
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-27


Roster Date Author Record
Best image 2010-08-04 pC [Input: U804PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2009-08-13 yM today we continued going down in the eastern part of the locus trying to reach the level of the late calcolithic sounding. In order to do that we removed f289 which is a floor surface under f287. this floor surface is highly compacted and breaks off in big chunks that crumbles in to soft wet soil. This feature like the one previous to it is also sloping down in its southern part towards the south. After finishing the removal of this feature we removed the feature below it f290 which is so similar to the previous one but contains ashy material and lots of roots, phytoliths and pieces of carbon that w collected. This feature has a very strong brown color, and by removing it we now reached the level of the late calcolithic sounding. The last step we did to day was removing the remaining part of the eastern part of k105 which is a small baulk north the LC sounding and south of the northern section in k105. we removed it also to the level of the LC sounding as one feature f294 and we collected the pottery as a mix. [Input: T815YM.J]
2009-08-16 pC Today we did not excavated in k105 but on the top of it which is still k104 [Input: T816PC.J]
2009-08-16 yM yesterday we decided with gB and faB to cut the safety baulk in k105 east of wall f129 in order to see the other face of wall f129. so we started removing 80cm starting from the southern section in k104 and going south. First we removed the red glacis layer that was ranging between drays and grainy on top and compacted close to the bottom. Then we removed the second layer which is f296 a soft ashy accumulation layers. Then we removed the following feature f297 which was an ash mixed with accumulation in the middle layer. Stone f299 that was visible before we began this removal was cutting along with the new found stone next to it (also f299) the accumulation layer inside the ash but resting in the ash layer. After a short discussion with gB and faB we decided to enlarge the cut that we made a little bit more to be able to excavate around the stones from the south to see if we find more stones but we didn’t so continued with our plan by removing the stones f299 and the ashy layer under f297. Tomorrow we will continue on until reaching the level of the late calcolithic sounding. [Input: T817YM.J]
2009-08-17 yM today we picked up where we left yesterday by removing the fourth layer of the safety baulk which is an accumulation layer f305 that is a very soft sandy loam. Then we removed f307 that was under it which is also a bricky ashy mixed layer of accumulations. As going down uncovering the other face of the wall, it was very noticeable that the stones of the other face sticks out more then the stones in the rows that where previously uncovered during this season, this is maybe done on prepuce. But will have to excavate more in order to have a clearer perspective about this issue. We continued with the removal of f308 that is under f307 which is a wt strong brown compacted layer. The next layer that we removed was f311 which is a thin compacted accumulation layer on top of a hard floor surface f313. when we reached f313, in the north western corner next to wall f129, we came across a small pit or a foundation trench f316 as we hypostatized at the beginning. By excavating it we where able it tells that it are just a lens. So we carried on with the excavation removing the following layer f317, a thin hard surface that consist of clay loam. We stopped here for today and tomorrow we will remove the last few layers uncovering the entire face of wall f129. due to the fact that under the 3 rows of wall stones that where uncovered today there was no more stones we are going to think about cutting back about 10cm under the last stones to uncover the unveil the rest. Because we where able to tell that there are more stones under there by inserting a long nail in the section under the last stones. Tomorrow we will be able to determine. [Input: T817YM.J]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2009-08-12 pC f279 (mix feature) [Input: T727YM.J]
2009-08-13 yM f281 (topsoil)
f284 (accumulation)
f285 (accumulation D) [Input: T727YM.J]
2009-08-15 pC f287 (accumulation B)
f289 (floor, type b)
f290 (floorsurface in general)
f294 (mix feature) [Input: T727YM.J]
2009-08-16 yM f296 (accumulation B)
f297 (accumulation B) [Input: T727YM.J]
2009-08-16 sD f299 (wall) [Input: T727YM.J]
2009-08-17 yM f305 (accumulation B)
f307 (accumulation B)
f308 (accumulation A)
f311 (floor, type b)
f313 (accumulation A)
f316 (lens)
f317 (floor, type b)
f318 (accumulation A)
f320 (floor, type b) [Input: T727YM.J]
2009-08-30 yM f325 (layer) [Input: T827YM2.J]
2009-08-12 yM q404 (pottery) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-13 yM q406 (bones, pottery)
q409 (bones, pottery)
q410 (bones, pottery) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 pC q419 (bones, pottery) [Input: T727YM4.J]
2009-08-15 yM q423 (bones, pottery)
q424 (pottery) [Input: T727YM4.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2009-08-12 yM [Input: T819PC.J]

2009-08-12 yM [Input: T819PC.J]

2009-08-17 sD [Input: T819PC.J]

2009-08-18 yM [Input: T819PC.J]

2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]

2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]

2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]

2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]

2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]

2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]
2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]
2009-08-20 pC [Input: U531PC.J]

2009-08-25 yM [Input: TX04PC.J]

2009-08-25 yM [Input: TX04PC.J]

2009-08-25 yM [Input: TX04PC.J]

2009-08-25 yM [Input: TX04PC.J]
2010-07-17 pc [Input: U726PC.J]