Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements |
1997-07-19 |
jo |
secoundary baulk in the middle of k4 is removed to the level of the rest of the locus, f70 and 73 were removed [Input: H728JO-3.j] |
1997-07-20 |
jo |
in prepration to lemet excavation to the tranch f73 is being leveld in the entier locus [Input: H728JO-3.j] |
1997-07-21 |
jo |
the eastern extention of A6 northern baulk is being dug in the follwing up down order f2,f8,f27,f34 and f45 [Input: H728JO-3.j] |
1999-06-14 |
jlw |
first day of excavation in A9 in season 12. Working in f74, resuming exploration to find the extent of the paved brick floor, f84. Pottery unremarkable, as we are still seeing material carried down form the hill to the north and retained by the major N-S wall A6f76. [Input: J615JLW.j] |
1999-07-04 |
jlw |
began excavating f136 with large picks. We did not find much artifactual material and are removing this accumulation to get to the ashey layer just below where we expect to find a lot of preserved material. [Input: J704JLW.j] |
1999-07-05 |
jlw |
finished excavating f136 and began excavating f98, an ashey layer underneath, in the western half of the locus. We are preserving a baulk along the western edge of the eastern half to monitor the stratigraphy. [Input: J705JLW.j] |
1999-07-07 |
jlw |
excavated f 98, an ashy layer of soil, throughout the western two-thirds of the locus. Eastern part being preserved in section for reference. [Input: J707JLW.j] |
1999-07-08 |
jlw |
excavated all of ashy layer, f98, in west part of locus. Remains very difficult to keep layers separated during excavation. For whatever reason, the layers of accumulation seem to be better separated to the east and north, away from the doorway, a18. [Input: J709JLW1.j] |
1999-07-10 |
jlw |
excavated about a one-meter strip of accumulation, f100, to follow floor, f80, immediately below from k5 towards the doorway, a18. [Input: J710JLW1.j] |
1999-07-11 |
jlw |
completed following floor, f80, from k4 to doorway a18. One continuous, complete strip linking the north edge of k3 and all of k5 to the south edge of k4 and wall f97. There is a relatively steady decrease in elevation from north to south totalling 20 cm. [Input: J711JLW1.j] |
1999-07-13 |
jlw |
traced the south edge of the stone floor, f150, which was discovered in k6 along the north edge of wall, f124, east and linked it with floor, f80, which had been originally found in the test probe k5 at the end of 1997, and had been traced south through k4 two days ago. Began excavating accumulation, f87, the east portion of the locus. Made one run with large picks, preserving the brick fall that was a part of f89. Inspection revealed that there was accumulation under the bricks, so we conclude that they fell from somewhere else and were not the top bricks of a wall below. The accumulation under the bricks was very dark gray. Just to the south, under a very dense, hard accumulation in the SE corner, we found the top of a jumble of material including stones and baked bricks. Designated this layer f154. [Input: J713JLW.j] |
1999-07-14 |
jlw |
began again to excavate accumulation f99 towards the east from the exposed pebble floor, f80, in order to be able to vertically excavate layer 154, which is expected to contain important artifactual material. Finished excavating accumulation f98. [Input: J714JLW.j] |
1999-07-15 |
jlw |
continued to excavate accumulations, f99 and f100, between walls, f157 and f1. We are continuing to approach layer, f154, carefully. In preparing for a photograph that will show the contrasts in color and texture between various accumulations in the SE corner of the locus, may have cut a corner of brickwork that may extend from the south side of wall, f157, to the north side of wall, f1. [Input: J716JLW.j] |
1999-07-20 |
jlw |
continuing the process of leveling along the eastern perimeter, attempting to get all the locus to the level of the pebble floor, f80. [Input: J723JLW.j] |
1999-07-22 |
jlw |
drawing section of east baulk in preparation for removal by A12 as part of their excavation to find the north boundary of the plaza. [Input: J723JLW.j] |
1999-07-25 |
jlw |
excavating around doorway a18. Exposing the faces of walls f97 and f1 and excavating the lower levels of the doorway. Found baked brick threshold, f176 at the north end of the doorway. Probably associated with pebble floor, f80. [Input: J725JLW1.j] |
Strategy (projected or implemented) |
1997-07-15 |
jo |
will leave a secoundary baulk unexcavated to the west of a12, 140cm wide 400cm long and will excavate to the east and to the west of it [Input: H728JO-3.j] |
1997-07-19 |
jo |
will contenu removing f69 fill of a12, will contenu also diging the remaining portion of f70 at eastrn k4, will start diging f73 at western and the middle of k4 [Input: H728JO-3.j] |
1999-06-14 |
jlw |
to manage the findings from such a large locus (combination of two squares k1 and k2) we will divide k4 into 4 quadrants, Q1 thru Q4, roughly equal in size, whose borders run north-south. Q1 is to the east while Qa is on the west. Although we intend to eventually excavate all to the level of first occupation of AK, we will ignore Q4 for the moment to assist in getting dirt to the train which is to the west of k4. Findings will be separated in to q-lots associated with a particular quadrant. We plan to work as quickly as practicable to clear f74 (the last locus in k4 excavated in 1997), so that we can reach the level of the f80 and f84 floors. [Input: J615JLW.j] |
