Unit Book A15


Processed on 2024-06-30


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
North coordinate of relay 2001-07-13 okk 39515 [Input: L713OKK.R]
East coordinate of relay 2001-07-13 okk 38240 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Elevation 2001-07-13 okk 9122 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Relay definition 2001-07-13 okk SE corner k12 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Relay location on element 2001-07-13 okk top of rebar [Input: L713OKK.R]
Method of measurement 2001-07-13 okk taped [Input: L713OKK.R]
Origin of tie 1 2001-07-13 okk 2623 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Origin of tie 2 2001-07-13 okk 2622 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Origin of elevation 2001-07-13 okk 9245 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Tie 1 2001-07-13 okk 251 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Tie 2 2001-07-13 okk 187 [Input: L713OKK.R]
Tie to elevation 2001-07-13 okk 123 [Input: L713OKK.R]


Items Field Record

Roster Date Author Record
Field definition 2001-07-13 okk baulk corner [Input: L713OKK.R]