
Seal impressions

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NOTE: z at the end of any entry refers to a detail of photo or drawing (e.g., Zsi611z W17z0102): this entry is derived automatically from directory entry W17z0102 A16.108~611 and placed under A16.108.

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0. Universal Codes (Zsi0)

NOTE. A plus sign (+) after any code (e.g. Zsi1mu+) means that what follows is a note not to be counted for statistics.

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1. Documentation (Zsi1)

Zsi1mu Museum or Library Number
Zsi1pl Present Location
Zsi1pu Publication

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2. External Characteristics (Zsi2)

Zsi2dg Date: General
Zsi2dr Date: Reign
Zsi2ob Type of Object on Which Impression is Found
Zsi2pc Prsent Condition
Zsi2pr Provenience

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3. Physical Characteristics of the Seal Stones (Zsi3)

Zsi3ma Material
Zsi3se Secondary Features
Zsi3si Size of Cylinder Seal

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4. Inscription (Zsi4)

Zsi4ap Absent/Present
Zsi4cm City Mentioned in Inscription
Zsi4co Condition of Inscription
Zsi4ho How Inscription is Written
Zsi4la Language of Text
Zsi41o Location of Inscription
Zsi4lp Language of Person's
Zsi4na Name(s)
Zsi4ti Title(s)

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5. Theme and Overall Composition (Zsi5)

Zsi5ba Background
Zsi5ge General Composition of Entire Seal
Zsi5gr Groundline
Zsi5nu Number of Compositions on Entire Seal
Zsi5th Theme of Each Composition

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6. Major Compositional Elements (Zsi6)

Zsi6a0 Description
Zsi6a2 Identification of Figures: Gender
Zsi6aa Identification of Figures: Animal
Zsi6ad Identification of Figures: Deity
Zsi6ah Identification of Figures: Human
Zsi6am Identification of Figures: Composite and Mythological
Zsi6as Identification of Figures: Standard
Zsi6at Identification of Figures: Tree & Plants
Zsi6av Identification of Figures: Various
Zsi6di Distinctive Physical Characteristics
Zsi6dr Dress
Zsi6he Head Covering
Zsi6je Jewelry
Zsi6pa Posture of Figure: General
Zsi6pb Posture of Figure: View Shown: Body
Zsi6ph Posture of Figure: View Shown: Head
Zsi6pl Posture of Figure: Left Arm
Zsi6pr Posture of Figure: Right Arm
Zsi6ro Role of Figure in Composition

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7. Minor Compositional Elements: Attributes (Zsi7)

Zsi7a0 Description
Zsi7a& Staffs and Clubs
Zsi7aa Animal
Zsi7ac Composite and Mythological Beings
Zsi7af Furniture
Zsi7ah Human
Zsi7an Natural Elements
Zsi7at Tools and Weapons
Zsi7av Objects and Other Elements
Zsi71a Location of Attributes
Zsi7po Posture of Animal Attributes

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8. Minor Compositional Elements: Filler Motifs (Zsi8)

Zsi8a0 Description
Zsi8lc Location: In Composition
Zsi8lf Location: Horizontal
Zsi8lv Location: Vertical

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9. Secondary Motifs (Zsi9)

Zsi9de Description
Zsi9lv Location

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