Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace (Version 2)

Synoptic table

Processed on 2025-02-26
Note. In the case of multiple entries for the same category (e.g., where a feature is first defined as accumulation A, and then as accumulation D), only the latest entry (accumulation D) is retained.
Total number of elements: 189.

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i1 ^ figurine k5 f3 h6mAAH s240AAH ^cl Storage: ZSB 2-2
i2 ^ jar k5 f51 h6mAAH s244AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i3 pin L_V14d4524 A16.jpg k3 f2 h6sAAH s20AAH bronze Storage: disposition missing; sent to conservation
i4 ^ jar
k5 f24 h6mAAH s240AAH - disposition missing
i5 ^ seal impression k3 f2 h6sAAH s20AAH dark gray with few inclusions visible disposition missing
i6 ^ figurine k104 f48 h6sAAH s230AAH cl Storage: ZSB 002-001
i7 ^ figurine - k103 f47 h6sAAH s230AAH cl disposition missing
i8 ^ bead k8 f49 h9cAAH s50AAH bd Storage: ZSB 012-013
i9 jar k5 f50 h6mAAH s244AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i10 weapon k102 f15 h6sAAH s230AAH bronze disposition missing
i11 uncertain k5 f50 h6mAAH s244AAH - Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i12 ^ figurine - k1 f57 h6sAAH s20AAH - Storage: ZSB 007-074
i13 ^ figurine k5 f3 h6mAAH s240AAH cl Storage: ZSB 002-001
i14 jar k5 f3 h6mAAH s240AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i15 jar
k5 f24 h6mAAH s240AAH Pebble Temper Ware ? Storage: to museum MZ15
i16 clay strainer k5 f24 h6mAAH s240AAH cl Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i17 ^ seal impression
k4 f54 h6sAAH s230AAH clay disposition missing
i18 ^ figurine k4 f58 h6mAAH s235AAH cl Storage: ZSB 002-001
i19 andiron k4 f60 h6sAAH s230AAH cl Storage: ZSB 101-002
i20 uncertain
k8 f49 h9cAAH s50AAH lithic disposition missing
i21 various k8 f49 h9cAAH s50AAH cl Storage: ZSB 002-002
i22 bowl - f22 h6hAAH s250AAH - to Natural science lab
i23 ^ figurine k2 f15 h6sAAH s230AAH cl disposition missing
i24 ^ seal impression k105 f83 h6sAAH s230AAH clay Storage: in MKB office
i25 tool, pin or nail L_V14d4528 A16.jpg k7 f21 h6sAAH s230AAH - Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
i26 kiln waster - k105 f84 h6sAAH s230AAH - Storage: ZSB 104-003
i27 ^ figurine k105 f84 h6sAAH s230AAH cl Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i28 unknown - k5 f101 h6sAAH s230AAH - disposition missing
i29 bucket k105 f104 h6mAAH s240AAH metal disposition missing
i30 unknown
k106 - - - - to Conservation
i31 ^ human body
k105 f128 h6mAAH s245AAH - -
i32 ^ figurine - k1 f124 h6hAAH s246AAH - disposition missing
i33 ^ jewelry item k105 f128 h6mAAH s245AAH - Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
i34 bowl k105 f128 h6mAAH s245AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: ZSB 006-007
i35 sealing impression k3 f74 h6mAAH s245AAH ^cl Storage: ZSB 011-010
i36 ^ jewelry item k3 f128 h6mAAH s245AAH metal Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
i37 river pebble
k3 f128 h6mAAH s245AAH river stone Storage: ZSB 016-019
i38 ^ jewelry item k3 f74 h6mAAH s245AAH silver Storage: ZSB 20-1
i39 unknown k6 f153 h6hAAH s255AAH clay Storage: ZSB 007-020
i40 - - - - - - - -
i41 pin k5 f163 h6hAAH s255AAH metal disposition missing
i42 figurine - k2 f171 h6cAAH s265AAH - Storage: Sent to Der-el Zor Museum in 2003; to rAH
i43 ^ seal impression k1 f7 h6hAAH s246AAH red with large pebble inclusions Storage: in MKB office
i44 ^ seal k6 f183 h6cAAH s270AAH lithic to mKB
i45 bowl k6 f183 h6cAAH s270AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i46 jar
k108 f185 h6cAAH s270AAH cl disposition missing
i47 ^ human body k108 f185 h6cAAH s270AAH - to Natural science lab
i48 jar
k108 - - - cl disposition missing
i49 jar
k108 f185 h6cAAH s270AAH - disposition missing
i50 ^ human body k108 f185 h6cAAH s270AAH - to Natural science Lab
i51 unknown
k110 f202 h5hAAH s315AAH - disposition missing
i52 ^ human body
k110 f202 h5hAAH s315AAH - to Natural science Lab
i53 ^ seal k110 f208 h5hAAH s320AAH lithic Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15; to be photographed
i54 ^ human body
k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH - to Natural science lab
i55 ^ bead k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH lithic Storage: ZSB 012-009; to be photographed
i56 spearhead k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH - Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i57 pin k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH metal Storage: to museum MZ15
i58 bowl k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH Gray Ware Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i59 ^ bowl k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH clay disposition missing
i60 ^ human body k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH - to Natural science lab
i61 ^ bead k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH lithic Storage: ZSB 012-017
i62 bowl k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i63 jar k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i64 ^ jewelry item - k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH metal to Conservation
