Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-07-27


Roster Date Author Record
Equals other label 2005-08-16 sC f181 (lens type d) [Input: P911MH.j]
Included in other label 2009-09-14 cJC ^bf (bf) [Input: T914CJC.j]
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2005-08-17 sC accumulation [Input: P912MH.j]
Summary 2008-03-06 pC this feature corresponds to an accumulation characterized by crumbed bricks: Brick crumble is material in which melting is not yet complete and brick crumples are visible. it belongs to a brickfall of a structure located to the East and fond also in J6 [Input: S206PC.j]
Best image 2008-03-06 mH [Input: S206PC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2009-02-20 pC brickfall [Input: S205PC.j]
Description (summary) 2005-08-20 vVE The brick crumble of f189 continues with the same colour and composition. [Input: P820VVE1.j]
2005-08-21 sC f189 has been assigned to the south-western area of k4 (200 cm W and 200 cm N to r5090) and to the north baulk of k5 (gv91, gv91a). The feature is characterized by a hard surface and it has a crumble structure, probably due to the presence of little pebbles (characterized by different dimensions, generally about 0,2cm and 1,0cm in diameter); when dry it rubs off as loose fine powder and blow away easily. f189 is white and gray in color. f189 abuts f188 (on the eastern area of r509, at almost the same elevation): the upper boundary between them is sharp. f189 is the same of f181. [Input: P821SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Strategy (projected or implemented) 2005-08-20 vVE Each pick run was given a separate q-lot: q534 and q541. [Input: P820VVE1.j]
Argument 2007-07-18 mH At the corner formed by the former east baulk and north baulk of k5 was found brown soil and pieces of brick. This area was defined as f188, whereas the gray and crumbly soil to its east was labeled as f189. First was excavated within f188 in order to examine whether the feature continues and perhaps reveals a structure in situ. After the first pick run it became evident that so such structure exits. Then was excavated f189, which partly covers f144. [Input: S206PC2.j]
Procedures 2005-08-16 sC but we changed the feature because we went down [Input: P911MH.j]
Problems in recording 2005-09-07 mH Perhaps the correct marker for the bottom elevation is m4084 rather than m4085. [Input: P911MH.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2005-08-17 sC k4 [Input: P912MH.j]
M#/elev @top 2005-08-17 sC 8946 [Input: P912MH.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2005-08-17 sC 8909 [Input: P912MH.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 2005-08-17 sC West of r509. [Input: P911MH.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2005-08-03 mH f188 (accumulation) abuts f189 (accumulation) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2005-08-03 mH f181 (lens type d) covers f189 (accumulation) [Input: S211PC2.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2005-08-18 sC i11 (unknown) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P913MH4.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521.1 (unknown) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534.1 (figurine) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-17 sC q513 (bones, pottery) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 vVE q521 (bones, pottery) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 vVE q531 (bones, pottery) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 vVE q534 (bones, pottery) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 vVE q541 (bones, pottery) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p1 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p2 (pot) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p3 (I) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p4 (xf) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p5 (xrg) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p6 (xrg) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p7 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p8 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p9 (cup) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p10 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p11 (xrg) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p12 (r) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p13 (pot) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p70 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p71 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p72 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p73 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p74 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p75 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p76 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p77 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p78 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-17 !! q513-p79 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p1 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p2 (xfx) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p3 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p4 (xsc) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p5 (pot) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p6 (xrd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p7 (xdf) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p8 (xrg) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p9 (pot) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p10 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p11 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p12 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p13 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p14 (plate) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p15 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p16 (cup) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p17 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p18 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p19 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p20 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p21 (cup) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p70 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p71 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p72 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p73 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p74 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p75 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p76 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p77 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p78 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p79 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q521-p80 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P909MH.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p1 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p2 (xfc) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p3 (pot) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p4 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p5 (xfc) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p6 (xf) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p7 (xrl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p8 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p9 (xfx) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p10 (pot) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p11 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p12 (dp) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p70 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p71 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p72 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p73 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p74 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-18 !! q531-p75 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p1 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p2 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p3 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p4 (xfx) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p5 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p6 (xf) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p7 (i) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p8 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p9 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p10 (r) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p70 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p71 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p72 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p73 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p74 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q534-p75 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p1 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p2 (xrg) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p3 (cup) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p4 (cup) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p5 (cup) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p6 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p7 (xfx) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p8 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p9 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p10 (xf) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p11 (jar) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p12 (r) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p13 (bowl) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p70 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p71 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p72 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p73 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p74 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p75 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
2005-08-20 !! q541-p76 (body sherd) sits in f189 (accumulation) [Input: P908MH2.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2005-08-03 mH f189 (accumulation) abuts f188 (accumulation) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2008-03-12 pC f189 (accumulation) overlays f144 (wall) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2008-03-12 pC f189 (accumulation) overlays f208 (accumulation D) [Input: S211PC2.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2011-11-11 cJC s158J2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2009-09-14 !! ^bf (bf) [Input: T914CJC.j]
2011-11-11 !! h7jJ2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2008-03-05 pC large brickfall same as in J6 [Input: S305PC.j]
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications 2005-09-14 mH Gradual bricky build-up on the south side of f144. [Input: S215PC.j]
2011-05-16 cJC Part of large brickfall ^bf, covers f144 so part of later brickfall phase [Input: V516CJC.j]
2011-11-21 cJC Upper level of brickfall [Input: VY21CJC.j]
Notes on time sequencing 2008-03-06 mH brick melt f188, is a deposit where the soil matrix does consist of bricky material. This is the last stage of brick decomposition. Brick crumble f189 is material in which melting is not yet complete and brick crumples are visible. The first stage in the sequence is brick fall where individual pieces of bricks can be discerned, which in this case is located on top of the stone wall f144: one line of brick extending from east to west, sloping down and east after the stones end and continuing east. The direction of the brick deposits seems to indicate a collapse from east to west. Perhaps this brick fall is related to the bricks seen next to f129 (door jamb) in the eastern section of k100 [Input: S206PC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Color 2005-08-21 sC light gray [Input: P821SC.j]
2005-08-21 sC white [Input: P821SC.j]
Texture, surface finish 2005-08-17 sC crumbly [Input: P912MH.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2004-08-17 mH [Input: S204PC2.j]

2004-08-17 mH [Input: S204PC2.j]

2009-03-30 pC [Input: T330PC.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2005-08-17 sC P822 [Input: P912MH.j]