2006-08-24 |
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i83 (jar) i84 (^ human body) i122 (jar) i125 (earring) i126 (^ seal impression) i128 (^ pin) i135 (^ seal impression) i136 (^ seal impression) i137 (unknown) i138 (jar) i139 (jar) i140 (unknown) i141 (^ seal impression) i142 (uncertain) i143 (^ sealing) i144 (^ sealing) i145 (^ clay lump) i146 (^ sample) i147 (^ sample) i149 (^ seal impression) i150 (^ figurine) i151 (^ sealing) i153 (^ clay lump) i154 (^ sealing) i155 (^ bead) i165 (^ sealing) i166 (^ sealing) i176 (^ bead) i177 (^ bead) i178 (^ bead) i179 (bead) q586.1 (tool) q594.1 (^ clay lump) q599.1 (bone artifact) q603.1 (pin) q608.1 (^ jewelry item) q608.2 (pestle) q644.2 (^ figurine) q646.1 (^ figurine) q699.1 (clay lump) q699.2 (uncertain) q796.1 (debitage) q796.2 (uncertain) q796.3 (debitage) q796.4 (^ clay lump) q796.5 (blade) q796.98 (lithic specimen) q796.99 (^ figurine) q797.1 (unknown) q797.2 (^ figurine) q804.1 (debitage) q809.1 (^ figurine) q818.1 (uncertain) q821.1 (uncertain) q821.2 (wheel) q821.3 (^ clay lump) q821.4 (^ clay lump) q821.5 (debitage) q821.99 (^ clay lump) q823.1 (debitage) q823.2 (debitage) q824.1 (^ clay lump) q828.1 (debitage) q828.2 (^ rim: simple with horseshoe handle) q828.3 (^ seal impression) q828.4 (^ clay lump) q828.5 (unknown) q829.1 (debitage) q829.2 (^ lithic artifact) q829.2.1 (debitage) q829.2.2 (^ blade) q829.3 (debitage) q829.4 (debitage) q830.1 (blade) q830.2 (unknown) q830.3 (^ clay lump) q830.4 (debitage) q831.1 (figurine) q831.2 (slag) q831.3 (^ clay lump) q832.1 (bead (clay)) q832.2 (debitage) q832.8 (debitage) q832.99 (bead (clay)) q837.1 (^ bead (clay)) q837.2 (unknown) q837.3 (pin) q837.4 (sealing) q837.5 (^ unknown) q837.6 (bead (clay)) q837.7 (^ sealing) q837.8 (uncertain) q837.9 (^ clay lump) q837.10 (^ clay lump) q837.98 (clay lump) q837.99 (^ clay lump) q839.1 (^ lithic artifact) q839.1.1 (scraper) q839.1.2 (debitage) q839.1.3 (debitage) q839.2 (^ rim: simple with horseshoe handle) q841.1 (^ clay lump) q841.2 (slag) q841.3 (^ rim: interior lip) q841.3.1 (blade) q841.3.2 (^ blade) q841.3.3 (debitage) q841.3.4 (^ blade) q841.3.5 (debitage) q841.4 (clay lump) q841.4.1 (^ clay lump) q841.4.2 (^ clay lump) q841.4.3 (^ clay lump) q841.4.4 (^ seal impression) q841.4.5 (^ seal impression) q841.98 (^ unknown) q841.99 (uncertain) q842.1 (bead (clay)) q842.2 (^ seal impression) q842.3 (^ seal impression) q842.4 (^ clay lump) q842.5 (lithic specimen) q842.99 (unknown) q848.1 (uncertain) q848.2 (^ clay lump) q850.1 (^ clay lump) q850.2 (debitage) q850.3 (^ clay lump) q850.4 (^ lithic artifact) q850.4.1 (debitage) q850.4.2 (debitage) q850.5 (^ sample) q852.1 (uncertain) q852.2 (wheel) q852.3 (^ metal artifact) q852.4 (^ rim: simple with horseshoe handle) q852.5 (uncertain) q852.6 (unknown) q852.7 (^ seal impression) q855.1 (unknown) q855.2 (^ sample) q855.3 (sling ball) q855.4 (unknown) q855.4.1 (blade) q855.4.2 (debitage) q855.5 (^ clay lump) q856.1 (blade) q856.2 (uncertain) q859.1 (bead (clay)) q859.2 (sling ball) q859.3 (debitage) q859.4 (unknown) q859.5 (uncertain) q861.1 (debitage) q861.2 (slag) q861.3 (^ rim: simple with horseshoe handle) q862.1 (^ clay lump) q868.1 (^ lithic artifact) q868.1.1 (debitage) q868.1.2 (^ blade) q868.2 (^ clay lump) q868.3 (uncertain) q868.4 (^ clay lump) q870.1 (debitage) q870.2 (^ clay lump) q870.3 (^ clay lump) q870.4 (^ sealing) q872.1 (^ sealing) q874.1 (debitage) q874.2 (^ sealing) q876.1 (debitage) q876.2 (^ clay lump) q876.3 (^ blade) q876.4 (^ clay lump) q878.1 (^ wheel) q879.1 (^ wheel) q884.1 (^ sealing) q884.2 (^ sealing) q884.3 (^ clay lump) q893.1 (^ bead (clay)) q893.2 (^ sealing) q907.1 (^ figurine) q413 q586 q591 q593 q594 q595 q598 q599 q600 q602 q603 q604 q605 q606 q608 q613 q644 q646 q649 q653 q699 q790 q796 q797 q800 q801 q804 q809 q810 q813 q815 q818 q820 q821 q822 q823 q824 q828 q829 q830 q831 q832 q833 q835 q836 q837 q839 q841 q842 q846 q848 q850 q852 q855 q856 q857 q859 q861 q862 q868 q870 q872 q874 q876 q878 q879 q882 q884 q892 q893 q894 q907 q413-p1 (bowl) q413-p2 (jar) q413-p3 (bowl) q413-p4 (base: flat, slightly convex) q413-p5 (jar) q413-p6 (other shape sherd) q413-p7 (jar) q413-p8 (base: flat, slightly convex) q413-p9 (rim: square) q413-p10 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q413-p11 (rim: square) q413-p12 (pot) q413-p13 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q413-p70 (body sherd) q413-p71 (body sherd) q413-p72 (body sherd) q413-p73 (body sherd) q413-p74 (body sherd) q413-p75 (body sherd) q413-p76 (body sherd) q413-p77 (body sherd) q413-p78 (body sherd) q413-p79 (body sherd) q413-p80 (body sherd) q586-p1 (jar) q586-p2 (base: flat, slightly convex) q586-p3 (strainer) q586-p4 (bowl) q586-p5 (cup) q586-p6 (cup) q586-p7 (rim: rounded) q586-p8 (tablet) q586-p9 (bowl) q586-p10 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q586-p11 (base: ring) q586-p12 (bowl) q586-p13 (bowl) q586-p14 (base: flat, slightly convex) q586-p15 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) q586-p16 (pot) q586-p17 (base: flat) q586-p18 (tablet) q586-p19 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q586-p70 (body sherd) q586-p71 (body sherd) q586-p72 (body sherd) q586-p73 (body sherd) q586-p74 (body sherd) q586-p75 (body sherd) q586-p76 (body sherd) q591-p1 (bowl) q591-p2 (base: flat, slightly convex) q591-p3 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q591-p4 (jar) q591-p5 (rim: rounded) q591-p6 (rim: square) q591-p7 (jar) q591-p8 (bowl) q591-p9 (base: flat) q591-p10 (jar) q591-p11 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q591-p12 (bowl) q591-p13 (worked disk) q591-p70 (body sherd) q591-p71 (body sherd) q591-p72 (body sherd) q591-p73 (body sherd) q591-p74 (body sherd) q591-p75 (body sherd) q591-p76 (body sherd) q593-p1 (bowl) q593-p2 (jar) q593-p3 (jar) q593-p4 (rim: square) q593-p5 (bowl) q593-p6 (bowl) q593-p7 (bowl) q593-p8 (jar) q593-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q593-p10 (base: flat, slightly convex) q593-p70 (body sherd) q593-p71 (body sherd) q593-p72 (body sherd) q593-p73 (body sherd) q593-p74 (body sherd) q593-p75 (body sherd) q593-p76 (body sherd) q593-p77 (body sherd) q593-p78 (body sherd) q594-p1 (jar) q594-p2 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q594-p3 (bowl) q594-p4 (bowl) q594-p5 (jar) q594-p6 (bowl) q594-p7 (base: flat, slightly convex) q594-p8 (strainer) q594-p9 (jar) q594-p10 (other shape sherd) q594-p11 (base: flat) q594-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q594-p70 (body sherd) q594-p71 (body sherd) q594-p72 (body sherd) q594-p73 (body sherd) q594-p74 (body sherd) q594-p75 (body sherd) q594-p76 (body sherd) q595-p1 (bowl) q595-p2 (bowl) q595-p3 (jar) q595-p4 (base: rounded) q595-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q595-p6 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) q595-p7 (bowl) q595-p8 (rim: square) q595-p9 (other shape sherd) q595-p10 (other shape sherd) q595-p70 (body sherd) q595-p71 (body sherd) q595-p72 (body sherd) q595-p73 (body sherd) q595-p74 (body sherd) q595-p75 (body sherd) q595-p76 (body sherd) q598-p70 (body sherd) q598-p71 (body sherd) q598-p72 (body sherd) q598-p73 (body sherd) q598-p74 (body sherd) q598-p75 (body sherd) q598-p76 (body sherd) q599-p1 (bowl) q599-p2 (jar) q599-p3 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q599-p4 (jar) q599-p5 (base: disk base, flat) q599-p6 (rim: square) q599-p7 (bowl) q599-p8 (jar) q599-p9 (cup) q599-p70 (body sherd) q599-p71 (body sherd) q599-p72 (body sherd) q599-p73 (body sherd) q599-p74 (body sherd) q599-p75 (body sherd) q600-p1 (bowl) q600-p2 (base: flat) q600-p3 (bowl) q600-p4 (base: flat) q600-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q600-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q600-p7 (base: holed in center of base) q600-p8 (bowl) q600-p9 (base: flat) q600-p10 (bowl) q600-p11 (base: flat) q600-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q600-p13 (bowl) q600-p14 (jar) q600-p15 (bowl) q600-p16 (jar) q600-p17 (jar) q600-p18 (jar) q600-p19 (bowl) q600-p20 (bowl) q600-p21 (jar) q600-p22 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q600-p23 (jar) q600-p24 (base: flat) q600-p25 (bowl) q600-p26 (rim: square) q600-p27 (jar) q600-p28 (worked disk) q600-p29 (rim: collared-grooved) q600-p30 (base: flat, slightly convex) q600-p31 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q600-p32 (rim: rounded) q600-p33 (base: ring) q600-p34 (bowl) q600-p35 (base: holed in center of base) q600-p36 (rim: collared-grooved) q600-p37 (jar) q600-p38 (cup) q600-p39 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) q600-p40 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q600-p41 (rim: flat) q600-p42 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q600-p43 (rim: rounded) q600-p44 (base: flat, slightly convex) q600-p45 (worked disk) q600-p46 (rim: square) q600-p47 (base: flat, slightly convex) q600-p48 (bowl) q600-p70 (body sherd) q600-p71 (body sherd) q600-p72 (body sherd) q600-p73 (body sherd) q600-p74 (body sherd) q600-p75 (body sherd) q600-p76 (body sherd) q600-p77 (body sherd) q600-p78 (body sherd) q600-p79 (body sherd) q600-p80 (body sherd) q600-p81 (body sherd) q602-p1 (jar) q602-p2 (jar) q602-p3 (rim: square) q602-p4 (base: disk base, slightly convex) q602-p5 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q602-p6 (base: flat) q602-p7 (base: exterior ledge) q602-p8 (rim: square) q602-p70 (body sherd) q602-p71 (body sherd) q602-p72 (body sherd) q602-p73 (body sherd) q602-p74 (body sherd) q602-p75 (body sherd) q602-p76 (body sherd) q603-p1 (rim: square) q603-p2 (root) q603-p3 (base: disk base, flat) q603-p4 (base: holed in center of base) q603-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex) q603-p6 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q603-p7 (base: flat) q603-p8 (other shape sherd) q603-p9 (other shape sherd) q603-p10 (plate) q603-p11 (other shape sherd) q603-p12 (base: flat) q603-p70 (body sherd) q603-p71 (body sherd) q603-p72 (body sherd) q603-p73 (body sherd) q604-p1 (jar) q604-p70 (body sherd) q604-p71 (body sherd) q604-p72 (body sherd) q605-p1 (bowl) q605-p2 (other shape sherd) q605-p3 (bowl) q605-p70 (body sherd) q605-p71 (body sherd) q605-p72 (body sherd) q605-p73 (body sherd) q605-p74 (body sherd) q605-p75 (body sherd) q605-p76 (body sherd) q605-p77 (body sherd) q608-p1 (bowl) q608-p2 (rim: rounded) q608-p3 (jar) q608-p4 (rim: rounded) q608-p5 (jar) q608-p6 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q608-p7 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q608-p70 (body sherd) q608-p71 (body sherd) q608-p72 (body sherd) q608-p73 (body sherd) q608-p74 (body sherd) q613-p1 (jar) q613-p2 (other shape sherd) q613-p3 (jar) q613-p4 (jar) q613-p5 (other shape sherd) q613-p6 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q613-p7 (cup) q613-p8 (tablet) q613-p9 (other shape