i65 bead k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH lithic Storage: ZSB 012-017
i66 bead k110 f206 h6cAAH s280AAH metal Storage: ZSB 012-017
i67 metal wire - k110 f211 h5hAAH s315AAH - disposition missing
i68 jar k110 f236 h5hAAH s330AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i69 bowl k110 f236 h5hAAH s330AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i70 uncertain k110 f226 h5hAAH s320AAH metal Storage: ZSC 20-1; to Conservation
i71 jar
k110 f236 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
i72 jewellery k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
i73 jewelry k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: in box to treat MZ16; to Conservation
i74 jewelry k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-20; to conservation, photography, drafting
i75 seal impression k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH frit disposition missing
i75.1 bead - - - - - disposition missing
i75.2 bead - - - - lithic disposition missing
i75.3 bead - - - - quartz disposition missing
i75.4 ^ bead - - - - lithic disposition missing
i75.5 ^ bead - - - - lithic disposition missing
i75.6 ^ bead - - - - lithic disposition missing
i75.7 ^ bead - - - - lithic disposition missing
i75.8 ^ bead - - - - lithic disposition missing
i75.9 bead - - - - lapis lazuli disposition missing
i76 ^ pin k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSC-5
i77 bowl k110 f236 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i78 human body k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH - to Natural science lab
i79 animal bones
k110 f236 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSB 21-8
i80 zoomorphic vessel k112 f237 h5hAAH s320AAH cl Storage: ZSB 002-007
i81 door socket
k105 - - - - -
i82 jar - k105 - - - - to Conservation
i83 jar k108 f182 h5cAAH s380AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i84 ^ human body
k108 f182 h5cAAH s380AAH - to Natural science Lab
i85 ^ sample k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH samples: soil Storage: ZSB 027-002
i86 ^ sample k110 f227 h5hAAH s330AAH soil Storage: ZSB 027-002
i87 ^ clay lump - k110 f237 h5hAAH s320AAH - -
i88 uncertain - k207 f268 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSB 10.1.1
i89 seal impression k203 f264 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i90 ^ seal impression - f264 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i91 ^ seal impression k203 f264 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i92 ^ seal impression k203 f264 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i93 tool k207 f268 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: to Museum?; should be sent to Museum
i94 tool k203 f264 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-7
i95 ^ clay lump - k203 f264 h5hAAH s330AAH - -
i96 ^ human body k207 f277 h5hAAH s330AAH - to Natural science lab
i97 jar k207 f277 h5hAAH s330AAH white yellow ware, clay not very refined Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i97.1 ^ sample - k207 - - - - -
i98 jar k207 f277 h5hAAH s330AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i99 ^ seal impression k205 f266 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i100 ^ seal impression k202 f268 h5hAAH s330AAH cl to Conservation
i101 pin k207 f277 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: to museum MZ15
i102 ^ figurine k203 f286 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: ZSB 016-072
i103 earring k204 f285 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: to museum MZ15
i104 jewelry item k206 f287 h6cAAH s270AAH metal Storage: to museum MZ15
i105 unknown k206 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: ZSB 007-063
i106 uncertain - k203 f286 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSB 18.2
i107 pin k207 f294 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-5; to Conservation
i108 ^ seal impression
k207 f294 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: to mKB
i109 ^ seal impression k203 f286 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: to mKB
i110 uncertain k203 f286 h5hAAH s330AAH - disposition missing
i111 uncertain k206 f292 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: A12-A16-A20 Metal Obj
i112 ^ seal impression k206 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH clay Storage: ZSB 011-012
i113 ^ seal impression k205 f282 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i114 jar k206 f292 h5hAAH s330AAH Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware disposition missing
i115 jar k206 f292 h5hAAH s330AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware disposition missing
i116 figurine k206 f292 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i117 ^ seal impression k206 f292 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i118 ^ seal impression - k203 f286 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: ZSB 011-013
i119 ^ seal impression k207 f298 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: ZSB 011-013
i120 needle or pin k206 f292 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-*; cleaned by bA, to conservation sB
i121 ^ bead - k207 f294 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSB 012-013
i122 jar
k206 f303 h5cAAH s380AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15; to Natural science lab
i123 ^ human body
k205 f304 h5hAAH s330AAH - to Natural science Lab
i124 ^ jewelry item k205 f304 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i125 earring - k205 f301 h5cAAH s380AAH - disposition missing
i126 ^ seal impression k202 f301 h5cAAH s380AAH gray with no visible inclusions Storage: in MKB office
i127 unknown - k203 f286 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSB 029-038
i128 ^ pin k208 f307 h5cAAH s380AAH metal Storage: to museum MZ15
i129 uncertain clay artifact k206 f309 h4mAAH s490AAH - Storage: ZSB 007-026
i130 bowl k207 f306 h5hAAH s330AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i131 ^ seal impression k205 f310 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: to mKB
i132 lithic tool k206 f309 h4mAAH s490AAH - Storage: ZSB 016-009
i133 tool - k206 f309 h4mAAH s490AAH metal Storage: ZSC-8
i134 ^ jewelry item k205 f304 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-14
i135 ^ seal impression k205 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i136 ^ seal impression k203 f314 h5cAAH s380AAH cl disposition missing
i137 unknown k205 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH metal Storage: for bA to treat
i138 jar
k204 f314 h5cAAH s380AAH Chaff Tempered to Conservation
i139 jar k205 f316 h5cAAH s380AAH Chaff Tempered Storage: Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
i140 unknown k202 f301 h5cAAH s380AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware disposition missing
i141 ^ seal impression k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i142 uncertain - k205 f318 h5cAAH s380AAH metal Storage: A12-A16-A20 Metal Obj; to Conservation
i143 ^ sealing k207 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH - Storage: ZSB 011-012
i144 ^ sealing k207 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH clay Storage: ZSB 011-012
i145 ^ clay lump - k207 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH - -
i146 ^ sample - k205 f316 h5cAAH s380AAH soil Storage: ZSB 027-002
i147 ^ sample - k206 f316 h5cAAH s380AAH - disposition missing
i148 ^ sample k207 f277 h5hAAH s330AAH soil Storage: ZSB 027-002
i149 ^ seal impression k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i150 ^ figurine - k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH clay Storage: ZSB 002-015
i151 ^ sealing k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i152 seal impression - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 011-013
i153 ^ clay lump - k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH - -
i154 ^ sealing k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH cl Storage: ZSB 011-013
i155 ^ bead - k206 f313 h5cAAH s380AAH lithic Storage: ZSB 012-009
i156 ^ human body
k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH - to Natural science lab
i157 unknown
k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH - disposition missing
i158 ^ pin k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-5
i159 ^ pin k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: ZSC-5
i160 unknown k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: for bA to treat; disposition missing
i161 jar - k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH Pebble Temper Ware to Conservation
i162 grinding stone - k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH - disposition missing
i163 animal bone - k205 f320 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: to Natural science lab
i164 stand k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware disposition missing
i165 ^ sealing k206 f324 h5cAAH s380AAH sealings Storage: ZSB 011-013
i166 ^ sealing k209 f325 h5cAAH s380AAH sealings Storage: ZSB 011-013
i167 seal impression k206 f306 h5hAAH s330AAH Chaff Tempered to photography, drafting, and mKB
i168 cup k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware disposition missing
i169 ^ lithic artifact k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH - Storage: ZSB 105-046; to drafting and photography
i170 ^ seal impression k206 f306 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i171 blade k108 f330 h6cAAH s270AAH - Storage: Museum Mz15
i172 ^ seal impression k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: to mKB
i173 pin k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH metal Storage: to museum MZ15
i174 ^ seal impression k205 f289 h5hAAH s330AAH cl Storage: in MKB office
i175 ^ human body k205 f343 h5hAAH s330AAH - to Natural science Lab
i176 ^ bead k108 f182 h5cAAH s380AAH quartz Storage: ZSB 12-18
i177 ^ bead k108 f182 h5cAAH s380AAH quartz Storage: ZSB 012-007
i178 ^ bead k108 f182 h5cAAH s380AAH quartz Storage: ZSB 012-007
i179 bead k108 f182 h5cAAH s380AAH lapislazuli Storage: ZSB 012-007