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This page lists in alphabetical order the main bibliographical references pertinent to the present topical books; each bibliographical entry is displayed in an abbreviated form (Author’s surname + year + “keyword” / short title) redirecting with a link to the full bibliographical entry in the MZ Sitewide digital book, to the e-Library section, or even to the 4banks cluster.
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Alphabetical order
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Buccellati, F.
| 2005
| "The Tell Mozan/Urkesh Archaeological Project: an Integrated Approach of Spatial Technologies"
Buccellati, G.
| 2006
| "On (e)-tic and -emic"
| 2006
| "A Browser Edition of the Royal Palace of Urkesh:
Principles and Presuppositions"
| 2006
| "A Browser Edition of the Royal Palace of Urkesh:
Principles and Presuppositions"
| 2017
| A Critique of Archaeological Reason. Structural, Digital, and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record
Buccellati, G. and M. Kelly-Buccellati
| 1978
| IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (Non-digital). ARTANES 2.
| 2008
| “The Ceramics of Urkesh: Statistics for a Browser Edition,”
in D. Bonatz et al. (eds.), Fundstellen Gesammelte Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasiens ad honorem Hartmut Kühne, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 315-326.
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