
File: /MZ/A/A20/D/I//MZ/A/A20/D/V/0138a.HTM
Processed on 21-8-2020
The home for this page is A20


photo of view (for views only) 2008-8-28 dm [Input File: A20VK9c.J]
photo web 2008-8-28 dm [Input File: A20VK9c.J]
17-7-2020 !!! [Input File: A20_VWX.j]
17-7-2020 !!! [Input File: A20_VWX.j]

Analogical Record
photo of context (v view)
17-7-2020 / !!! / [Input File:A20_VWX.j]
view/drawing orientation 2008-8-28 lC looking north [Input File: S909lC2.j]
text description of view 2008-8-28 lC Sub view showing the relationship and the different elevation between the a5 floor f135 with the high wall f116 and the stone pavement f57 of a1. We assume that this pavement f57 is earlier than the two mud brick walls f38 and f46 on top of it, for some structural differences. This pavement is also too well built for the small walls associated to it and probably it has been reused in a later period. To the west are in part visible the stone pavement f108 and the stone pavement f132 at a higher level. [Input File: S909lC2.j]
constituents within view/drawing 2008-8-28 lC a1 a5 a6 f38 f46 f57 f63 f84 f85 f86 f108 f110 f115 f116 f132 f135 f148 f150 f151 f152 k15 k101 [Input File: S909lC2.j]