Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | 2020-08-24 | jW | buildup [Input: ZE824jW.j] |
Best definition | 2006-08-16 | eI | accumulation D [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Summary | 2012-09-07 | jW | Immediate post-Mittani natural accumulation in k106 cut by f541. [Input: W907JW.j] |
Best image | 2007-07-20 | mO | v507 [Input: R720MO.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2006-08-17 | vVE | Feature f542 lies under the natural accumulation f537 and is possibly cut by the harder natural accumulation f541. It is a very slightly reddish light brown deposit. It is very similar to f541 except that it is much softer. [Input: Q817VE.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2006-08-17 | vVE | Excavation of f542 was started today after we had removed the overlying deposit of f537. [Input: Q817VE.j] |
2006-08-20 | vVE | We excavated f542 today and closed it. New feature f552, was assigned. It had many of the same characteristics as f 542, but encompassed the entire locus k106. [Input: Q820VE.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2006-08-16 | eI | k106 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2006-08-16 | eI | 9220 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2006-08-16 | eI | 9190 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: latest events | 2006-08-17 | vVE | f541 (accumulation D) cuts f542 (accumulation D) [Input: Q817VE.j] |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2006-08-17 | eI | q525 (pottery) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] |
2006-08-20 | eI | q536 (pottery) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p1 (platter or plate) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p2 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p3 (bowl) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p4 (base) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p5 (bowl) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p6 (base) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p7 (rim) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p8 (jar) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p9 (rim) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p10 (rim) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p11 (jar) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p12 (rim) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p13 (bowl) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q525-p14 (handle) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q536-p1 (bowl) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q536-p2 (base) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
2010-08-21 | hH | q536-p3 (rim) sits in f542 (accumulation D) [Input: J03PZE6ES.J] | |
Ceramic typological distribution | !! | !! | frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-09-09 | jW | s80J3B [Input: W909JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-08-26 | !! | f500 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] |
2012-08-26 | !! | f501 (pavement, type c) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f502 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f503 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f504 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f505 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f506 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f507 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f508 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f509 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f510 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f511 (pavement, type c) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f517 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f520 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f521 (pavement, type c) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f529 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f530 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f541 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f542 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f543 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f550 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f551 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f555 (stone installation) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f557 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f563 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f564 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f565 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-09-08 | !! | f533 (accumulation D) [Input: W908JW1.j] | |
2012-09-09 | !! | h8mJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f103 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f115 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f118 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f134 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f135 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f137 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f144 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f147 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f168 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f169 (stone installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f181 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f203 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f210 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f211 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f212 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
Strata (included within phase) | 2012-08-26 | jW | s80J3B [Input: W826JW.j] |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2007-07-31 | mO | sit in 541 [Input: R731MO1.j] |
2012-08-26 | jW | Immediate post-Mittani natural accumulation under accumulation f537. [Input: W826JW.j] | |
Typological reasons for assignment | 2012-08-26 | jW | Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. [Input: W826JW.j] |
Notes on time sequencing | 2006-09-04 | vVE | The underlying deposit f552 can be positively assigned to s11 and therefore these deposits are assigned to s10. They seem to be a continuation of f550. The stones that are embedded in s542 must then also belong to s10. [Input: Q904VVE.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2006-08-16 | eI | cl [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Color | 2006-08-16 | eI | pale brown [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2006-08-16 | eI | 10YR 6/3 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2006-08-16 | eI | 3.5 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Texture, surface finish | 2006-08-16 | eI | crumbly with small pebbels [Input: Q918EI3.j] |