Unit Book A12

The ābi (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-05


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2002-09-08 jl accumulation [Input: M908JL.j]
Best image 2002-09-04 !!
v181 [Input: M904JL.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2002-09-12 ms Bricky matter fairly common throughout f384 west of f387. Seems to be found in conjunction with ashy material. [Input: M914JL.j]
2002-09-13 jl This ^a is probably (at least away from its edge) stratified. At its highest levels, it was (like f382) universally brown and moist, with a hard, gummy texture. It contained small pieces of bricky red material and ash. In its lower levels (right around f387), it maintained its texture, but both the ash chunks and the brick chunks increased dramatically in size. We will make this newer, dirtier material a new feature from now on, f392. [Input: M914JL.j]
2003-09-00 mKB three rollings rolled in TIP, peg impression which has two sharp edges not quite at right angles to each other [Input: ZI910mKB.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2002-09-08 jl k27 [Input: M908JL.j]
Height @top 2002-09-08 jl 8192-168 [Input: M908JL.j]
H-eye @top 2002-09-08 jl 7997 [Input: M908JL.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2002-09-08 jl M913 ms [Input: M908JL.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2002-09-08 jl i149 (figurine) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M908JL.j]
2002-09-08 jl i150 (clay artifact) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M908JL.j]
2002-09-12 jl i158 (lithic artifact) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M914JL.j]
2002-09-12 jl i161 (seal impression) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M914JL.j]
2002-09-09 !! q917.1 (sample) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M909JL.j]
2002-09-09 !! q917.2 (sample) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M909JL.j]
2002-09-09 !! q917.3 (sample) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M909JL.j]
2002-09-12 !! q946.1 (seal impression) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 !! q946.1a sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 !! q946.2 (clay lump) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 !! q947.1 (rim: simple with horseshoe handle) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 !! q947.2 (clay lump) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-08 jl q915 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M908JL.j]
2002-09-09 ms q917 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M909JL.j]
2002-09-09 jl q923 (pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M909JL.j]
2002-09-12 jl q942 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 ms q944 (pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 ms q945 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 ms q946 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 ms q947 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-12 ms q949 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-13 ms q951 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-13 ms q953 (pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-13 ms q958 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M913JL.j]
2002-09-18 ms q1000 (bones, pottery) sits in f384 (accumulation) [Input: M918JL.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Length 2003-09-00 mKB 2.9 [Input: ZI910mKB.j]
Width 1 or diameter of rim 2003-09-00 mKB 2.0 [Input: ZI910mKB.j]
Thickness 2003-09-00 mKB 1.0 [Input: ZI910mKB.j]
Notes on measurement 2002-09-13 jl This feature started out as a flat surface, but came down on top of f387, which sloped down to the west. Therefore, the lowest q-lots of the feature have elevations lower than the highest levels of f392, the feature which was underneath f387, since the q-lot elevations of f392 were originally taken at the top of the slope. [Input: M913JL.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2003-09-00 mKB clay [Input: ZI910mKB.j]
Iconographic description, specific 2003-09-00 mKB lowest rolling unclear, middle rolling: façade of winged building with one wing preserved, wing filled with vertical lines and is unusual in the comparative literature because the wings slant downward, building placed on the back of a bull (not preserved enough to tell if it is standing or reclining), bull ear large and prominent, one elongated horn extended over top of head (it is possible that this is not a horn but rather an arm and hand extended over the head of the animal [Input: ZI910mKB.j]
Style 2003-09-00 mKB bull neck is clearly modeled with detailed hair pattern on the front of the neck, the carving is diagonal with respect to the background but the beveled edge is not carved [Input: ZI910mKB.j]
Notes on items 2003-09-00 mKB red brown ware but with few inclusions, stronger than red crumbly [Input: ZI910mKB.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2002-09-04 jl [Input: M904JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-07 ms [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-09 jl [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-09 jl [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-09 jl [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-09 jl [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-09 jl [Input: M911JL.j]

2002-09-10 jl [Input: M914MS.j]

2002-09-10 jl [Input: M914MS.j]

2002-09-10 jl [Input: M914MS.j]

2002-09-13 jl [Input: M914JL.j]