

Processed on 2024-12-11


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! installation
Best definition 2023-05-11 yM stone installation [Input: ZH511yM.j]
Best image 2010-03-06 sC L_V19d3127 J4v62 Q906 dM [Input: U304SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2010-01-23 sC installation [Input: U123SC.j]
Description (summary) 2010-01-23 sC f140 has been assigned to 5 small rectangular shaped limestones. These stones are located at the same elevation and have the same allignment of f139, the 5 large limestones in the north portion of k83. f140 falls within the E baulk of k83, and is located E to f139 and S of f93 (the bin structure located in k73, that, togheter with a series of stones forms a2). The south allignment of the stones forming f140 is given by two relays, n. r95 -taken on the SE corner of f140.3- and r96, -taken on the NE corner of f140.5-). [Input: U123SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Evolution 2010-03-06 sC f140 has been assigned to three stones that have been found in the SE extend of the bin; I suppose these stones belong to the line of stones that are visible in the lower portion of the bin, on top of which have been placed the two rows of bricks that made up the bin walls, as visible in t76. For this reason, I consider f140 to be all the line of stones that are part of the bin, as it is cleary visible in v73d. f140.1-3 has been assigned to the three stones still in place in the SE extend of the bin, where, the walls of the bin are melted (f171); f140.1-3 are the small regular-sized stones close to the slighty bigger and rectangular shaped stones, right below f171. [Input: U306SC.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2006-09-14 sc k73 [Input: Q922PC.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2006-08-12 bWP r95 (39194 52070 - 9043 / Relay location: W corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
2006-08-12 bWP r96 (39184 52057 - 9046 / Relay location: S corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
2006-08-12 bWP r97 (39199 51962 - 9060 / Relay location: W corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
Elevation 2010-01-23 sC not excavated@bottom [Input: U123SC.j]
M#/elev @top 2006-09-14 sc m4501 [Input: Q922PC.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2010-03-05 sC f171 (layer) abuts f140 (stone installation) [Input: U305SC.j]
2006-10-08 sC f89 (accumulation D) covers f140 (stone installation) [Input: QX08SC.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2010-06-25 sC a2 (bin installation) [Input: U625SC3.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2010-02-14 sC s14cMZA (Rebuilding phase) [Input: U214SC2.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-02-14 !! h65MZA [Input: U214SC2.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2010-03-10 sC Tentative assignment based on elevation: it belongs to a2 and shares elevation of dateable features in adjacent loci (k73-k83) [Input: U310SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2010-01-23 sC limestone [Input: U123SC.j]
Color 2010-01-23 sC whitish [Input: U123SC.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Notes on disposition 2010-01-23 sC Not removed in 2006 excavation season [Input: U123SC.j]