1999-07-13 |
jlw |
tomorrow we will excavate accumulation, f98, to the east with small picks to carefully approach layer, f154, which we expect will contain important artifactual material. [Input: J713JLW.j] |
Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
1997-07-14 |
jo |
a12 (pit) [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1999-06-27 |
jl |
a18 (doorway) [Input: J703JL.j] |
1997-07-08 |
jo |
f66 (accumulation) [Input: H709JLW1.j] |
1997-07-09 |
jo |
f67 (accumulation) [Input: H709JLW1.j] |
1999-06-15 |
jl |
f87 (lens type c) f88 (lens type c) f89 (lens type c) f90 (brick scatter) f91 (volumetric material) f92 (wall) f93 (wall) f96 (lens type c) f97 (wall) [Input: J622JL1.j] |
1999-06-22 |
jlw |
f105 (pit) [Input: J622JL1.j] |
1999-08-05 |
jl |
f140 (layer) f154 (layer) f163 (platform) f171 (layer) f176 (pavement) f178 (doorway) f190 (pavement, type b) [Input: J806JL.j] |
1999-08-06 |
jlw |
f193 (installation) f194 (trench, trough) [Input: J806JLW.j] |
1997-07-13 |
jo |
i21 (figurine) i22 (seal impression) [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1997-07-15 |
jo |
i23 (metal artifact) [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1997-07-16 |
jo |
i24 (seal) i25 (seal impression) [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1997-07-19 |
jo |
i26 (seal impression) i27 (seal impression) [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1997-07-20 |
jo |
i28 (clay lump) [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1999-06-14 |
jl |
i32 (metal artifact) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-06-15 |
jl |
i33 (seal impression) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-06-16 |
jl |
i34 (metal artifact) i35 (seal) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-06-17 |
jl |
i36 (metal artifact) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-07-12 |
jl |
i45 (seal impression) i47 (metal artifact) i49 (seal impression) i52 (figurine) i59 (clay lump) [Input: J806JL2.j] |
1999-07-17 |
jl |
i66 (figurine) i68 (seal impression) [Input: J806JL2.j] |
1999-07-18 |
jl |
i69 (seal impression) i70 (seal impression) i71 (clay lump) i72 (metal artifact) i73 (seal impression) i75 (metal artifact) i76 (seal impression) i80 (figurine) [Input: J806JL2.j] |
1999-07-22 |
jl |
i90 (figurine) i91 (figurine) i92 (metal artifact) [Input: J806JL2.j] |
1997-07-09 |
jO |
q96 (pottery) q98 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-12 |
jO |
q99 (pottery) q100 (pottery) q101 (pottery) q102 (pottery) q103 (bones, pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-13 |
jO |
q104 (pottery) q105 (pottery) q106 (bones, pottery) q107 (pottery) q108 (pottery) q109 (pottery) q110 (pottery) q111 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-14 |
jO |
q112 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-15 |
jO |
q113 (pottery) q114 (pottery) q115 (pottery) q116 (bones, pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-16 |
jO |
q117 (bones, pottery) q118 (pottery) q119 (pottery) q120 (pottery) q121 (pottery) q122 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-19 |
jO |
q123 (pottery) q124 (pottery) q125 (pottery) q126 (pottery) q127 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-20 |
jO |
q130 (pottery) q131 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-21 |
jO |
q134 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-22 |
jO |
q135 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-23 |
jO |
q141 (bones, pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1997-07-24 |
jO |
q145 (pottery) [Input: H729JLW.j] |
1999-06-14 |
jl |
q200 (bones, items, pottery) q201 (bones, items, pottery) q202 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-06-15 |
jl |
q203 (bones, items, pottery) q204 (bones, items, pottery) q205 (bones, items, pottery) q206 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-06-16 |
jl |
q207 (bones, items, pottery) q208 (bones, items, pottery) q209 (items, pottery) q210 (items, pottery) q211 (bones, items, pottery) q212 (bones, pottery) [Input: J620JL.j] |
1999-06-21 |
jl |
q226 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J622JL1.j] |
1999-06-22 |
jlw |
q229 (bones, items, pottery) q230 (bones, pottery) q231 (bones, pottery) q234 (pottery) q235 (bones, pottery) q236 (pottery) q238 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J622JL1.j] |
1999-06-23 |
jl |
q239 (bones, items, pottery) q240 (bones, items, pottery) q244 (bones, pottery) q245 (bones, pottery) q246 (bones, pottery) [Input: J625JL.j] |
1999-07-03 |
jl |
q322 (pottery) [Input: J703JL.j] |
1999-07-04 |
jl |
q324 (bones, items, pottery) q328 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J717JL.j] |
1999-07-05 |
jl |
q332 (bones, items, pottery) q334 (bones, items, pottery) q336 (bones, pottery) q341 (bones, items, pottery) q344 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J717JL.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
