
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-08-31 pC After removing this section new features were recognised at the end of the excavation: f101 is a wall, f170 the soil and pottery between the stones. f171 is a loor surface in front of wall f130 and f183 is the red orange glacis, same as f164: this section shows that f183 becomes thinner and eaven at the end of k84, whereas just 1 meter to the north is 1 m thick and slopes sharply toward South. f184 is a floor surface related to the use of the wall f130 during Phase 33 and probably was abutting the staircase. This season we stopped excavating here. the pebble floors were excavated in season 2005 by J2. They are third millennium [Input: S831PC.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2008-08-04 pc [Input: J06_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2008-08-03 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2008-08-03 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]
View/drawing of features 2008-08-02 hQ f62 (isolated stone)
f63 (glacis)
f99 (wall)
f100 (isolated stone)
f101 (isolated stone)
f130 (wall) [Input: S809CJC.J]
2008-08-31 pC f152 (wall)
f170 (accumulation D)
f171 (floor, type b)
f174 (accumulation B)
f176 (accumulation C)
f178 (isolated stone)
f183 (accumulation A)
f184 (floor, type b) [Input: S831PC.J]
View/drawing of locus 2008-08-02 hQ k84
k200 [Input: S809CJC.J]
View/drawing orientation 2008-08-02 hQ e [Input: S809CJC.J]
General notes on photos 2008-08-09 pc J2f130 [Input: S809PC.J]
2008-08-09 pc J2f131 [Input: S809PC.J]
Text description of view 2008-08-02 hQ View showing the East section of k200, highlighting the glacis (f63) in k84 which is visible in section, continuing under the stone f102 (which is the western end of f152), the brickfall which covers the glacis; it shows also the bottom of the staircase J2f130, the oblique stone f100 in front of the wall f130 and the bricks f99 between f130 and f100. In section are also visible some stones f101, which are in front of wall f130 and possibly they are 'memory stones' [Input: S809CJC.J]
Web view

2008-08-03 !!! [Input: J06V21-^.J]

2008-08-03 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2008-08-03 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]
Photo of view

2008-08-03 !!! [Input: J06V21-^.J]