Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | !! | !! | buildup |
Best definition | 2005-08-17 | vS | accumulation D [Input: P907MS1.j] |
Summary | 2007-07-26 | mS | natural accumulation in k24 [Input: R726CC.j] |
Best image | 2006-10-05 | mS | [Input: QX05MS.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2006-10-04 | lC | Natural compact accumulation [Input: V114LC.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2005-08-17 | vS | k24 [Input: P907MS1.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2005-08-17 | vS | r237 (41300 47130 - 8894 / Relay location: 1) [Input: R728MS-R.j] |
2005-08-17 | vS | r238 (41306 47019 - 8894 / Relay location: 2) [Input: R728MS-R.j] | |
2005-08-17 | vS | r239 (41441 47060 - 8894 / Relay location: 3) [Input: R728MS-R.j] | |
M#/elev @top | 2005-08-17 | vS | 9026 [Input: P907MS1.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2005-08-17 | vS | 8831 [Input: P907MS1.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2005-08-31 | pC | i28 (arrow) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: QX01MS.j] |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411.1 (grinding stone) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411.2 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q414.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q414.2 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420.1 (bead) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422.2 (figurine) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424.1 (ob) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429.2 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429.3 (sh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439.2 (sh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444.1 (figurine) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448.1 (uncertain) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q451.1 (bead) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497.1 (grinding stone) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q502.1 (blade) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507.1 (bead) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507.2 (wheel) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507.3 (figurine) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507.4 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513.1 (laf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513.2 (shell artifact) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513.3 (bead) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513.4 (grinding stone) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514.1 (wheel) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-17 | vS | q402 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | pC | q409 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | pC | q410 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | pC | q411 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | vS | q414 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | vS | q416 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | vS | q420 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | vS | q422 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | jE | q424 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | pC | q427 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | pC | q429 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-22 | vS | q436 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | pC | q439 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | mS | q440 (bones, pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | mS | q444 (items, pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | mS | q445 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | vS | q448 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | pC | q451 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | pC | q477 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | pC | q480 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | pC | q482 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | pC | q484 (p-b) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | pC | q489 (p-b) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | pC | q491 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | pC | q494 (bones, pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | pC | q497 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | pC | q502 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | pC | q507 (bones, pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | pC | q513 (pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | pC | q514 (bones, pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | vS | q524 (bones, pottery) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p1 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p2 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p3 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p4 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p5 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p6 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p7 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p8 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p9 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p10 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p12 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p13 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p14 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p15 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p16 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p17 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p18 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p19 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p20 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p21 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p22 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p23 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p24 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p25 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p26 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p27 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p28 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p29 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p30 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p31 (ri) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-17 | !! | q402-p32 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p1 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p2 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p3 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p4 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p5 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p6 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p7 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p8 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p9 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p10 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p11 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p13 (dp) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p14 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p15 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q409-p16 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p1 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p2 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p3 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p4 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p5 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p6 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p7 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p8 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p9 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p10 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p11 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p12 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p13 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p14 (stand) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p15 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p16 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p17 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p18 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p19 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p20 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p21 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p23 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p24 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p25 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p26 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p27 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p28 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p29 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q410-p30 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p1 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p2 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p3 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p5 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p6 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p7 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p8 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p9 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p10 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p11 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p12 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p13 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p14 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p15 (eie) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q411-p16 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q414-p70 (body sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p1 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p2 (xsb) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p3 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p4 (xsc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p5 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p6 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p7 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p8 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p9 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p10 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p11 (stand) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p12 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-18 | !! | q416-p13 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p1 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p2 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p3 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p4 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p5 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p7 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p8 (xsfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p9 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p10 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p11 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p13 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p14 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p15 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p16 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p17 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p18 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p19 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p20 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p21 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p22 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p23 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p24 (eie) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p25 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p26 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p27 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p28 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q420-p29 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p1 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p2 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p3 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p4 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p5 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p6 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p7 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p8 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p9 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p10 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p11 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p12 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p13 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p14 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p15 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p16 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p17 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p18 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p19 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p20 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p21 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p22 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p23 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p24 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p25 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p26 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p27 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p28 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p29 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p30 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p31 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p32 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p33 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p34 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p35 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p36 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p37 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p38 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q422-p39 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p1 (xsc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p2 (xsf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p3 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p5 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p6 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p7 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p8 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p9 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p10 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p11 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p12 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p13 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p14 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p15 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p16 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p17 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p18 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p19 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p20 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p21 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p23 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p24 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p25 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p26 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p27 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p28 (cg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p29 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q424-p30 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q427-p8 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q427-p21 (stand) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p1 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p2 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p3 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p4 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p5 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p6 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p7 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p8 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p9 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p10 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p11 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-20 | !! | q429-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P821CVP.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p1 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p2 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p3 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p4 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p5 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p6 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p7 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p8 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p9 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p10 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p11 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p13 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p14 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p15 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p16 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p17 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p18 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p19 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p20 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p21 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p22 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p23 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q436-p24 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p1 (xrd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p2 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p3 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p5 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p6 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p7 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p8 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p9 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p10 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p11 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p12 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p13 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p14 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p15 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p16 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p17 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p18 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p20 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p21 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p22 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p23 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p24 (eie) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p25 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p26 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p27 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p28 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p29 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p30 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p32 (ri) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p34 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p35 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p36 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p37 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p38 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p39 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p40 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p41 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p42 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p43 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p44 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p45 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q439-p46 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p1 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p2 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p3 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p5 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p6 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p7 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p8 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p9 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p10 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p11 