Unit Book A12

The ābi (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-10


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! installation
Best definition 1999-06-26 jo grave [Input: J718JO.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 1999-06-30 ab burial [Input: J803AB.j]
Description (summary) 1999-06-26 jo animal grave [Input: J718JO.j]
1999-06-30 ab skeleton deposition on the ground without any specific construction. The animal skeleton and several metal objects (i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, q73.1) are laid together. Associated with these bronze offerings there is also a small, cylindrical, carneol bead, but there is no pottery. All bones (q73 b) are in one bag; we found some large fragments, but are mostly broken into small pieces. [Input: J803AB.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on recovery 1999-06-30 ab we took no pictures and did no drawings of the burial because the bones and artifacts come out step by step. The metal artifacts, which are particularly rich and well preserved, laid mostly under the bones. The burial wasn't clearly defined and was very small (different than the animal deposition in A7 MZ10, where the complete skeleton was "carefully" laid down on the ground). [Input: J803AB.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 1999-06-26 jo k6 [Input: J718JO.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Features within aggregate 1999-06-26 jo f98 (accumulation C) [Input: J718JO.j]
Items within aggregate 1999-06-26 jo i20 (dagger)
i21 (metal artifact)
i22 (metal artifact)
i23 (metal artifact)
i24 (spearhead)
i25 (figurine) [Input: J718JO.j]
q-lots within aggregate 1999-06-26 jo q73 (bones) [Input: J718JO.j]
q-items within aggregate 1999-06-26 jo q73.1 (metal artifact)
q73.2 (lithic artifact) [Input: J718JO.j]
Notes on aggregation 1999-06-30 ab A12q69.1-ja and A12q69.2-ja were at the same elevation but ca. 80 cm East of a10. They aren't directly associated with the burial, but they are the only vessels in the vicinity. [Input: J803AB.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2024-08-11 !! s80A12A [Input: ZI811mS.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2024-08-11 !! h8MZA [Input: ZI811mS.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on typology 1999-06-30 ab Prof. Castelletti J731 did a general analysis about the bones and observed that the bones belong to an old cow, whose teeth were almost completely used. Not all the cow's bones are present. Apparently only some parts of the body's bones were selected (head, lower part of two legs). He couldn't say if this should be associated with some sort of ritual. [Input: J803AB.j]