
The Plaza below the Temple Terrace (Version 1a)

J1 Synthetical View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J1
Types of contact between items and features
5. To cap or to sit in

Caitlin Chaves Yates – July 2015

The type of contact, “to cap or to sit in“, is entirely comprised of features that “sit in” other features. This type of contact makes up 10% of the total types of contact. The quantity refers mainly to fills of cuts, when the fill sits in the pit or cut.

A special case of the sits in, is f318, a row of stones that are embedded in the first escarpment (^esc1). Another example of this type of embeddness are a line of mudbricks (f297) that were embedded in the fill of the second escarpment (^esc2).

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