q346 (bones, pottery) q349 (bones, pottery) q353 (bones, pottery) q354 (bones, items, pottery) q356 (pottery) q357 (bones, pottery) [Input: J717JL.j] |
1999-07-07 |
jl |
q358 (bones, pottery) q362 (bones, pottery) q365 (bones, pottery) q367 (bones, pottery) q369 (bones, pottery) q370 (bones, pottery) [Input: J717JL.j] |
1999-07-08 |
jl |
q372 (pottery) q373 (bones, pottery) q374 (bones, items, pottery) q378 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J717JL.j] |
1999-07-10 |
jl |
q388 (bones, items, pottery) q400 (pottery) [Input: J804JL3.j] |
1999-07-11 |
jl |
q403 (bones, items, pottery) q406 (bones, pottery) [Input: J804JL3.j] |
1999-07-13 |
jl |
q416 (bones, items, pottery) q417 (bones, items, pottery) q418 (bones, items, pottery) q425 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J804JL3.j] |
1999-07-14 |
jl |
q427 (bones, items, pottery) q436 (bones, items, pottery) q438 (bones, pottery) q442 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J804JL3.j] |
1999-07-15 |
jl |
q452 (bones, pottery) q453 (bones, items, pottery) q466 (items) q467 (bones, pottery) q469 (pottery) [Input: J804JL3.j] |
1999-07-17 |
jl |
q472 (bones, items, pottery) q474 (bones, pottery) q476 (items, pottery) q477 (bones, items, pottery) q479 (bones, pottery) q480 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J804JL3.j] |
1999-07-18 |
jl |
q484 (bones, items, pottery) q485 (bones, items, pottery) q486 (bones, pottery) q487 (bones, items, pottery) q488 (items, pottery) q489 (bones, pottery) q491 (bones, pottery) q492 (bones, pottery) q493 (bones, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-18 |
jlw |
q499 (bones, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-19 |
jl |
q502 (pottery) q503 (bones, pottery) q504 (pottery) q505 (bones, pottery) q507 (pottery) q510 (bones, items, pottery) q511 (items, pottery) q513 (bones, items, pottery) q515 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-20 |
l |
q518 (bones, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-20 |
jl |
q521 (bones, pottery) q522 (items, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-21 |
jl |
q528 (bones, items, pottery) q530 (bones, items, pottery) q531 (pottery) q535 (pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-22 |
jlw |
q540 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-22 |
jl |
q551 (bones, pottery) q556 (bones, pottery) q557 (bones, pottery) q561 (bones, pottery) q563 (bones, items, pottery) q567 (bones, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-25 |
jl |
q571 (bones, pottery) q573 (bones, pottery) q574 (bones, pottery) q575 (bones, pottery) q579 (items, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-26 |
jl |
q582 (bones, items, pottery) q584 (bones, pottery) q586 (pottery) q588 (pottery) q589 (pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-20 |
l |
q591 (bones, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-27 |
jl |
q596 (bones, pottery) q597 (pottery) q599 (bones, items, pottery) q601 (bones, items, pottery) q604 (pottery) q610 (bones, pottery) q612 (bones, pottery) q613 (bones, pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
1999-07-29 |
jl |
q629 (pottery) q635 (pottery) [Input: J805AO.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
1999-06-26 |
jlw |
r143 (43320 36214 - 8344 / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: J626JL-R.j] |
1999-06-26 |
jlw |
r144 (43712 36335 - 8344 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: J626JL-R.j] |
1999-06-26 |
jlw |
r145 (44490 35575 - 8344 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: J626JL-R.j] |
1999-06-27 |
jl |
r143 (43320 36214 - 8395 / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: J701JL-R.j] |
1999-06-27 |
jl |
r144 (43712 36335 - 8395 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: J701JL-R.j] |
1999-06-27 |
jl |
r145 (44490 35575 - 8395 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: J701JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r189 (43687 35900 - 8326) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r190 (43419 35778 - 8325) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r191 (43421 35726 - 8327) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r192 (43391 35702 - 8331) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r193 (43592 35246 - 8320) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r194 (43681 34876 - 8323) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r195 (44193 35056 - 8361) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r196 (43938 35640 - 8310) [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-06 |
jl |
r197 (43789 35606 - 8307 [Input: J706JL-R.j] |
1999-07-31 |
jlw |
r366 (44265 35866 - 8331 / Relay location: k4) [Input: J731JLWR.j] |
Length of two sides |
1997-07-08 |
jo |
1000cm E-W [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
1997-07-08 |
jo |
400cm N-S [Input: H728JO-4.j] |
Notes on volumetric localization |
1997-07-08 |
jo |
by removing k1 eastern baulk, k1 and k2 are joient together as one open area geven new locus nummber (k4). the lemetation of k4 are the k4 (k1 + k2) northern section to the north, a1, A6f78 and A6f16 to the south [Input: H728JO-2.j] |