl) q786-p5 (bowl) q786-p6 (bowl) q786-p7 (bowl) q786-p8 (jar) q786-p9 (bowl) q786-p10 (tablet) q786-p70 (body sherd) q786-p71 (body sherd) q786-p72 (body sherd) q786-p73 (body sherd) q786-p74 (body sherd) q786-p75 (body sherd) q786-p76 (body sherd) q786-p77 (body sherd) q786-p78 (body sherd) q786-p79 (body sherd) q788-p1 (cup) q788-p2 (cup) q788-p3 (jar) q788-p4 (jar) q788-p5 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q788-p70 (body sherd) q788-p71 (body sherd) q788-p72 (body sherd) q788-p73 (body sherd) q788-p74 (body sherd) q788-p75 (body sherd) q788-p76 (body sherd) q788-p77 (body sherd) q791-p1 (pot) q791-p2 (rim: rounded) q791-p3 (rim: flat) q791-p4 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q791-p5 (rim: rounded) q791-p6 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q791-p7 (jar) q791-p8 (bowl) q791-p9 (bowl) q791-p10 (bowl) q791-p70 (body sherd) q791-p71 (body sherd) q791-p72 (body sherd) q791-p73 (body sherd) q791-p74 (body sherd) q791-p75 (body sherd) q791-p76 (body sherd) q791-p77 (body sherd) q792-p1 (base: flat) q792-p2 (base: flat) q792-p70 (body sherd) q792-p71 (body sherd) q792-p72 (body sherd) q792-p73 (body sherd) q792-p74 (body sherd) q793-p1 (jar) q793-p2 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q793-p3 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q793-p4 (base: ring) q793-p5 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q793-p6 (cup) q793-p7 (cup) q793-p8 (rim: double strand (both rounded)) q793-p9 (rim: flat) q793-p10 (bowl) q793-p11 (rim: flat) q793-p70 (body sherd) q793-p71 (body sherd) q793-p72 (body sherd) q793-p73 (body sherd) q793-p74 (body sherd) q793-p75 (body sherd) q793-p76 (body sherd) q793-p77 (body sherd) q793-p78 (body sherd) q793-p79 (body sherd) q794-p1 (bowl) q794-p2 (bowl) q794-p3 (bowl) q794-p4 (bowl) q794-p5 (bowl) q794-p6 (bowl) q794-p7 (bowl) q794-p8 (bowl) q794-p9 (bowl) q794-p10 (bowl) q794-p11 (bowl) q794-p12 (bowl) q794-p13 (bowl) q794-p14 (bowl) q794-p15 (bowl) q794-p16 (bowl) q794-p17 (rim: notched) q794-p18 (rim: notched) q794-p19 (rim: notched) q794-p20 (rim: notched) q794-p21 (bowl) q794-p22 (rim: notched) q794-p23 (cup) q794-p24 (cup) q794-p25 (cup) q794-p26 (cup) q794-p27 (cup) q794-p28 (cup) q794-p29 (cup) q794-p30 (bowl) q794-p31 (cup) q794-p32 (base: rounded) q794-p33 (base: flat, slightly convex) q794-p34 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q794-p35 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q794-p36 (base: ring) q794-p37 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q794-p38 (base: flat) q794-p39 (base: flat) q794-p40 (base: flat, slightly convex) q794-p41 (jar) q794-p42 (jar) q794-p43 (jar) q794-p44 (rim: double strand (both rounded)) q794-p45 (jar) q794-p46 (bowl) q794-p47 (rim: rounded) q794-p48 (bowl) q794-p49 (bowl) q794-p50 (rim: rounded) q794-p51 (rim: notched) q794-p52 (tablet) q794-p53 (specimen) q794-p70 (body sherd) q794-p71 (body sherd) q794-p72 (body sherd) q794-p73 (body sherd) q794-p74 (body sherd) q794-p75 (body sherd) q794-p76 (body sherd) q794-p77 (body sherd) q794-p78 (body sherd) q795-p1 (worked disk) q795-p2 (bowl) q795-p3 (base: flat) q795-p70 (body sherd) q795-p71 (body sherd) q795-p72 (body sherd) q795-p73 (body sherd) q795-p74 (body sherd) q798-p1 (cup) q798-p2 (bowl) q798-p3 (bowl) q798-p4 (bowl) q798-p5 (jar) q798-p6 (rim: square) q798-p7 (base: flat) q798-p8 (base: flat) q798-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q798-p70 (body sherd) q798-p71 (body sherd) q798-p72 (body sherd) q798-p73 (body sherd) q799-p1 (jar) q799-p2 (cup) q799-p3 (bowl) q799-p4 (bowl) q799-p5 (cup) q799-p6 (bowl) q799-p7 (bowl) q799-p8 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q799-p9 (bowl) q799-p10 (bowl) q799-p11 (base: flat) q799-p12 (bowl) q799-p13 (bowl) q799-p14 (base: flat) q799-p15 (base: flat, slightly convex) q799-p16 (bowl) q799-p17 (bowl) q799-p18 (rim: notched) q799-p19 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q799-p20 (bowl) q799-p21 (bowl) q799-p22 (bowl) q799-p23 (bowl) q799-p24 (bowl) q799-p70 (body sherd) q799-p71 (body sherd) q799-p72 (body sherd) q799-p73 (body sherd) q799-p74 (body sherd) q799-p75 (body sherd) q799-p76 (body sherd) q799-p77 (body sherd) q802-p1 (bowl) q802-p2 (bowl) q802-p3 (bowl) q802-p4 (base: ring) q802-p70 (body sherd) q802-p71 (body sherd) q802-p72 (body sherd) q802-p73 (body sherd) q802-p74 (body sherd) q802-p75 (body sherd) q803-p1 (cup) q803-p2 (specimen) q803-p3 (base: flat, slightly convex) q803-p70 (body sherd) q803-p71 (body sherd) q803-p72 (body sherd) q803-p73 (body sherd) q803-p74 (body sherd) q805-p1 (bowl) q805-p2 (bowl) q805-p3 (bowl) q805-p4 (bowl) q805-p5 (cup) q805-p6 (cup) q805-p7 (cup) q805-p8 (cup) q805-p9 (pot) q805-p10 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q805-p11 (bowl) q805-p12 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q805-p13 (rim: flat) q805-p14 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q805-p15 (bowl) q805-p70 (body sherd) q805-p71 (body sherd) q805-p72 (body sherd) q805-p73 (body sherd) q805-p74 (body sherd) q806-p1 (cup) q806-p2 (bowl) q806-p3 (base: flat) q806-p4 (base: flat) q806-p70 (body sherd) q806-p71 (body sherd) q806-p72 (body sherd) q806-p73 (body sherd) q806-p74 (body sherd) q806-p75 (body sherd) q806-p76 (body sherd) q807-p1 (bowl) q807-p2 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q807-p70 (body sherd) q807-p71 (body sherd) q807-p72 (body sherd) q807-p73 (body sherd) q808-p1 (cup) q808-p2 (base: flat, slightly convex) q808-p3 (jar) q808-p4 (base: flat, slightly convex) q808-p5 (tablet) q808-p6 (other shape sherd) q808-p70 (body sherd) q808-p71 (body sherd) q808-p72 (body sherd) q808-p73 (body sherd) q808-p74 (body sherd) q808-p75 (body sherd) q808-p76 (body sherd) q812-p1 (rim: rounded) q812-p2 (jar) q812-p3 (bowl) q812-p4 (bowl) q812-p5 (base: ring) q812-p6 (cup) q812-p7 (bowl) q812-p8 (bowl) q812-p9 (jar) q812-p10 (bowl) q812-p11 (rim: rounded) q812-p12 (bowl) q812-p13 (rim: rounded) q812-p14 (base: flat) q812-p70 (body sherd) q812-p71 (body sherd) q812-p72 (body sherd) q812-p73 (body