Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Equals other label | 2008-02-02 | jW | f558 (accumulation D) [Input: S202JW.j] |
Category | 2020-08-24 | jW | buildup [Input: ZE824jW.j] |
Best definition | 2006-08-14 | mO | accumulation D [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Summary | 2012-09-07 | jW | Soil pedestal in k1 within accumulation f500. [Input: W907JW.j] |
Best image | 2007-07-20 | mO | v505 [Input: R720MO.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2006-08-14 | vVE | Feature f517 seemed to be the same deposit as the slightly reddish light gray deposit f500. Some sherds and large pebbles were found in this accumulation. [Input: Q814VE.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2006-08-14 | vVE | Feature f517 was excavated today. It was the column of deposits that had been left standing to preserve f501. [Input: Q814VE.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2006-08-14 | mO | k1 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2006-08-14 | mO | 9220 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2006-08-14 | mO | 9165 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2006-08-14 | !! | q509.1 (clay artifact) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] |
2006-08-14 | vvE | q509 (pottery) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-14 | eI | q510 (pottery) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2010-08-22 | hH | q509-p4 (jar) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-22 | hH | q509-p5 (base) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-23 | hH | q510-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-23 | hH | q510-p2 (jar) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-23 | hH | q510-p3 (jar) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-23 | hH | q510-p4 (bowl) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-23 | hH | q510-p5 (base) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-23 | hH | q510-p6 (rim) sits in f517 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
Ceramic typological distribution | !! | !! | frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-09-09 | jW | s80J3B [Input: W909JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-08-26 | !! | f500 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] |
2012-08-26 | !! | f501 (pavement, type c) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f502 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f503 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f504 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f505 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f506 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f507 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f508 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f509 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f510 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f511 (pavement, type c) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f517 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f520 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f521 (pavement, type c) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f529 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f530 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f541 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f542 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f543 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f550 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f551 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f555 (stone installation) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f557 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f563 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f564 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f565 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-09-08 | !! | f533 (accumulation D) [Input: W908JW1.j] | |
2012-09-09 | !! | h8mJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f103 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f115 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f118 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f134 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f135 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f137 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f144 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f147 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f168 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f169 (stone installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f181 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f203 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f210 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f211 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f212 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
Strata (included within phase) | 2012-08-26 | jW | s80J3B [Input: W826JW.j] |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2007-07-31 | mO | 12A f558 under top soil [Input: R731MO1.j] |
2012-08-26 | jW | Soil in pedestal temporarily supporting a displaced stone in post-Mittani natural accumulation, f500. [Input: W826JW.j] | |
Notes on time sequencing | 2006-09-04 | vVE | f517 is the same deposit as f558 and must have accumulated here when the second apron had already been covered by many deposits. f513 and f558 are the deposits right under the top soil and slope down from the top of the temple terrace. It also seems to be basically the same layer as f537 and has therefore been assigned to s7, just like f522 and f516. [Input: Q904VVE.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2006-08-14 | mO | cl [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Color | 2006-08-14 | mO | light gray [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2006-08-14 | mO | 10 YR 7/3 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2006-08-14 | mO | 3.5 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |