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Nature of the work
A large number of people contributed over a considerable number of years, and it is again due to the structure of the processing system that the coherence was maintained rigorously intact. As an example, one may look at A15q454-p6, a sherd from unit A15, out of a total of 61,498 (for each of which one will find the same kind of record):
Thus all excavators contributed, if indirectly, to the establishment and maintenance of the ceramic record. But here we will refer only to those who were more directly involved in the typological analysis and the publication of the data.
The image on the title page of this digital book is emblematic: Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati is sitting on one side of the assemblage of whole vessels and diagnostic sherds from excavation unit A15, with two excavators sitting on the other side.
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Primary analysis in the field
Hammade Hamza was the primary assistant for the analysis of the sherds, providing the full codification for shapes and wares for most of the material. He continued also during the war period, and became so skilled that he was able to give a presentation to the University students from Hassaka.
Ibrahim Khellu helped with the overall supervision of the project, and in particular with file management and Munsell color readings.
Ismail Mesto did most of the pencil drawings.
Kamiran Feisal was in charge of vector drawings, and continued also during the early years of the war.
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An extensive revision of the material was undertaken in recent years, and the main assistants were Jessica Scaciga, Lukas Gran and Tobias Welz.
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Details for individual sectors
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Field Work
Many people have been involved in the analysis of sherds and the preparation for publication. This includes analyzing sherds for ware type and shape, selection of sherds for illustration, pencil drawings, inking of pencil drawings (vector drawings). Further staff were involved in the entry of paper files into digital formats, and the general management of files. These staff are acknowledged here under the Field work heading. Although much of this work was done during excavations, some also occurred during study seasons and post-excavation (the latter especially refers to data entry of paper files into digital format, review of these files and creation of vector drawings).
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Digital Ceramics Book
The sections from this point on refer specifically to the work carried out on the UGR CERAMICS book. They list the people that have contributed to the different parts of the book in detail.
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Shapes by horizon
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Shapes by context
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Unit Books
A very different set of responsibilities emerge when we look at the data in the unit books.
The work for each book involves a number of people who are listed in the staff pages of those unit books.
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