sherd) q812-p74 (body sherd) q812-p75 (body sherd) q819-p1 (cup) q819-p2 (jar) q819-p3 (cup) q819-p4 (cup) q819-p5 (cup) q819-p6 (cup) q819-p7 (rim: rounded) q819-p8 (cup) q819-p9 (bowl) q819-p10 (bowl) q819-p11 (rim: flat) q819-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q819-p13 (base: string cut cup) q819-p70 (body sherd) q819-p71 (body sherd) q819-p72 (body sherd) q819-p73 (body sherd) q849-p1 (cup) q849-p2 (cup) q849-p3 (bowl) q849-p4 (jar) q849-p5 (bowl) q849-p70 (body sherd) q849-p71 (body sherd) q849-p72 (body sherd) q849-p73 (body sherd) q864-p1 (bowl) q864-p2 (bowl) q864-p3 (bowl) q864-p4 (jar) q864-p5 (bowl) q864-p6 (bowl) q864-p7 (jar) q864-p8 (bowl) q864-p9 (jar) q864-p10 (bowl) q864-p11 (jar) q864-p12 (pot) q864-p13 (rim: rounded) q864-p70 (body sherd) q864-p71 (body sherd) q864-p72 (body sherd) q864-p73 (body sherd) q864-p74 (body sherd) q864-p75 (body sherd) q864-p76 (body sherd) q866-p1 (rim: rounded) q866-p2 (bowl) q866-p70 (body sherd) q866-p71 (body sherd) q866-p72 (body sherd) q866-p73 (body sherd) q866-p74 (body sherd) q869-p1 (jar) q869-p2 (jar) q869-p3 (cup) q869-p4 (jar) q869-p5 (base: rounded) q869-p6 (base: rounded) q869-p70 (body sherd) q869-p71 (body sherd) q869-p72 (body sherd) q869-p73 (body sherd) q869-p74 (body sherd) q869-p75 (body sherd) q869-p76 (body sherd) q869-p77 (body sherd) q871-p1 (bowl) q871-p2 (jar) q871-p3 (bowl) q871-p4 (bowl) q871-p5 (bowl) q871-p6 (bowl) q871-p7 (bowl) q871-p8 (bowl) q871-p9 (bowl) q871-p10 (jar) q871-p11 (jar) q871-p12 (base: disk base, slightly convex) q871-p13 (worked disk) q871-p14 (jar) q871-p15 (rim: square) q871-p16 (worked disk) q871-p17 (worked disk) q871-p70 (body sherd) q871-p71 (body sherd) q871-p72 (body sherd) q871-p73 (body sherd) q871-p74 (body sherd) q871-p75 (body sherd) q877-p1 (other shape sherd) q880-p1 (jar) q880-p2 (bowl) q880-p3 (bowl) q880-p4 (bowl) q880-p5 (bowl) q880-p6 (cup) q880-p7 (jar) q880-p8 (rim: square) q880-p9 (bowl) q880-p10 (jar) q880-p11 (base: flat) q880-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q880-p13 (jar) q880-p14 (base: flat) q880-p15 (base: flat) q880-p16 (base: flat) q880-p70 (body sherd) q880-p71 (body sherd) q880-p72 (body sherd) q880-p73 (body sherd) q880-p74 (body sherd) q880-p75 (body sherd) q880-p76 (body sherd) q881-p1 (rim: square) q881-p2 (cup) q881-p3 (bowl) q881-p4 (cup) q881-p5 (tablet) q881-p6 (bowl) q881-p7 (cup) q881-p8 (bowl) q881-p9 (cup) q881-p10 (bowl) q881-p11 (bowl) q881-p12 (cup) q881-p13 (base: flat) q881-p14 (base: flat) q881-p15 (base: flat) q881-p16 (base: flat) q881-p17 (tablet) q881-p18 (cup) q881-p19 (bowl) q881-p20 (rim: square) q881-p21 (rim: rounded) q881-p70 (body sherd) q881-p71 (body sherd) q881-p72 (body sherd) q881-p73 (body sherd) q881-p74 (body sherd) q881-p75 (body sherd) q881-p76 (body sherd) q881-p77 (body sherd) q881-p78 (body sherd) q883-p1 (jar) q883-p2 (jar) q883-p3 (bowl) q883-p4 (jar) q883-p5 (rim: square) q883-p6 (bowl) q883-p7 (pot) q883-p8 (jar) q883-p9 (bowl) q883-p10 (rim: rounded) q883-p11 (base: disk base, flat) q883-p12 (base: flat) q883-p13 (bowl) q883-p14 (bowl) q883-p15 (jar) q883-p70 (body sherd) q883-p71 (body sherd) q883-p72 (body sherd) q883-p73 (body sherd) q883-p74 (body sherd) q883-p75 (body sherd) q883-p76 (body sherd) q885-p1 (cup) q885-p2 (cup) q885-p3 (rim: rounded) q885-p4 (cup) q885-p5 (cup) q885-p6 (bowl) q885-p7 (jar) q885-p8 (rim: square) q885-p9 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q885-p10 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q885-p11 (specimen) q885-p70 (body sherd) q885-p71 (body sherd) q885-p72 (body sherd) q885-p73 (body sherd) q885-p74 (body sherd) q885-p75 (body sherd) q886-p1 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q886-p2 (bowl) q886-p3 (bowl) q886-p4 (bowl) q886-p5 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q886-p6 (bowl) q886-p7 (bowl) q886-p8 (jar) q886-p9 (base: ring) q886-p10 (bowl) q886-p11 (jar) q886-p12 (base: flat) q886-p13 (base: holed in center of base) q886-p70 (body sherd) q886-p71 (body sherd) q886-p72 (body sherd) q886-p73 (body sherd) q886-p74 (body sherd) q886-p75 (worked disk) q886-p76 (body sherd) q888-p1 (base: rounded) q888-p2 (base: flat, slightly convex) q888-p3 (bowl) q888-p4 (bowl) q888-p5 (bowl) q888-p6 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q888-p7 (jar) q888-p8 (jar) q888-p9 (jar) q888-p10 (jar) q888-p11 (bowl) q888-p12 (bowl) q888-p13 (jar) q888-p70 (body sherd) q888-p71 (body sherd) q888-p72 (body sherd) q888-p73 (body sherd) q888-p74 (body sherd) q888-p75 (body sherd) q888-p76 (body sherd) q889-p1 (bowl) q889-p2 (jar) q889-p3 (rim: flat) q889-p4 (base: type unspecified) q889-p5 (base: flat) q889-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q889-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q889-p8 (base: flat, slightly convex) q889-p78 (body sherd) q889-p79 (body sherd) q889-p80 (body sherd) q889-p81 (body sherd) q889-p82 (body sherd) q889-p83 (body sherd) q889-p84 (body sherd) q890-p1 (jar) q890-p2 (jar) q890-p3 (base: flat, slightly convex) q890-p4 (bowl) q890-p5 (jar) q890-p6 (jar) q890-p7 (bowl) q890-p8 (jar) q890-p9 (strainer) q890-p10 (bowl) q890-p11 (bowl) q890-p12 (handle: single pierced lug) q890-p13 (rim: square) q890-p14 (base: holed in center of base) q890-p15 (worked disk) q890-p16 (worked disk) q890-p17 (worked disk) q890-p18 (worked disk) q890-p19 (worked disk) q890-p20 (worked disk) q890-p21 (worked disk) q890-p22 (worked disk) q890-p23 (worked disk) q890-p24 (worked disk) q890-p25 (worked disk) q890-p26 (worked disk) q890-p27 (worked disk) q890-p70 (body sherd) q890-p71 (body sherd) q890-p72 (body sherd) q890-p73 (body sherd) q890-p74 (body sherd) q890-p75 (body sherd) q890-p76 (body sherd) q890-p77 (body sherd) q897-p1 (jar) q897-p2 (bowl) q897-p3 (bowl) q897-p4 (bowl) q897-p5 (pot) q897-p6 (base: flat) q897-p7 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q897-p8 (jar) q897-p9 (rim: square) q897-p10 (base: flat) q897-p11 (jar) q897-p12 (bowl) q897-p13 (jar) q897-p14 (jar) q897-p15 (base: ring) q897-p16 (bowl) q897-p17 (bowl) q897-p18 (cup) q897-p19 (bowl) q897-p20 (base: flat, slightly convex) q897-p21 (base: flat) q897-p22 (base: flat, slightly convex) q897-p23 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q897-p24 (base: flat, slightly convex) q897-p25 (base: flat) q897-p26 (base: flat, slightly convex) q897-p27 (base: flat, slightly convex) q897-p70 (body sherd) q897-p71 (body sherd) q897-p72 (body sherd) q897-p73 (body sherd) q897-p74 (body sherd) q897-p75 (body sherd) q897-p76 (body sherd) q897-p77 (body sherd) q897-p78 (body sherd) q897-p79 (body sherd) q897-p98 (body sherd) q899-p1 (bowl) q899-p2 (bowl) q899-p3 (bowl) q899-p4 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q899-p5 (jar) q899-p6 (jar) q899-p7 (base: flat) q899-p8 (base: holed in center of base) q899-p9 (jar) q899-p10 (bowl) q899-p11 (jar) q899-p70 (body sherd) q899-p71 (body sherd) q899-p72 (body sherd) q899-p73 (body sherd) q899-p74 (body sherd) q899-p75 (body sherd) q899-p76 (body sherd) q900-p1 (bowl) q900-p2 (bowl) q900-p3 (bowl) q900-p4 (bowl) q900-p5 (bowl) q900-p6 (bowl) q900-p7 (bowl) q900-p8 (bowl) q900-p9 (bowl) q900-p10 (cup) q900-p11 (base: ring) q900-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q900-p13 (base: flat) q900-p70 (body sherd) q900-p71 (body sherd) q900-p72 (body sherd) q900-p73 (body sherd) q900-p74 (body sherd) q900-p75 (body sherd) q900-p76 (body sherd) q900-p77 (body sherd) q901-p1 (bowl) q901-p2 (jar) q901-p3 (jar) q901-p4 (jar) q901-p5 (rim: folded) q901-p6 (jar) q901-p7 (bowl) q901-p8 (cup) q901-p9 (base: ring) q901-p10 (rim: rounded) q901-p11 (bowl) q901-p12 (jar) q901-p13 (base: flat) q901-p14 (base: string cut cup) q901-p15 (base: flat) q901-p16 (worked disk) q901-p17 (worked disk) q901-p18 (worked disk) q901-p19 (worked disk) q901-p20 (worked disk) q901-p70 (body sherd) q901-p71 (body sherd) q901-p72 (body sherd) q901-p73 (body sherd) q901-p74 (body sherd) q903-p1 (jar) q903-p2 (jar) q903-p3 (bowl) q903-p4 (bowl) q903-p5 (bowl) q903-p6 (bowl) q903-p7 (rim: rounded) q903-p8 (jar) q903-p9 (base: ring) q903-p10 (base: disk base, flat) q903-p11 (base: rounded) q903-p12 (worked disk) q903-p70 (body sherd) q903-p71 (body sherd) q903-p72 (body sherd) q903-p73 (body sherd) q903-p74 (body sherd) q903-p75 (body sherd) q903-p76 (body sherd) q903-p77 (body sherd) q903-p78 (body sherd) q904-p1 (jar) q904-p2 (bowl) q904-p3 (worked disk) q904-p4 (worked disk) q904-p5 (worked disk) q904-p6 (worked disk) q904-p70 (body sherd) q904-p71 (body sherd) q904-p72 (body sherd) q904-p73 (body sherd) q904-p74 (body sherd) q904-p75 (body sherd) q904-p76 (body sherd) q904-p77 (body sherd) q904-p78 (body sherd) q906-p1 (jar) q906-p2 (jar) q906-p3 (bowl) q906-p4 (jar) q906-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q906-p6 (base: flat) q906-p7 (jar) q906-p8 (jar) q906-p9 (worked disk) q906-p10 (worked disk) q906-p11 (worked disk) q906-p12 (worked disk) q906-p13 (worked disk) q906-p14 (worked disk) q906-p15 (worked disk) q906-p16 (worked disk) q906-p17 (worked disk) q906-p70 (body sherd) q906-p71 (body sherd) q906-p72 (body sherd) [Input: S-CUMUL.j] |