sherd) q613-p10 (bowl) q613-p11 (bowl) q613-p12 (cup) q613-p70 (body sherd) q613-p71 (body sherd) q613-p72 (body sherd) q613-p73 (body sherd) q613-p74 (body sherd) q613-p75 (body sherd) q613-p76 (body sherd) q613-p77 (body sherd) q613-p78 (body sherd) q613-p79 (body sherd) q613-p80 (body sherd) q613-p81 (body sherd) q613-p82 (body sherd) q613-p83 (body sherd) q644-p1 (cup) q644-p2 (rim: rounded) q644-p3 (bowl) q644-p4 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q644-p5 (rim: square) q644-p6 (bowl) q644-p7 (rim: square) q644-p8 (bowl) q644-p9 (bowl) q644-p10 (base: flat) q644-p70 (body sherd) q644-p71 (body sherd) q644-p72 (body sherd) q644-p73 (body sherd) q644-p74 (body sherd) q644-p75 (body sherd) q644-p76 (body sherd) q644-p77 (body sherd) q646-p1 (jar) q646-p2 (jar) q646-p3 (jar) q646-p4 (jar) q646-p5 (base: flat) q646-p6 (base: type unspecified) q646-p70 (body sherd) q646-p71 (body sherd) q646-p72 (body sherd) q646-p73 (body sherd) q646-p74 (body sherd) q646-p75 (body sherd) q649-p70 (body sherd) q649-p71 (body sherd) q649-p72 (body sherd) q653-p1 (cup) q653-p2 (cup) q653-p3 (rim: rounded) q653-p4 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q653-p5 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q653-p6 (bowl) q653-p7 (rim: rounded) q653-p8 (base: flat) q653-p9 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q653-p10 (base: holed in center of base) q653-p11 (base: rounded) q653-p12 (other shape sherd) q790-p1 (bowl) q790-p2 (bowl) q790-p3 (jar) q790-p70 (body sherd) q790-p71 (body sherd) q790-p72 (body sherd) q790-p73 (body sherd) q796-p1 (cup) q796-p2 (jar) q796-p3 (jar) q796-p4 (cup) q796-p5 (jar) q796-p6 (cup) q796-p7 (cup) q796-p8 (bowl) q796-p9 (bowl) q796-p10 (bowl) q796-p11 (bowl) q796-p12 (bowl) q796-p13 (pot) q796-p14 (jar) q796-p15 (cup) q796-p16 (rim: rounded) q796-p17 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q796-p18 (base: string cut cup) q796-p19 (cup) q796-p20 (base: flat) q796-p21 (base: flat) q796-p22 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q796-p70 (body sherd) q796-p71 (body sherd) q796-p72 (body sherd) q796-p73 (body sherd) q796-p74 (body sherd) q796-p75 (body sherd) q796-p76 (body sherd) q796-p77 (body sherd) q796-p78 (body sherd) q796-p79 (body sherd) q797-p1 (pot) q797-p2 (jar) q797-p3 (bowl) q797-p4 (rim: flat) q797-p5 (rim: square) q797-p6 (bowl) q797-p7 (rim: rounded) q797-p8 (bowl) q797-p9 (bowl) q797-p10 (jar) q797-p11 (jar) q797-p12 (rim: rounded) q797-p13 (bowl) q797-p14 (jar) q797-p15 (base: rounded) q797-p16 (base: flat) q797-p17 (base: flat) q797-p18 (base: rounded) q797-p19 (base: flat) q797-p20 (base: flat) q797-p21 (bowl) q797-p22 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q797-p23 (jar) q797-p24 (jar) q797-p25 (bowl) q797-p26 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q797-p27 (worked disk) q797-p61 (other shape sherd) q797-p62 (jar) q797-p70 (body sherd) q797-p71 (body sherd) q797-p72 (body sherd) q797-p73 (body sherd) q797-p74 (body sherd) q797-p75 (body sherd) q797-p76 (body sherd) q797-p77 (body sherd) q797-p78 (body sherd) q797-p79 (body sherd) q797-p80 (body sherd) q797-p81 (body sherd) q797-p82 (body sherd) q800-p1 (base: flat) q800-p70 (body sherd) q800-p71 (body sherd) q800-p72 (body sherd) q800-p73 (body sherd) q800-p74 (body sherd) q800-p75 (body sherd) q800-p76 (body sherd) q801-p1 (cup) q801-p2 (bowl) q801-p3 (rim: square) q801-p4 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q801-p5 (jar) q801-p6 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q801-p7 (base: flat) q801-p8 (base: flat, slightly convex) q801-p9 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q801-p70 (body sherd) q801-p71 (body sherd) q801-p72 (body sherd) q801-p73 (body sherd) q801-p74 (body sherd) q801-p75 (body sherd) q801-p76 (body sherd) q804-p1 (cup) q804-p2 (bowl) q804-p3 (cup) q804-p4 (cup) q804-p5 (cup) q804-p6 (rim: rounded) q804-p7 (bowl) q804-p8 (rim: flat) q804-p9 (rim: rounded) q804-p10 (cup) q804-p11 (bowl) q804-p12 (cup) q804-p13 (bowl) q804-p14 (bowl) q804-p15 (cup) q804-p16 (bowl) q804-p17 (rim: rounded) q804-p70 (body sherd) q804-p71 (body sherd) q804-p72 (body sherd) q804-p73 (body sherd) q804-p74 (body sherd) q809-p1 (cup) q809-p2 (bowl) q809-p3 (rim: flat) q809-p4 (bowl) q809-p5 (bowl) q809-p6 (jar) q809-p7 (bowl) q809-p8 (cup) q809-p9 (rim: flat) q809-p10 (jar) q809-p11 (jar) q809-p12 (jar) q809-p13 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q809-p14 (base: ring) q809-p15 (other shape sherd) q809-p16 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q809-p17 (base: flat, slightly convex) q809-p70 (body sherd) q809-p71 (body sherd) q809-p72 (body sherd) q809-p73 (body sherd) q809-p74 (body sherd) q809-p75 (body sherd) q809-p76 (body sherd) q809-p77 (body sherd) q809-p78 (body sherd) q809-p79 (body sherd) q809-p80 (body sherd) q810-p1 (cup) q810-p2 (jar) q810-p3 (jar) q810-p4 (jar) q810-p5 (jar) q810-p6 (pot) q810-p7 (bowl) q810-p8 (jar) q810-p9 (plate) q810-p10 (bowl) q810-p11 (tablet) q810-p12 (cup) q810-p13 (bowl) q810-p14 (cup) q810-p15 (cup) q810-p16 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q810-p17 (bowl) q810-p18 (jar) q810-p19 (bowl) q810-p20 (cup) q810-p21 (jar) q810-p22 (bowl) q810-p23 (base: flat) q810-p24 (base: flat) q810-p25 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q810-p26 (base: disk base, flat) q810-p27 (base: string cut cup) q810-p70 (body sherd) q810-p71 (body