Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Photo of context (v view) | |||
View/drawing of aggregate | 2000-07-22 | jl | a32 (uk) [Input: K722JL.j] |
View/drawing of features | 2000-07-22 | jl | f326 (wall) f343 (accumulation A) f346 (wall) [Input: K722JL.j] |
View/drawing of locus | 2000-07-22 | jl | k27 [Input: K722JL.j] |
View/drawing orientation | 2000-07-22 | jl | looking north [Input: K722JL.j] |
General notes on photos | 2000-07-22 | jl | v123 was taken to show the new stone of the wall of a32 sticking out into the mud ledge f346, in relation to the smooth face on the N and E sides of the locus. v123a is a tight shot of the stone and the face, v123 b and c are tight shots of the face of the mud ledge f346 to the E. The integration of the stone into the mud ledge proves that the ledge was indeed an integral part of the structure. [Input: K722JL.j] |
Text description of view | 2000-07-22 | jl | Shows context of new stone in wall [Input: K722JL.j] |
Web view |