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p13 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p14 (dp) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p15 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p16 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p17 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q440-p18 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p1 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p2 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p3 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p4 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p7 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p13 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p15 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q444-p37 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p1 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p2 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p3 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p5 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p6 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p7 (xhf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p8 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p9 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p10 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p11 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p12 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p13 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p14 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p15 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p16 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p17 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p18 (xsf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p19 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p20 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p21 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p22 (cg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p23 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p24 (cg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p25 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p26 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p27 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p28 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p29 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p30 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p31 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p32 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p33 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p34 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p35 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p36 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p37 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p38 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p39 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p40 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p41 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-22 | !! | q445-p42 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p1 (xsf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p2 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p3 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p5 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p6 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p7 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p8 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p9 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p10 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p11 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p12 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p13 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p14 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p15 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p16 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p17 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p18 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p20 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p21 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p22 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p23 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p24 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p25 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p26 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p27 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p28 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q448-p29 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q451-p1 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q451-p2 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q451-p3 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q451-p4 (xsf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: P905MS2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p1 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p2 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p3 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p5 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p6 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p7 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p8 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p9 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p10 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p11 (xsc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p12 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p13 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p14 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p15 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p16 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p17 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p18 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p19 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q477-p20 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p1 (xsc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p2 (xsc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p3 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p4 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p5 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p6 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p7 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p8 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p9 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p10 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p11 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p12 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p13 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p15 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p16 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p17 (xhf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p18 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p19 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p20 (ri) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p21 (pot) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p22 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p23 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p24 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p25 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p26 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p27 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p28 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p29 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p30 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p31 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p32 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p33 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q480-p34 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q482-p1 (xp) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q482-p2 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q482-p3 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q482-p4 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q482-p5 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-27 | !! | q482-p6 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p1 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p2 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p3 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p4 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p5 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p6 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p7 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p8 (xp) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p9 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p10 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p11 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p12 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p13 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p14 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p15 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p16 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p17 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p18 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p20 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p21 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p22 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p23 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p24 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p25 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p26 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p27 (pot) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p28 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p29 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p31 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p32 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p34 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p35 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p36 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p37 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p38 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p39 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p40 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p41 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p42 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p43 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p44 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p45 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p46 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p47 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p48 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p49 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p50 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p51 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p52 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p53 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p54 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p55 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q484-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p1 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p2 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p3 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p5 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p6 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p7 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p8 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p9 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p10 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p11 (xdc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p13 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q489-p14 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MM2.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p1 (stand) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p2 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p3 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p4 (xsf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p5 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p6 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p7 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p8 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p9 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p10 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p11 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p12 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p13 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p14 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-28 | !! | q491-p16 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p1 (xsb) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p2 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p3 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p4 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p5 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p6 (pot) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p7 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p8 (xsfv) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p9 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p10 (stand) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p11 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p12 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p13 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p14 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p15 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p16 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p17 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p18 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p19 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p20 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p21 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p22 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p23 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p24 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p25 (strainer) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p26 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p27 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p28 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p29 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p30 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q494-p31 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p1 (tablet) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p2 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p3 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p4 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p5 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p6 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p7 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p8 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p9 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p10 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p11 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-29 | !! | q497-p13 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p2 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p3 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p4 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p5 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p6 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p7 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p8 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p9 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p10 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p11 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p12 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p13 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p14 (pot) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p15 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p16 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p17 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p18 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p19 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p20 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p21 (x) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p22 (f) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p23 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p24 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p25 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p26 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q507-p27 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513-p1 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513-p2 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513-p3 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513-p4 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513-p5 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-08-31 | !! | q513-p6 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p1 (xrg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p2 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p3 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p4 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p5 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p6 (xfc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p7 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p8 (worked disk) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p9 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p10 (bowl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p11 (xdf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p12 (cup) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p13 (i) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p14 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p15 (xrh) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p16 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p17 (xf) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p18 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p19 (r) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p20 (sq) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p21 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p22 (cg) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p23 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-01 | !! | q514-p24 (plate) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812LH1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | !! | q524-p1 (xfx) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | !! | q524-p2 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | !! | q524-p3 (xsc) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | !! | q524-p4 (xrl) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | !! | q524-p5 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
2005-09-03 | !! | q524-p6 (jar) sits in f163 (accumulation D) [Input: U812MS1.j] | |
Type of contact: earliest events | 2005-09-04 | mS | f163 (accumulation D) covers f191 (accumulation D) [Input: P904MS.j] |
Ceramic typological distribution | !! | !! | frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2011-02-10 | lC | s130J1A [Input: V211LC.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2011-02-10 | !! | h7sJ1A [Input: V211LC.j] |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2006-10-06 | mS | this layer is the interface between stratum 10, abandonment, and the upper levels of accumulation against the wall and we are assigning it to stratum 12. This area is so widespread and, although the sediments and accumulations are extremely horizontal, there is a slope to the tell and the elevations for this feature, and the equivalent features from MZ18, fluctuate almost 50cm between 8975 and 9025. The transitions from layer to layer are uniform through the area in front of the wall, f72. [Input: QX06MS1.j] |
Typological reasons for assignment | 2006-10-06 | mS | the pottery recovered from this feature is Mitanni. [Input: QX06MS1.j] |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications | 2006-10-06 | mS | this accumulation is natural sedimentation and impossible to place with certainty but it does begin below the top of the wall so part of the wall is still visible during placement. [Input: QX06MS1.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Color | 2005-08-17 | vS | grey [Input: P907MS1.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2005-08-17 | vS | 10YR5/1 [Input: P907MS1.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2005-08-17 | vS | gray sandy levels [Input: P907MS1.j] |
Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
View/drawing of features |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) | 2005-08-17 | vS | P903 [Input: P907MS1.j] |