Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Included in other label | 2011-11-18 | cJC | ^accum2 [Input: T914CJC.j] |
Category | !! | !! | buildup |
Best definition | 2005-08-23 | !! | accumulation D [Input: P823SC.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Definition | 2005-08-23 | sC | accumulation D [Input: P823SC.j] |
Description (summary) | 2005-08-23 | sC | f220 is a natural accumulation in the E baulk of k5. The soil is medium soft with a crumble and dusty texture and presents a yellowish brown colour; when dry it rubs off and is grayish in colour. [Input: P823SC.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2005-08-23 | sC | k5 [Input: P913MH.j] |
Elevation | 2009-02-20 | pC | 9004@bottom [Input: S205PC.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2005-08-23 | sC | 9105 [Input: P913MH.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: latest events | 2008-03-12 | pC | f222 (isolated stone) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: S211PC2.j] |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2005-08-23 | !! | q566.1 (flake) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566.2 (figurine) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-24 | !! | q575.1 (debitage) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-24 | !! | q575.2 sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605.1 sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605.2 sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612.1 (figurine) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | sC | q566 (pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-24 | sC | q575 (pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | sC | q597 (bones, pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | sC | q603 (pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | vVE | q605 (bones, pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | sC | q612 (pottery) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p1 (xfx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p2 (xfx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p3 (xfx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p4 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p5 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p6 (xfx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p7 (xrg) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p8 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p9 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p10 (xrl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p11 (xrg) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p12 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p13 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p14 (sq) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p15 (dr) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p16 (plate) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p17 (xfx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p18 (cup) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p19 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p71 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p72 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p73 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p74 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p75 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p76 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p77 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p78 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p79 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p80 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p81 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p82 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p83 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-23 | !! | q566-p84 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p70 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p71 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p72 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p73 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p74 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p75 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
2005-08-25 | !! | q597-p76 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p1 (xrh) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p2 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p3 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p4 (xdf) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p5 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p6 (sq) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p7 (xrg) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p8 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p9 (xf) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p10 (xrl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p11 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p12 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p13 (xdc) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p14 (xf) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p15 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p16 (xf) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p17 (worked disk) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p18 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p19 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p20 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p22 (xfx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p23 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p24 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p25 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p26 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p27 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p70 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p71 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p72 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p73 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p74 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p75 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p76 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p77 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q603-p78 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p70 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p71 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p72 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p73 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p74 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p75 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p76 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p77 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p78 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p79 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q605-p80 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p1 (r) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p3 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p4 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p5 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p6 (xdx) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p7 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p8 (xrg) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p9 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p10 (r) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p11 (jar) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p12 (pot) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p13 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p14 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p15 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p16 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p17 (plate) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p18 (xrg) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p20 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p21 (ts) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p22 (pot) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p23 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p24 (dr) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p25 (r) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p26 (sq) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p27 (bowl) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p28 (r) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p70 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p71 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p72 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p73 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p74 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p75 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p76 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
0000-00-00 | !! | q612-p77 (body sherd) sits in f220 (accumulation D) [Input: P908MH2.j] | |
Ceramic typological distribution | !! | !! | frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2011-11-11 | cJC | s122J2B [Input: VY11CJC.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2011-11-11 | !! | h7vJ2B [Input: VY11CJC.j] |
2011-11-18 | !! | ^accum2 [Input: T914CJC.j] | |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2005-09-14 | mH | Consists of f157, f158, and f164. [Input: S215PC.j] |
2008-03-05 | pC | same elevation as f179 contaminated by the German Trench [Input: S305PC.j] | |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications | 2005-09-14 | mH | E baulk. [Input: S215PC.j] |
2011-05-16 | cJC | This feature includes multiple strata, toplevels are approximately at the level of s150J2A. [Input: V516CJC.j] | |
2011-11-21 | cJC | This feature is approximately 1 meter deep so may include multiple strata. The top elevation is at the levels associated with the later use of the area after the brickfall was covered. [Input: VY21CJC.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Color | 2005-08-23 | sC | light gray [Input: P823SC.j] |
2005-08-23 | sC | yellowish brown [Input: P823SC.j] | |
Color number (Munsell) | 2005-08-23 | sC | 10 YR 5/3 [Input: P823SC.j] |
2005-08-23 | sC | 7.5 YR 7/1 [Input: P823SC.j] | |
Texture, surface finish | 2005-08-23 | sC | dusty, friable [Input: P913MH.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Notes on disposition | 2010-08-08 | yM | P826 [Input: U808YM.j] |