Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

Site Conservation

Site conservation: criteria

Goal definition

Giorgio Buccellati – May 2011

Chapter 2 of the digital monograph: Site conservation

NOTE: on this topic, cf. also the dedicated topical book on “CONSERVATION”.

There are two main reasons why conservation goals ought to be spelled out clearly at the very start of excavations:

  1. in the first place, one should have a firm sense of priorities as one proceeds with the excavations: what can be sacrificed? What are the limitations on the strategy resulting from a specific conservation commitment? At what point should the direct involvement of the conservator be invoked?
  2. Just as importantly, any assessment of the conservation work that one will eventually be able to carry out, should be measured against the stated intent at the beginning of the work.

For an actual implementation of the goal definition one may look at the pertinent section on the palace walls.

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