Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

OBJECTS / Figurines

Human Figurines

1. Female: flat body

Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – September 2002

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Type 1a. Flat Bodied Nude Females

a torso flat both on front and back
b short arms extending at right angle to the torso, end of arms slightly pointed -
c shoulders indicated by slight downward slope -
d base of neck approximately same size as the waist -
e if breasts are indicated they are made of applied clay pellets -
f decoration: wide, incised crossed bands on torso (A2.114)
g can have an applied necklace which extends across the front of the neck and ends at the back of the shoulders, this type of necklace is decorated with incised short parallel lines; one example may have two different necklaces one below the other but lower one may be the upper part of a pleated dress worn over one shoulder (A13.118)
h in cases where the figure has no necklace, the neck is elongated (A1q239-i)
i the example of this type with the head preserved shows a pinched face with an applied large oval eye (A7.350)
j one example has legs which are separated and an incised pattern on the torso (A7q52)

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Type 1b. Flat Bodied Nude Females with Hands at Waist

a breasts are applied pellets -
b the necklace is joined at the back and has no counterweight -
c shoulders are sloping -
d space between the arms and the torso (A11q201.1)