Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Photo of context (v view) | |||
View/drawing of features | 2004-07-05 | jw | f232 (accumulation C) f252 (accumulation) f256 (accumulation) f260 (accumulation) f275 (accumulation) [Input: O911JW2.j] |
View/drawing of locus | 2004-07-05 | jw | k5 [Input: O911JW2.j] |
View/drawing orientation | 2004-07-05 | jw | looking east [Input: O911JW2.j] |
Text description of view | 2004-07-05 | jw | Record photograph of the section of the E baulk of k5. Photograph clearly shows the sharp contrast between accumulations which mark the change from Phase 3a to Phase 3b. Beginning from the bottom, there is greenish material, f275, probabably the outfall from the palace drain system. After its use stopped, the accumulation turned the brown, f256/f260, typical of uncovered outdoor spaces. This was covered in turn by the reddish debris from the remodeling of the AK building, f252, which in turn was again covered by brown outdoor accumulation, f236, which is linked across the baulk to f278, in which the jar cach a20 and the Ishar-Napshum seal impression, i239, was found. The elevation reference string is shown in this photo. [Input: O911JW2.j] |
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