Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Photo of context (v view) | |||
View/drawing of features | 1999-07-12 | jl | f1 (wall) f74 (accumulation C) f76 (accumulation C) f80 f81 (fill) f82 f84 f87 (lens type c) f88 (lens type c) f89 (lens type c) f92 (wall) f98 (lens type c) f99 (lens type c) f100 (lens type c) [Input: J806JL2.j] |
View/drawing of locus | 1999-07-12 | jl | k3 k4 [Input: J806JL2.j] |
View/drawing orientation | 1999-07-12 | jl | looking east [Input: J806JL2.j] |
General notes on photos | 1999-07-21 | jl | v28 shows the section of the accumulation above the brick and pebble floors through k3 and k4. Although v28 only shows the view from k4, v28a to v28g follow the baulk, along with a measuring stick, all of the way down its length. [Input: J721JL.j] |
Web view |