Unit Book A14

The lower sacral area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-22


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2001-07-02 jl accumulation D [Input: L702JL.j]
Best image 2001-07-02 !!
v7 [Input: L703JL.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2001-07-02 jl This material is essentially the same as f30, i.e. hard, brownish-gray, with black and red inclusions. It is all of the soil in k2 east of (outside of?) f31 and underneath f26. It also has strange white patches in the south-east section (see v7, 7a). [Input: L702JL.j]
2001-07-03 jl This ^ad, east of (outside of?) the wall f31, is grayish-brown, quite hard, and seems essentially the same as f30, including the red and black inclusions. However, in the south-east corner, around a3, there are also a series of sharply angled white patches, not continuous, like a floor would be, but scattered (see v7, v7a). [Input: L703JL.j]
Notes on description 2003-09-07 jl We made an error excavating f122 and f33 this season. Although we found some of the white reed matting layers within them as we excavated down, instead of making the whole area a new feature (since the reed matting was presumably associated with a floor/surface at that elevation), we only renamed the white layers themselves, as f160. The soil surrounding them we left as f122 or f33 and continued to excavate. Therefore, the layers of f122 and f33 below the top of f160 should properly be considered part of a different feature, f160. [Input: N908JL.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2001-07-02 jl k2 [Input: L702JL.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2001-07-02 jl r43 (40680 35406 - 8396 / Relay location: S brick) [Input: L702JL.r]
2001-07-02 jl r44 (40708 35382 - 8391 / Relay location: N brick) [Input: L702JL.r]
M#/elev @top 2001-07-02 jl 8388 [Input: L702JL.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 2003-09-17 jl The elevation to which we excavated f33 this year was m3351 86-118. We will probably assign it a new feature number next season. [Input: N917JL.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2001-07-03 jl f29 (accumulation D) covers f33 (accumulation D) [Input: L703JL.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2003-08-10 rd2 i87 (stone tool) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-09 !! q360.1 (clay lump) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-10 !! q369.1 (clay lump) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-10 !! q369.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-10 !! q369.3 (clay lump) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-10 !! q369.4 (clay lump) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-11 !! q371.1 (clay lump) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-11 !! q371.2 (clay lump) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-11 !! q371.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-07-15 jl q256 (pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N810RF1.j]
2003-07-16 amm q258 (bones, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N810RF1.j]
2003-08-09 amm q360 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-09 amm q362 (pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-10 rd2 q365 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-10 rd2 q369 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-11 rd2 q371 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: N907JL.j]
2006-09-30 hH q256-p1 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q256-p2 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p70 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p71 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p72 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p73 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p74 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p75 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p76 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p77 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 iA q256-p78 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q258-p1 (pot) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 lJ q258-p70 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 lJ q258-p71 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 lJ q258-p72 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 lJ q258-p73 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 lJ q258-p74 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q360-p1 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q360-p2 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q360-p3 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q360-p4 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-10-02 ibr q360-p5 (platter or plate) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-10-02 ibr q360-p6 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p70 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p71 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p72 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p73 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p74 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p75 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p76 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q360-p77 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p1 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p2 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p3 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p4 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p5 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p6 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p7 (rim) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p8 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p9 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q365-p10 (rim) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p70 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p71 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p72 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p73 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p74 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p75 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-03 hB q365-p76 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p1 (strainer) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p2 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p3 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p4 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p5 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p6 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p7 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p8 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p9 (rim) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p10 (bowl) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p11 (rim) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p12 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p13 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p14 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 hH q369-p15 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p70 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p71 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p72 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p73 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p74 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p75 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p76 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p77 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-05 sHA q369-p78 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q371-p1 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q371-p2 (base) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q371-p3 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q371-p4 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q371-p5 (rim) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-30 ibr q371-p6 (cup) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative shape ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p70 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p71 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p72 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p73 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p74 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p75 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p76 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
2006-09-04 hB q371-p77 (body sherd) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: A14 cumulative body ZG912.TP]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2001-06-26 jl a3 (installation) [Input: L819JL.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Color 2001-07-03 jl very pale brown [Input: L703JL.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2001-07-03 jl 10YR7/3 [Input: L703JL.j]
Notes on typology 2001-07-03 jl This color is for the western section of f33, next to f31. In the south-east corner, near a2 and a3, the color is 10YR7/2, light gray. In the north-west corner of the square, on the other side of f32, the color is 10YR7/3, very pale brown. [Input: L703JL.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2001-07-02 jl [Input: L703JL.j]

2001-07-02 jl [Input: L703JL.j]

2001-07-02 jl [Input: L703JL.j]

2001-07-02 jl [Input: L703JL.j]

2001-07-07 jl [Input: L819JL.j]

2001-08-01 jl [Input: L819JL.j]

2001-08-02 jl [Input: L819JL.j]

2003-07-14 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-15 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-15 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-15 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-15 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-17 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-07-31 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-07-31 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-08-02 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-08-10 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-08-11 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-08-13 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-08-14 jl [Input: N908JL.j]