Unit Book J1

Plaza adjacent the Large Temple Terrace - Version 1a

J1 Synthetical View / Stratigraphy

Volumetric data (“topography”) for Unit J1
Overall volumetric data

Lorenzo Crescioli – February 2011

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For our approach to volumetry see the relevant section in the Grammar.

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Size and volume of excavations

The area excavated in J1 can be divided in two main areas: The area in front of the Revetment wall (k2-k24) for a surface of about 225 squared meters and the area on top of the revetment wall or just on front of it (6 squares k30-k41) for a surface of about 150 squared meters.

The entire measurements of the area is about 25 meters North to South and 25 meters East to West. Not all the squares have been excavated, for the excavated loci see loci. The maximum depth reached is about 7.50 meters at the bottom of k130.

It seems plausible that the entire volume excavated in J1 counts approximately 1100 cubic meters. About 400 cubic meters have been included in J5 area from 2008 season.

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