sherd) q810-p72 (body sherd) q810-p73 (body sherd) q810-p74 (body sherd) q810-p75 (body sherd) q810-p76 (body sherd) q810-p77 (body sherd) q813-p70 (body sherd) q813-p71 (body sherd) q813-p72 (body sherd) q813-p73 (body sherd) q815-p1 (bowl) q815-p2 (jar) q815-p3 (jar) q815-p4 (bowl) q815-p5 (jar) q815-p6 (bowl) q815-p7 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q815-p8 (base: disk base, flat) q815-p9 (jar) q815-p10 (bowl) q815-p11 (bowl) q815-p12 (base: rounded) q815-p13 (base: flat) q815-p14 (base: flat) q815-p15 (bowl) q815-p16 (base: flat) q815-p17 (base: flat, slightly convex) q815-p18 (base: flat) q815-p19 (rim: square) q815-p20 (base: string cut cup) q815-p70 (body sherd) q815-p71 (body sherd) q815-p72 (body sherd) q815-p73 (body sherd) q815-p74 (body sherd) q815-p75 (body sherd) q818-p1 (bowl) q818-p5 (bowl) q818-p6 (jar) q818-p7 (jar) q818-p31 (base: low ring) q818-p36 (base: flat) q818-p70 (body sherd) q818-p71 (body sherd) q818-p72 (body sherd) q818-p73 (body sherd) q818-p74 (body sherd) q818-p75 (body sherd) q818-p76 (body sherd) q818-p77 (body sherd) q818-p78 (body sherd) q818-p79 (body sherd) q818-p80 (body sherd) q818-p81 (body sherd) q818-p82 (body sherd) q818-p83 (body sherd) q820-p1 (jar) q820-p2 (jar) q820-p3 (bowl) q820-p4 (jar) q820-p5 (bowl) q820-p6 (rim: rounded) q820-p7 (jar) q820-p8 (jar) q820-p9 (bowl) q820-p10 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q820-p11 (strainer) q820-p12 (cup) q820-p13 (cup) q820-p14 (bowl) q820-p15 (jar) q820-p16 (handle: single pierced lug) q820-p17 (base: string cut cup) q820-p18 (base: rounded) q820-p19 (rim: rounded) q820-p70 (body sherd) q820-p71 (body sherd) q820-p72 (body sherd) q820-p73 (body sherd) q820-p74 (body sherd) q820-p75 (body sherd) q820-p76 (body sherd) q820-p77 (body sherd) q820-p78 (body sherd) q820-p79 (body sherd) q820-p80 (body sherd) q820-p81 (body sherd) q821-p1 (bowl) q821-p2 (bowl) q821-p3 (jar) q821-p4 (bowl) q821-p5 (rim: rounded) q821-p6 (jar) q821-p7 (rim: rounded) q821-p70 (body sherd) q821-p71 (body sherd) q821-p72 (body sherd) q821-p73 (body sherd) q821-p74 (body sherd) q821-p75 (body sherd) q821-p76 (body sherd) q821-p77 (body sherd) q821-p78 (body sherd) q821-p79 (body sherd) q822-p1 (bowl) q822-p2 (jar) q822-p3 (bowl) q822-p4 (bowl) q822-p5 (base: rounded) q822-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q822-p70 (body sherd) q822-p71 (body sherd) q822-p72 (body sherd) q822-p73 (body sherd) q822-p74 (body sherd) q822-p75 (body sherd) q822-p76 (body sherd) q823-p1 (cup) q823-p2 (jar) q823-p3 (cup) q823-p4 (jar) q823-p5 (bowl) q823-p6 (bowl) q823-p7 (base: flat) q823-p8 (rim: rounded) q823-p9 (jar) q823-p10 (bowl) q823-p11 (base: rounded) q823-p12 (other shape sherd) q823-p13 (other shape sherd) q823-p14 (other shape sherd) q823-p15 (other shape sherd) q823-p16 (other shape sherd) q823-p17 (other shape sherd) q823-p18 (other shape sherd) q823-p19 (other shape sherd) q823-p20 (other shape sherd) q823-p70 (body sherd) q823-p71 (body sherd) q823-p72 (body sherd) q823-p73 (body sherd) q823-p74 (body sherd) q823-p75 (body sherd) q823-p76 (body sherd) q824-p1 (cup) q824-p2 (cup) q824-p3 (cup) q824-p4 (cup) q824-p5 (rim: flat) q824-p6 (bowl) q824-p7 (cup) q824-p8 (bowl) q824-p9 (bowl) q824-p10 (bowl) q824-p11 (cup) q824-p12 (bowl) q824-p13 (bowl) q824-p14 (rim: rounded) q824-p15 (tablet) q824-p16 (tablet) q824-p17 (cup) q824-p18 (cup) q824-p19 (bowl) q824-p20 (strainer) q824-p21 (jar) q824-p22 (jar) q824-p23 (jar) q824-p24 (cup) q824-p25 (rim: rounded) q824-p26 (bowl) q824-p27 (rim: rounded) q824-p28 (jar) q824-p29 (bowl) q824-p30 (base: rounded) q824-p70 (body sherd) q824-p71 (body sherd) q824-p72 (body sherd) q824-p73 (body sherd) q824-p74 (body sherd) q824-p75 (body sherd) q824-p76 (body sherd) q824-p77 (body sherd) q824-p78 (body sherd) q828-p1 (cup) q828-p2 (cup) q828-p3 (cup) q828-p4 (cup) q828-p5 (cup) q828-p6 (cup) q828-p7 (cup) q828-p8 (cup) q828-p9 (cup) q828-p10 (cup) q828-p11 (cup) q828-p12 (cup) q828-p13 (bowl) q828-p14 (plate) q828-p15 (plate) q828-p16 (bowl) q828-p17 (bowl) q828-p18 (base: holed in center of base) q828-p19 (base: flat) q828-p20 (base: string cut cup) q828-p21 (base: ring) q828-p22 (jar) q828-p23 (jar) q828-p70 (body sherd) q828-p71 (body sherd) q828-p72 (body sherd) q828-p73 (body sherd) q828-p74 (body sherd) q828-p75 (body sherd) q828-p76 (body sherd) q828-p77 (body sherd) q829-p1 (jar) q829-p2 (rim: square) q829-p3 (cup) q829-p4 (bowl) q829-p5 (jar) q829-p6 (bowl) q829-p7 (jar) q829-p8 (rim: flat) q829-p9 (bowl) q829-p10 (cup) q829-p11 (base: flat, slightly convex) q829-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q829-p13 (bowl) q829-p14 (base: string cut cup) q829-p15 (base: rounded) q829-p16 (base: flat) q829-p17 (base: string cut cup) q829-p18 (base: flat) q829-p19 (base: flat) q829-p20 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q829-p21 (base: string cut cup) q829-p22 (base: exterior ledge) q829-p70 (body sherd) q829-p71 (body sherd) q829-p72 (body sherd) q829-p73 (body sherd) q829-p74 (body sherd) q829-p75 (body sherd) q829-p76 (body sherd) q829-p77 (body sherd) q830-p1 (bowl) q830-p2 (cup) q830-p3 (bowl) q830-p4 (jar) q830-p5 (bowl) q830-p6 (jar) q830-p7 (cup) q830-p8 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q830-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q830-p10 (base: flat, slightly convex) q830-p70 (body sherd) q830-p71 (body sherd) q830-p72 (body sherd) q830-p73 (body sherd) q830-p74 (body sherd) q830-p75 (body sherd) q831-p1 (bowl) q831-p2 (jar) q831-p3 (cup) q831-p4 (bowl) q831-p5 (bowl) q831-p6 (bowl) q831-p7 (jar) q831-p8 (jar) q831-p9 (bowl) q831-p10 (rim: rounded) q831-p11 (bowl) q831-p12 (root) q831-p13 (rim: flat) q831-p14 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) q831-p15 (jar) q831-p16 (rim: rounded) q831-p17 (jar) q831-p18 (rim: rounded) q831-p19 (cup) q831-p20 (cup) q831-p21 (bowl) q831-p22 (cup) q831-p23 (bowl) q831-p24 (cup) q831-p25 (cup) q831-p26 (base: string cut cup) q831-p27 (base: flat) q831-p28 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q831-p29 (bowl) q831-p30 (base: flat) q831-p31 (base: string cut cup) q831-p32 (base: rounded) q831-p33 (jar) q831-p34 (base: rounded) q831-p70 (body sherd) q831-p71 (body sherd) q831-p72 (body sherd) q831-p73 (body sherd) q831-p74 (body sherd) q831-p75 (body sherd) q831-p76 (body sherd) q831-p77 (body sherd) q831-p78 (body sherd) q831-p79 (body sherd) q832-p1 (rim: collared-grooved) q832-p2 (bowl) q832-p3 (bowl) q832-p4 (bowl) q832-p5 (bowl) q832-p6 (cup) q832-p7 (jar) q832-p8 (jar) q832-p9 (rim: rounded) q832-p10 (rim: double strand (both rounded)) q832-p11 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q832-p12 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q832-p13 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q832-p14 (base: flat) q832-p15 (base: rounded) q832-p16 (base: flat, slightly convex) q832-p17 (other shape sherd) q832-p18 (other shape sherd) q832-p19 (other shape sherd) q832-p20 (other shape sherd) q832-p21 (other shape sherd) q832-p22 (other shape sherd) q832-p23 (other shape sherd) q832-p24 (other shape sherd) q832-p25 (other shape sherd) q832-p26 (other shape sherd) q832-p27 (other shape sherd) q832-p28 (other shape sherd) q832-p29 (other shape sherd) q832-p30 (other shape sherd) q832-p31 (other shape sherd) q832-p32 (other shape sherd) q832-p33 (other shape sherd) q832-p34 (other shape sherd) q832-p35 (other shape sherd) q832-p36 (other shape sherd) q832-p37 (other shape sherd) q832-p38 (other shape sherd) q832-p39 (other shape sherd) q832-p40 (other shape sherd) q832-p41 (other shape sherd) q832-p42 (other shape sherd) q832-p43 (other shape sherd) q832-p44 (other shape sherd) q832-p45 (other shape sherd) q832-p46 (other shape sherd) q832-p47 (other shape sherd) q832-p48 (other shape sherd) q832-p49 (other shape sherd) q832-p50 (other shape sherd) q832-p51 (other shape sherd) q832-p52 (other shape sherd) q832-p53 (other shape sherd) q832-p54 (other shape sherd) q832-p55 (other shape sherd) q832-p56 (other shape sherd) q832-p57 (other shape sherd) q832-p58 (other shape sherd) q832-p59 (other shape sherd) q832-p60 (other shape sherd) q832-p61 (other shape sherd) q832-p62 (other shape sherd) q832-p63 (other shape sherd) q832-p64 (other shape sherd) q832-p65 (other shape sherd) q832-p66 (other shape sherd) q832-p67 (other shape sherd) q832-p68 (other shape sherd) q832-p69 (other shape sherd) q832-p70 (body sherd) q832-p71 (body sherd) q832-p72 (body sherd) q832-p73 (body sherd) q832-p74 (body sherd) q832-p75 (body sherd) q832-p76 (body sherd) q832-p77 (body sherd) q833-p1 (jar) q833-p2 (jar) q833-p3 (jar) q833-p4 (cup) q833-p5 (rim: flat) q833-p6 (bowl) q833-p7 (cup) q833-p8 (cup) q833-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q833-p10 (rim: flat) q833-p11 (cup) q833-p12 (jar) q833-p13 (bowl) q833-p14 (base: rounded) q833-p15 (cup) q833-p16 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q833-p17 (rim: flat) q833-p18 (base: string cut cup) q833-p19 (bowl) q833-p20 (base: flat) q833-p21 (jar) q833-p22 (base: string cut cup) q833-p23 (rim: square) q833-p70 (body sherd) q833-p71 (body sherd) q833-p72 (body sherd) q833-p73 (body sherd) q833-p74 (body sherd) q833-p75 (body sherd) q833-p76 (body sherd) q835-p1 (cup) q835-p2 (jar) q835-p3 (base: string cut cup) q835-p70 (body sherd) q835-p71 (body sherd) q835-p72 (body sherd) q835-p73 (body sherd) q835-p74 (body sherd) q835-p75 (body sherd) q836-p1 (bowl) q836-p2 (bowl) q836-p3 (cup) q836-p4 (cup) q836-p5 (cup) q836-p6 (cup) q836-p7 (bowl) q836-p8 (bowl) q836-p9 (cup) q836-p10 (cup) q836-p11 (cup) q836-p12 (cup) q836-p13 (bowl) q836-p14 (bowl) q836-p15 (bowl) q836-p16 (bowl) q836-p17 (cup) q836-p18 (cup) q836-p19 (jar) q836-p20 (bowl) q836-p21 (jar) q836-p22 (jar) q836-p23 (rim: double strand (both rounded)) q836-p24 (jar) q836-p25 (bowl) q836-p26 (pot) q836-p27 (rim: rounded) q836-p28 (rim: flat) q836-p29 (jar) q836-p30 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q836-p31 (base: rounded) q836-p32 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q836-p33 (base: flat) q836-p34 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q836-p35 (base: rounded) q836-p36 (base: flat) q836-p37 (base: string cut cup) q836-p70 (body sherd) q836-p71 (body sherd) q836-p72 (body sherd) q836-p73 (body sherd) q836-p74 (body sherd) q836-p75 (body sherd) q836-p76 (body sherd) q836-p77 (body sherd) q837-p1 (cup) q837-p2 (cup) q837-p3 (cup) q837-p4 (cup) q837-p5 (cup) q837-p6 (cup) q837-p7 (cup) q837-p8 (cup) q837-p9 (cup) q837-p10 (cup) q837-p11 (bowl) q837-p12 (bowl) q837-p13 (bowl) q837-p14 (bowl) q837-p15 (bowl) q837-p16 (plate) q837-p17 (bowl) q837-p18 (bowl) q837-p19 (plate) q837-p20 (bowl) q837-p21 (pot) q837-p22 (jar) q837-p23 (jar) q837-p24 (jar) q837-p25 (tablet) q837-p26 (rim: rounded) q837-p27 (base: string cut cup) q837-p28 (base: rounded) q837-p29 