Unit Book A15

Data set: general statistics

Text portion: G. Buccellati - January 2007
Processed on 2024-06-30

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The data set includes two parallel and distinct versions. The display version is for use as a browser edition, so that all its component parts are interconnected through hyperlinks. The database version contains the texts in plain ASCII format, with no hyperlinks, and the graphic files in sequential order.

The number of basic text files is identical in both versions, however: (1) a variety of supplementary files (such as indices and frequencies) are generated by the various programs for the display version only, and (2) the file size is much larger for the display version, because of formatting and hyperlinking.

The totals given below are all generated by the programs, and provide in tabular form a quantitative overview of the data set.

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Input text files

total number of input files 300
cumulative file size (in bytes) 2,257,043

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Database version

The database contains the textual data in plain ASCII format. They are structured, but not formatted: thus they are not meant for interactive online use, but rather for importation in other programs, such as Excel.

In their raw format, the archival data set consist of separate files for each individual constituent (features, items, loci, etc.). These are the files that are counted (for files and filesizes) in the tabulation below. The version that is available to the online user (through the Database function) is slightly different, in that all the individual files for a given constituent are given as a single file - thus all the features are given in sequential order within the same file.

The counts for text files differ from those given above for the display version for two reasons: the file size is greater because the HTML formatting increases the size of the display version, and the file count for the display version is greater because it includes the tabulations.

The fact that the archival data base is of such a small size is significant. For it is this data base that serves as the foundation for all subsequent elaboration by means of programs, and this addresses squarely the issue of portability and permanence.

The counts for graphic files are identical to those given above, hence they are not repeated below. The only difference is that in the database version they are given sequentially, whereas in the display version they are called individually through hyperlinks.

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Text files

total number of files 25,849
total number of records 372,669
cumulative file size (in bytes) 48,237,199

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Graphic files

total number of graphic files overall 3,289
total number of photographs 1,442
total number of templates 188
total number of drawings 1,654
total number of plots 0
cumulative file size (in bytes) 0

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Display version

The data referring to text files are only those generated by various programs to produce the full browser edition. They exclude files generated manually. They are all in HTML format.

Graphic files are all in low resolution (JPEG and WMF formats). The high resolution version in TIFF format is available separately and is not included in the browser edition, hence not in this count either. The files in script format for AutoCAD are included in the text files.

The totals for constituents give the file count for each individual constituent. Each number indicates that there are that many files for as many features, items, etc..

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Display files

total number of files 25,978
total number of hyperlinks ~ 372,084
cumulative file size (in bytes) 535,124,661

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Display files for constituents

features 541
aggregates 60
items 242
q-items 619
joins 1
negatives 1
composites 2
q-lots 1264
ceramic elements 20931
ceramic components 62243
animal bones 0

loci 23
relays 1170
phases 17
strata 20
views 668
drawings 115
plots 4

incidentals 13