Unit Book A9

Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-25


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2001-07-03 jw accumulation [Input: L919JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2001-07-03 jlw accumulation [Input: L703JLW.j]
Description (summary) 2001-07-03 jlw accumulation in k21 in a 30cm wide strip between the western edge of the pavement, f205, and the eastern edge of the excavations in A7. Dug by Tariq. Found several Khabur sherds, the first that were not from a pit and a possible seal impression. [Input: L703JLW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on recovery 2001-07-03 jlw excavation began on L703 [Input: L703JLW.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2001-07-03 jw k21 [Input: L919JW.j]
M#/elev @top 2001-07-03 jw 9031 [Input: L919JW.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2001-06-23 !! q717.1 (seal impression) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: L920JW.j]
2001-06-23 !! q717.2 (clay lump) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: L920JW.j]
2001-06-23 vp q717 (items, pottery) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: L920JW.j]
2001-06-23 vp q743 (pottery) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: L920JW.j]
2008-09-07 hH q717-p1 (jar) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP]
2008-09-07 hH q717-p2 (jar) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP]
2008-09-07 hH q717-p3 (rim) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q717-p94 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q717-p95 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q717-p96 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q717-p97 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q717-p98 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q717-p99 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2008-09-07 hH q743-p1 (bowl) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Shape Sherd ZAy08S.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q743-p95 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q743-p96 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q743-p97 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q743-p98 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
2006-09-29 hB q743-p99 (body sherd) sits in f257 (accumulation) [Input: A9 Cumulative Body Sherd ZAy08.TP]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature



Roster Date Author Record
Color 2001-07-03 jw very pale brown [Input: L919JW.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2001-07-03 jw 10YR7/4 [Input: L919JW.j]