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q837-p30 (other shape sherd) q837-p31 (base: flat, slightly convex) q837-p32 (base: flat, slightly convex) q837-p33 (base: string cut cup) q837-p34 (base: rounded) q837-p70 (body sherd) q837-p71 (body sherd) q837-p72 (body sherd) q837-p73 (body sherd) q837-p74 (body sherd) q837-p75 (body sherd) q837-p76 (body sherd) q837-p77 (body sherd) q837-p78 (body sherd) q837-p79 (body sherd) q839-p1 (cup) q839-p2 (cup) q839-p3 (cup) q839-p4 (bowl) q839-p5 (bowl) q839-p6 (bowl) q839-p7 (bowl) q839-p8 (cup) q839-p9 (bowl) q839-p10 (jar) q839-p11 (cup) q839-p12 (rim: flat) q839-p13 (jar) q839-p14 (cup) q839-p15 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q839-p16 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q839-p17 (cup) q839-p18 (cup) q839-p19 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q839-p20 (bowl) q839-p21 (jar) q839-p22 (base: string cut cup) q839-p23 (cup) q839-p24 (bowl) q839-p70 (body sherd) q839-p71 (body sherd) q839-p72 (body sherd) q839-p73 (body sherd) q839-p74 (body sherd) q839-p75 (body sherd) q839-p76 (body sherd) q839-p77 (body sherd) q841-p1 (cup) q841-p2 (cup) q841-p3 (cup) q841-p4 (rim: flat) q841-p5 (bowl) q841-p6 (cup) q841-p7 (cup) q841-p8 (rim: rounded) q841-p9 (rim: rounded) q841-p10 (cup) q841-p11 (cup) q841-p12 (rim: square) q841-p13 (rim: rounded) q841-p14 (rim: rounded) q841-p15 (rim: rounded) q841-p16 (plate) q841-p17 (jar) q841-p18 (bowl) q841-p19 (jar) q841-p20 (bowl) q841-p51 (base: ring) q841-p52 (cup) q841-p53 (bowl) q841-p54 (cup) q841-p55 (cup) q841-p56 (cup) q841-p57 (cup) q841-p58 (cup) q841-p59 (cup) q841-p60 (bowl) q841-p61 (bowl) q841-p62 (rim: rounded) q841-p63 (base: flat, slightly convex) q841-p64 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q841-p65 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q841-p66 (base: holed in center of base) q841-p67 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q841-p68 (rim: rounded) q841-p69 (jar) q841-p70 (jar) q841-p71 (bowl) q841-p72 (rim: rounded) q841-p73 (rim: rounded) q841-p74 (bowl) q842-p1 (cup) q842-p2 (cup) q842-p3 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q842-p4 (cup) q842-p5 (jar) q842-p6 (jar) q842-p7 (cup) q842-p8 (bowl) q842-p9 (bowl) q842-p10 (jar) q842-p11 (cup) q842-p12 (base: flat) q842-p13 (other shape sherd) q842-p70 (body sherd) q842-p71 (body sherd) q842-p72 (body sherd) q842-p73 (body sherd) q842-p74 (body sherd) q842-p75 (body sherd) q842-p76 (body sherd) q846-p1 (cup) q846-p2 (cup) q846-p3 (cup) q846-p4 (cup) q846-p5 (cup) q846-p6 (bowl) q846-p7 (bowl) q846-p8 (bowl) q846-p9 (bowl) q846-p10 (cup) q846-p11 (jar) q846-p12 (jar) q846-p13 (rim: flat) q846-p14 (base: string cut cup) q846-p76 (body sherd) q846-p77 (body sherd) q846-p78 (body sherd) q846-p79 (body sherd) q846-p80 (body sherd) q846-p81 (body sherd) q846-p82 (body sherd) q846-p83 (body sherd) q846-p84 (body sherd) q848-p1 (bowl) q848-p2 (cup) q848-p3 (cup) q848-p4 (cup) q848-p5 (cup) q848-p6 (cup) q848-p7 (cup) q848-p8 (bowl) q848-p9 (bowl) q848-p10 (bowl) q848-p11 (jar) q848-p12 (jar) q848-p13 (rim: rounded) q848-p14 (jar) q848-p15 (jar) q848-p16 (jar) q848-p17 (rim: rounded) q848-p18 (rim: rounded) q848-p19 (jar) q848-p20 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q848-p21 (base: flat) q848-p22 (base: flat, slightly convex) q848-p23 (base: rounded) q848-p70 (body sherd) q848-p71 (body sherd) q848-p72 (body sherd) q848-p73 (body sherd) q848-p74 (body sherd) q848-p75 (body sherd) q848-p76 (body sherd) q850-p1 (cup) q850-p2 (cup) q850-p3 (cup) q850-p4 (cup) q850-p5 (cup) q850-p6 (cup) q850-p7 (cup) q850-p8 (cup) q850-p9 (cup) q850-p10 (cup) q850-p11 (cup) q850-p12 (cup) q850-p13 (cup) q850-p14 (cup) q850-p15 (cup) q850-p16 (cup) q850-p17 (cup) q850-p18 (cup) q850-p19 (cup) q850-p20 (cup) q850-p21 (cup) q850-p22 (cup) q850-p23 (cup) q850-p24 (cup) q850-p25 (cup) q850-p26 (bowl) q850-p27 (plate) q850-p28 (bowl) q850-p29 (bowl) q850-p30 (bowl) q850-p31 (bowl) q850-p32 (bowl) q850-p33 (bowl) q850-p34 (bowl) q850-p35 (bowl) q850-p36 (bowl) q850-p37 (cup) q850-p38 (bowl) q850-p39 (bowl) q850-p40 (cup) q850-p41 (bowl) q850-p42 (cup) q850-p43 (bowl) q850-p44 (base: flat, slightly convex) q850-p45 (base: flat) q850-p46 (base: string cut cup) q850-p47 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q850-p48 (base: flat) q850-p49 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q850-p50 (base: flat, slightly convex) q850-p51 (base: string cut cup) q850-p52 (base: string cut cup) q850-p53 (base: string cut cup) q850-p54 (base: flat) q850-p55 (base: string cut cup) q850-p56 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q850-p57 (base: disk base, slightly concave) q850-p58 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q850-p59 (jar) q850-p60 (jar) q850-p61 (rim: rounded) q850-p62 (bowl) q850-p63 (jar) q850-p64 (jar) q850-p65 (rim: square) q850-p66 (rim: rounded) q850-p67 (rim: rounded) q850-p78 (body sherd) q850-p79 (body sherd) q850-p80 (body sherd) q850-p81 (body sherd) q850-p82 (body sherd) q850-p83 (body sherd) q850-p84 (body sherd) q850-p85 (body sherd) q850-p86 (body sherd) q852-p1 (bowl) q852-p2 (bowl) q852-p3 (bowl) q852-p4 (jar) q852-p5 (base: rounded) q852-p6 (base: flat, slightly convex) q852-p7 (pot) q852-p8 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q852-p9 (base: disk base, flat) q852-p10 (bowl) q852-p11 (bowl) q852-p12 (pot) q852-p13 (jar) q852-p14 (bowl) q852-p15 (base: flat) q852-p16 (jar) q852-p17 (base: flat) q852-p18 (bowl) q852-p19 (rim: rounded) q852-p20 (cup) q852-p21 (base: flat) q852-p22 (cup) q852-p23 (bowl) q852-p24 (bowl) q852-p25 (cup) q852-p26 (cup) q852-p27 (base: flat, slightly convex) q852-p28 (bowl) q852-p29 (worked disk) q852-p30 (worked disk) q852-p31 (worked disk) q852-p70 (body sherd) q852-p71 (body sherd) q852-p72 (body sherd) q852-p73 (body sherd) q852-p74 (body sherd) q852-p75 (body sherd) q852-p76 (body sherd) q855-p1 (bowl) q855-p2 (bowl) q855-p3 (bowl) q855-p4 (cup) q855-p5 (cup) q855-p6 (cup) q855-p7 (cup) q855-p8 (cup) q855-p9 (cup) q855-p10 (cup) q855-p11 (cup) q855-p12 (cup) q855-p13 (cup) q855-p14 (cup) q855-p15 (cup) q855-p16 (cup) q855-p17 (cup) q855-p18 (cup) q855-p19 (cup) q855-p20 (cup) q855-p21 (bowl) q855-p22 (base: string cut cup) q855-p23 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q855-p24 (base: string cut cup) q855-p25 (base: flat) q855-p26 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q855-p27 (base: flat, slightly convex) q855-p28 (jar) q855-p29 (rim: square) q855-p30 (base: holed in center of base) q855-p73 (body sherd) q855-p74 (body sherd) q855-p75 (body sherd) q855-p76 (body sherd) q855-p77 (body sherd) q856-p1 (cup) q856-p2 (cup) q856-p3 (bowl) q856-p4 (cup) q856-p5 (cup) q856-p6 (rim: flat) q856-p7 (cup) q856-p8 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q856-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q856-p70 (body sherd) q856-p71 (body sherd) q856-p72 (body sherd) q856-p73 (body sherd) q856-p74 (body sherd) q856-p75 (body sherd) q856-p76 (body sherd) q856-p77 (body sherd) q857-p1 (base: flat) q857-p2 (base: flat) q857-p70 (body sherd) q857-p71 (body sherd) q857-p72 (body sherd) q857-p73 (body sherd) q859-p1 (cup) q859-p2 (cup) q859-p3 (cup) q859-p4 (cup) q859-p5 (cup) q859-p6 (cup) q859-p7 (cup) q859-p8 (cup) q859-p9 (bowl) q859-p10 (bowl) q859-p11 (bowl) q859-p12 (cup) q859-p13 (bowl) q859-p14 (tablet) q859-p15 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q859-p16 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q859-p17 (jar) q859-p18 (jar) q859-p19 (base: flat) q859-p20 (base: string cut cup) q859-p21 (base: rounded) q859-p22 (base: string cut cup) q859-p23 (base: string cut cup) q859-p24 (base: flat) q859-p25 (base: flat, slightly convex) q859-p26 (base: string cut cup) q859-p27 (base: flat) q859-p70 (body sherd) q859-p71 (body sherd) q859-p72 (body sherd) q859-p73 (body sherd) q859-p74 (body sherd) q859-p75 (body sherd) q859-p76 (body sherd) q859-p77 (body sherd) q861-p1 (jar) q861-p2 (plate) q861-p3 (base: ring) q861-p4 (bowl) q861-p5 (base: rounded) q861-p6 (bowl) q861-p7 (jar) q861-p8 (jar) q861-p9 (cup) q861-p10 (base: string cut cup) q861-p11 (rim: rounded) q861-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q861-p13 (base: rounded) q861-p14 (base: flat) q861-p15 (bowl) q861-p16 (cup) q861-p17 (cup) q861-p18 (cup) q861-p19 (base: ring) q861-p20 (jar) q861-p21 (cup) q861-p22 (bowl) q861-p23 (jar) q861-p24 (rim: rounded) q861-p25 (tablet) q861-p26 (bowl) q861-p27 (jar) q861-p28 (base: flat) q861-p29 (cup) q861-p30 (cup) q861-p31 (cup) q861-p32 (base: flat) q861-p33 (bowl) q861-p34 (cup) q861-p35 (bowl) q861-p70 (body sherd) q861-p71 (body sherd) q861-p72 (body sherd) q861-p73 (body sherd) q861-p74 (body sherd) q861-p75 (body sherd) q861-p76 (body sherd) q861-p77 (body sherd) q861-p78 (body sherd) q861-p79 (body sherd) q862-p1 (cup) q862-p2 (cup) q862-p3 (cup) q862-p4 (cup) q862-p5 (cup) q862-p6 (cup) q862-p7 (cup) q862-p8 (cup) q862-p9 (cup) q862-p10 (cup) q862-p11 (cup) q862-p12 (cup) q862-p13 (cup) q862-p14 (cup) q862-p15 (cup) q862-p16 (bowl) q862-p17 (bowl) q862-p18 (bowl) q862-p19 (bowl) q862-p20 (cup) q862-p21 (jar) q862-p22 (bowl) q862-p23 (bowl) q862-p24 (jar) q862-p25 (bowl) q862-p26 (base: flat) q862-p27 (base: string cut cup) q862-p28 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q862-p29 (base: string cut cup) q862-p30 (base: string cut cup) q862-p31 (base: string cut cup) q862-p70 (body sherd) q862-p71 (body sherd) q862-p72 (body sherd) q862-p73 (body sherd) q862-p74 (body sherd) q862-p75 (body sherd) q862-p76 (body sherd) q862-p77 (body sherd) q862-p78 (body sherd) q862-p79 (body sherd) q868-p1 (cup) q868-p2 (cup) q868-p3 (cup) q868-p4 (jar) q868-p5 (jar) q868-p6 (bowl) q868-p7 (jar) q868-p8 (base: string cut cup) q868-p9 (base: flat) q868-p10 (base: string cut cup) q868-p70 (body sherd) q868-p71 (body sherd) q868-p72 (body sherd) q868-p73 (body sherd) q868-p74 (body sherd) q868-p75 (body sherd) q870-p1 (jar) q870-p2 (jar) q870-p3 (base: string cut cup) q870-p4 (bowl) q870-p5 (pot) q870-p6 (jar) q870-p7 (bowl) q870-p8 (base: flat, slightly convex) q870-p9 (base: flat, slightly convex) q870-p10 (bowl) q870-p11 (cup) q870-p12 (jar) q870-p13 (jar) q870-p14 (cup) q870-p15 (cup) q870-p16 (other shape sherd) q870-p17 (cup) q870-p18 (base: flat, slightly convex) q870-p19 (rim: rounded) q870-p20 (cup) q870-p21 (bowl) q870-p22 (cup) q870-p23 (bowl) q870-p70 (body sherd) q870-p71 (body sherd) q870-p72 (body sherd) q870-p73 (body sherd) q870-p74 (body sherd) q870-p75 (body sherd) q870-p76 (body sherd) q870-p77 (body sherd) q870-p78 (body sherd) q872-p1 (cup) q872-p2 (cup) q872-p3 (cup) q872-p4 (cup) q872-p5 (jar) q872-p6 (jar) q872-p7 (base: rounded) q872-p70 (body sherd) q872-p71 (body sherd) q872-p72 (body sherd) q872-p73 (body sherd) q872-p74 (body sherd) q872-p75 (body