
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2010-06-01 pC [Input: J06_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2009-08-03 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]
View/drawing of features 2009-08-03 sD f129 (wall)
f164 (glacis)
f177 (isolated stone)
f192 (fill)
f199 (cut)
f200 (fill)
f206 (floor, type b)
f224 (isolated stone)
f227 (wall)
f235 (layer)
f236 (isolated stone) [Input: T802PC2.J]
View/drawing of locus 2009-08-03 sD k82
k104 [Input: T802PC2.J]
View/drawing orientation 2009-08-03 sD n [Input: T802PC2.J]
Text description of view 2009-08-03 sD view showing k104 after removing the last fill of pit f199 and showing wall f227 east of wall f129. In the eastern portion of the locus is still 10cm of the pit fill f231, same as f200. In the section above wall f227 pit fill f192. In the southern section of k104 glacis f164 on top of glacis f232, which is seen also in front of wall f227 [Input: T802PC2.J]
Web view

2009-08-03 dM [Input: J06_VWX.j]

2009-08-03 dm [Input: J06V22-^.J]
Photo of view

2009-08-03 dm [Input: J06V22-^.J]