Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements |
2001-06-24 |
jlw |
removed what turned out to be backfill, f200, from the east portion of the locus. Removed a narrow wedge of material, f201 to align the north baulk with the grid we now use. We used a single lot, q653 for all material as stratigraphy was unclear. There will be no east baulk because it had been excavated in 1990. The eastern half of the locus had previously been excavated to a depth of more than 1 meter as seen in the north baulk. Uncovered a large 6 sqaure meter horizontal mudbrick surface, f205, just under a thin layer of topsoil, f202. Discovered a 1 square meter layer of melon-sized stones, f204 in the previously excavated section. Extended the locus about 2 meters to the west to trace the westward extent of the brick surface, which slopes gradually down from north to south. [Input: L706JLW.j] |
2001-06-25 |
jlw |
we found the west face of f205 located about 20cm east of the eastern excavation limit of A7, explaining why the platform did not appear in that section. We found a brick retaining wall, f208 at the apparent south face of the bricks, f205. Undoubtedly the original wall rose to the level of the horizontal part and the downward slope results from erosion down the slope. [Input: L706JLW.j] |
2001-06-26 |
jlw |
brushing revealed the horizontal outline of a pit, f212, half visible, protruding from the north baulk. Took relay of 3 points on the perimeter. [Input: L706JLW.j] |
2001-06-27 |
jlw |
continued to clear backfill/topsoil. Eleven years of vegetative cover had blurred the distinction, but in this case we saw plastic sheeting. Discovered a tannur, a23, in the NE corner. Components include the body, f215 and the fill, f216. Separated tanuur fill from surrounding accumulation, f214. [Input: L712JLW.j] |
2001-06-28 |
jlw |
explored along the eastern side of platform, a25, to find the east edge of the foundation. [Input: L712JLW.j] |
2001-07-03 |
jlw |
Tariq clarified the westward extent of the brick pavement, f205, in the NW corner of the locus. We found a possible seal impression and several Khabur sherds, the first ones that we have found that have not been in a pit. This means that tentatively, the platform can be assigned to Phase 5. [Input: L703JLW.j] |
2001-07-07 |
jlw |
continued to clarify the relationship between the foundation of the platform, f273 and the wall foundation, f225, to the south. It now appears that the east side of the platform foundation is built upon another foundation that is wider than the platform itself and that is joined with f225. Recorded and emoved a small line of stones, f277. Encountered a new layer of accumulation, f276, under accumulation, f274. Encountered another group of stones, f279, under the f277 stones. [Input: L707JLW1.j] |
2001-07-08 |
jlw |
finished clearing the floor accumulation (determined to be so by the number of sherds and specks of charcoal), f224, but did not excavate the large stone paving, f205, which appear to sit in f224. [Input: L708JLW.j] |
2001-07-09 |
jlw |
explored the features on the surface after careful cleaning the dirt deposited by foot traffic along the baulk. Found two bricks, f284, at elevation 9085, that may be aligned with those of the platform, a25. Found two large, flat stones, f285, at elevation 9087, that appear to be placed in line with the stones in f205, to the south that are at elevation 8942. [Input: L709JLW.j] |
Strategy (projected or implemented) |
2001-06-25 |
jlw |
we will continue to explore the nature and westward and southern extent of the brick surface, f205 in the NW corner of the locus. [Input: L706JLW.j] |
Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
2001-09-29 |
jlw |
a25 (wall) [Input: L930JW1.j] |
2001-06-24 |
jw |
f200 (volumetric material) f201 (volumetric material) f202 (topsoil) f204 (pavement, type b) f205 (pavement) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-06-25 |
jw |
f208 (wall) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-06-26 |
jw |
f212 (fill) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-06-28 |
jw |
f224 (accumulation) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-07-03 |
jw |
f257 (accumulation) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-07-07 |
jw |
f273 (foundation) f277 (pavement, type b) f279 (pavement, type b) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2001-07-09 |
jw |
f284 (brick installation) f285 (pavement, type b) [Input: L919JW.j] |
2002-06-22 |
jlw |
f347 (floorsurface in general) f350 (pit cut) f351 (pit cut) f352 (pit cut) f353 (wall) f354 (floor, type a) f355 (fill) [Input: M622JW.j] |
2001-06-23 |
vp |
i129 (clay lump) i130 (clay lump) q653 (pottery) q654 (pottery) q655 (pottery) q659 (items, pottery) q671 (bones, items, pottery) q672 (pottery) q717 (items, pottery) q740 (bones, pottery) q743 (pottery) q744 (items) q746 (bones, pottery) q747 (pottery) q748 (bones, pottery) q751 (items, pottery) [Input: L920JW.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r688 (45454 35469 - 8973 / Relay location: k21) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r689 (45747 35575 - 9046 / Relay location: k21) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r690 (45109 36158 - 8951 / Relay location: k21) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
2001-07-22 |
vp |
r691 (45490 36296 - 9076 / Relay location: k21) [Input: L722VP-R.j] |
Extension of locus or q-lot |
2001-10-02 |
jlw |
m2566 [Input: LX02JW.j] |
Length of two sides |
2001-10-02 |
jlw |
500S [Input: LX02JW.j] |
2001-10-02 |
jlw |
750W [Input: LX02JW.j] |