sherd) q872-p76 (body sherd) q872-p77 (body sherd) q874-p1 (bowl) q874-p2 (bowl) q874-p3 (bowl) q874-p4 (jar) q874-p5 (bowl) q874-p6 (bowl) q874-p7 (bowl) q874-p8 (jar) q874-p9 (jar) q874-p10 (jar) q874-p11 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q874-p12 (jar) q874-p13 (cup) q874-p14 (bowl) q874-p15 (bowl) q874-p16 (jar) q874-p17 (bowl) q874-p18 (jar) q874-p19 (cup) q874-p20 (bowl) q874-p21 (jar) q874-p22 (base: string cut cup) q874-p23 (base: string cut cup) q874-p24 (jar) q874-p25 (cup) q874-p70 (body sherd) q874-p71 (body sherd) q874-p72 (body sherd) q874-p73 (body sherd) q874-p74 (body sherd) q874-p75 (body sherd) q874-p76 (body sherd) q874-p77 (body sherd) q874-p78 (body sherd) q874-p79 (body sherd) q876-p1 (cup) q876-p2 (cup) q876-p3 (cup) q876-p4 (cup) q876-p5 (cup) q876-p6 (cup) q876-p7 (cup) q876-p8 (cup) q876-p9 (cup) q876-p10 (cup) q876-p11 (cup) q876-p12 (bowl) q876-p13 (bowl) q876-p14 (cup) q876-p15 (cup) q876-p16 (bowl) q876-p17 (bowl) q876-p18 (jar) q876-p19 (jar) q876-p20 (jar) q876-p21 (bowl) q876-p22 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q876-p23 (base: flat) q876-p24 (base: flat, slightly convex) q876-p25 (base: flat) q876-p26 (base: string cut cup) q876-p70 (body sherd) q876-p71 (body sherd) q876-p72 (body sherd) q876-p73 (body sherd) q876-p74 (body sherd) q876-p75 (body sherd) q876-p76 (body sherd) q876-p77 (body sherd) q878-p1 (jar) q878-p2 (jar) q878-p3 (jar) q878-p4 (bowl) q878-p5 (bowl) q878-p6 (cup) q878-p7 (cup) q878-p8 (bowl) q878-p9 (base: string cut cup) q878-p10 (bowl) q878-p11 (bowl) q878-p12 (bowl) q878-p13 (cup) q878-p14 (cup) q878-p15 (cup) q878-p16 (cup) q878-p17 (bowl) q878-p18 (rim: rounded) q878-p19 (bowl) q878-p20 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q878-p70 (body sherd) q878-p71 (body sherd) q878-p72 (body sherd) q878-p73 (body sherd) q878-p74 (body sherd) q878-p75 (body sherd) q878-p76 (body sherd) q878-p77 (body sherd) q879-p1 (cup) q879-p2 (cup) q879-p3 (bowl) q879-p4 (cup) q879-p5 (bowl) q879-p6 (bowl) q879-p7 (bowl) q879-p8 (cup) q879-p9 (bowl) q879-p10 (cup) q879-p11 (bowl) q879-p12 (bowl) q879-p13 (jar) q879-p14 (pot) q879-p15 (jar) q879-p16 (jar) q879-p17 (jar) q879-p18 (rim: rounded) q879-p19 (strainer) q879-p20 (bowl) q879-p21 (rim: rounded) q879-p22 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q879-p23 (base: flat) q879-p24 (base: flat) q879-p25 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q879-p26 (base: string cut cup) q879-p70 (body sherd) q879-p71 (body sherd) q879-p72 (body sherd) q879-p73 (body sherd) q879-p74 (body sherd) q879-p75 (body sherd) q879-p76 (body sherd) q879-p77 (body sherd) q879-p78 (body sherd) q882-p1 (cup) q882-p2 (cup) q882-p3 (cup) q882-p4 (base: flat) q882-p70 (body sherd) q882-p71 (body sherd) q882-p72 (body sherd) q882-p73 (body sherd) q882-p74 (body sherd) q882-p75 (body sherd) q884-p1 (rim: rounded) q884-p2 (base: flat, slightly convex) q884-p3 (bowl) q884-p4 (cup) q884-p5 (cup) q884-p6 (cup) q884-p7 (bowl) q884-p8 (rim: rounded) q884-p9 (bowl) q884-p10 (base: flat) q884-p11 (bowl) q884-p12 (base: flat) q884-p13 (base: string cut cup) q884-p14 (cup) q884-p15 (bowl) q884-p16 (cup) q884-p17 (cup) q884-p18 (cup) q884-p19 (bowl) q884-p20 (bowl) q884-p21 (cup) q884-p22 (bowl) q884-p23 (base: rounded) q884-p24 (bowl) q884-p25 (cup) q884-p26 (cup) q884-p27 (cup) q884-p28 (bowl) q884-p29 (rim: flat) q884-p30 (jar) q884-p31 (jar) q884-p70 (body sherd) q884-p71 (body sherd) q884-p72 (body sherd) q884-p73 (body sherd) q884-p74 (body sherd) q884-p75 (body sherd) q884-p76 (body sherd) q892-p1 (cup) q892-p2 (cup) q892-p3 (cup) q892-p4 (cup) q892-p5 (cup) q892-p6 (bowl) q892-p7 (bowl) q892-p8 (bowl) q892-p9 (jar) q892-p10 (strainer) q892-p11 (rim: interior groove or ledge) q892-p12 (bowl) q892-p13 (jar) q892-p14 (strainer) q892-p15 (rim: rounded) q892-p16 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q892-p70 (body sherd) q892-p71 (body sherd) q892-p72 (body sherd) q892-p73 (body sherd) q892-p74 (body sherd) q892-p75 (body sherd) q892-p76 (body sherd) q892-p77 (body sherd) q892-p78 (body sherd) q893-p1 (cup) q893-p2 (bowl) q893-p3 (cup) q893-p4 (cup) q893-p5 (cup) q893-p6 (cup) q893-p7 (jar) q893-p8 (bowl) q893-p9 (jar) q893-p10 (jar) q893-p11 (base: string cut cup) q893-p12 (base: flat, slightly convex) q893-p13 (base: flat, slightly convex) q893-p14 (base: flat) q893-p15 (base: string cut cup) q893-p16 (base: rounded) q893-p17 (base: string cut cup) q893-p18 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q893-p19 (rim: rounded) q893-p70 (body sherd) q893-p71 (body sherd) q893-p72 (body sherd) q893-p73 (body sherd) q893-p74 (body sherd) q893-p75 (body sherd) q893-p76 (body sherd) q893-p77 (body sherd) q894-p1 (jar) q894-p2 (bowl) q894-p3 (base: flat, slightly convex) q894-p4 (base: flat, slightly convex) q894-p5 (jar) q894-p6 (base: string cut cup) q894-p7 (cup) q894-p8 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q894-p9 (bowl) q894-p10 (bowl) q894-p11 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q894-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) q894-p13 (bowl) q894-p14 (base: string cut cup) q894-p15 (cup) q894-p16 (base: flat) q894-p17 (rim: ribbed on top of rim only) q894-p70 (body sherd) q894-p71 (body sherd) q894-p72 (body sherd) q894-p73 (body sherd) q894-p74 (body sherd) q894-p75 (body sherd) q894-p76 (body sherd) q894-p77 (body sherd) q894-p78 (body sherd) [Input: S-CUMUL.j] |