Unit Book J3


Processed on 2024-07-27


Roster Date Author Record
Category 2020-08-24 jW installation [Input: ZE824jW.j]
Best definition 2006-08-20 vVE apron [Input: Q918EI3.j]
Summary 2012-09-07 jW Middle Mittani stone apron in k2 that was an extension to the west of apron K2f132. [Input: W907JW.j]
Best image 2007-07-20 mO
v543 [Input: R720MO.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2006-08-20 vVE The stepped stone structure in k106 visible in J2 that we call the Second Apron continues in both k107 and k2. This part of the second apron was assigned the feature number f532. After continuing our excavations however it has become clear that the part of the second apron in k107 is different from the part in k2. In k107 the stone structure still seems to be stepped while in k2 it obviously is not. Therefore I decided to assign a new feature number, f556, to the stepped component of the second apron in k107. It is important to note that previous mention of what is now been designated f556 was made under the heading of f532. [Input: Q820VE.j]
2006-08-24 vVE Feature, f556, is the part of the second apron that lies in k107. This second apron is a stepped stone structure that runs approximately in an East-West direction. Up until today five steps (consisting of rows of stones) had been excavated. The top step must have consisted of several large boulders most of which now have moved a little bit out of their place. The next two steps consist of smaller boulders (ca. 20 x 25 x 20 cm). Not all steps continue along the entire length of the feature: the second and third step continue as the higher second step as several larger boulders continue eastward. The fourth step is a combination of the smaller boulders and very large, flat boulders. The fifth step, not completely uncovered yet, seems to consist mainly of these large flat slabs. The western edge, where the transition to the stepless f532 must lie, is still unclear because it is covered by the East baulk of k2. A large boulder projects out of the baulk and might be resting on the third and fourth steps. It is likely that this stone is (slightly) out of place, but it might turn out to be a sort of a ramp lining the Western border of f556. [Input: Q824VE.j]
2006-08-30 vVE A layer of mud bricks f583 seems to be lying under the second apron f556. fAB suggested that the second apron was constructed in such a way that it descended and became progressively narrower as the structure extends to west. Viewed over a longer distance it indeed becomes apparent that more steps come together to continue as one than I had originally noted. [Input: Q830VE1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Argument 2006-08-23 vVE The East side section of the eastern baulk of k107 is very important because it shows the chronological relationship between the second apron and the revetment wall. At this point there is a horizontal gap between the bottom of the second apron (f556 in k107) and the top of the revetment wall. The bottom of the second apron is also slightly higher than the top of the revetment wall. See also v531 and v534. (Fortunately, one of the top stones of the revetment wall was still connected to the section baulk.) Several layers, including a distinctive, thin, slightly ashy layer, abutted the bottom stone of the second apron and ran down southwards to stop against the northern side of one of the top stones of the revetment wall. We can conclude from this that the top of the revetment wall was still visible (at least in some places) when the second apron was visible. jW has proposed the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was added later, i.e. in Mitanni times, because the boulders are not embedded in mortar and seem to have been emplaced a little bit more haphazardly. If this hypothesis is true and the stone in this section was one of the younger additions (which it seems to be), then we must now conclude that after the top of the revetment wall had been added there was a period during which accumulations gathered on the northern (terrace) side of the wall. Only after this period of accumulation, but with the top of the revetment wall still visible in some places, the second apron was built. [Input: Q823VE.j]
Harmonization 2006-08-23 vVE On Q824 aA and iI drew section of the East side of the eastern baulk of k107 after vE had cleaned it and identified the layers. This section is very important because it shows the chronological relationship between the second apron and the revetment wall. See also v531 and v534. The top of the revetment wall seems to be (as was proposed by jW) a younger addition to the third millennium wall. After this addition a (short) period of accumulation on the terrace side of the revetment wall ensued. When the top of the (younger phase of the) revetment wall had been reached by the accumulations, but not yet covered it, the second apron was built. [Input: Q823VE.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2006-08-20 vVE k106 [Input: Q918EI3.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2006-08-26 bP r1250 (40691 49901 - 9261 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1251 (40690 49916 - 9263 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1252 (40667 49924 - 9263 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1253 (40662 49893 - 9260 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1254 (40712 49942 - 9268 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1255 (40696 49968 - 9270 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1256 (40666 49951 - 9269 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1257 (40667 49937 - 9267 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1258 (40670 49958 - 9270 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1259 (40672 49981 - 9271 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1260 (40650 49972 - 9270 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1261 (40656 49957 - 9267 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1262 (40662 49989 - 9268 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1263 (40655 50007 - 9268 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-26 bP r1264 (40641 50001 - 9269 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1265 (40649 49982 - 9268 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1266 (40681 50061 - 9275 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1267 (40677 50074 - 9273 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1268 (40651 50063 - 9279 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1269 (40658 50047 - 9275 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1270 (40629 50092 - 9275 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1271 (40620 50109 - 9272 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1272 (40588 50112 - 9275 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1273 (40603 50077 - 9274 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1274 (40687 50143 - 9317 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1275 (40684 50179 - 9320 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1276 (40662 50196 - 9320 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1277 (40641 50182 - 9307 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1278 (40643 50149 - 9312 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1279 (40649 50218 - 9294 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1280 (40645 50241 - 9297 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1281 (40600 50202 - 9298 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1282 (40598 50232 - 9305 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1283 (40590 50237 - 9304 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1284 (40619 50247 - 9306 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1285 (40603 50289 - 9310 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1286 (40571 50231 - 9285 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1287 (40554 50251 - 9295 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1288 (40550 50221 - 9294 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1289 (40510 50194 - 9270 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1290 (40539 50220 - 9277 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1291 (40495 50238 - 9280 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1292 (40465 50203 - 9260 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1293 (40440 50272 - 9252 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1294 (40439 50272 - 9252 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1295 (40494 50277 - 9262 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1296 (40527 50164 - 9272 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1297 (40546 50141 - 9274 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1298 (40577 50159 - 9276 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1299 (40533 50091 - 9237 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1300 (40494 50087 - 9233 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1301 (40507 50074 - 9235 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1302 (40570 50067 - 9258 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1303 (40563 50107 - 9259 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1304 (40567 50035 - 9245 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1305 (40530 50016 - 9240 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1306 (40541 49975 - 9241 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1307 (40587 49980 - 9245 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1308 (40606 49966 - 9247 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1309 (40612 49942 - 9244 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1310 (40555 49954 - 9234 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1311 (40556 49926 - 9233 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1312 (40603 49930 - 9248 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1313 (40631 49909 - 9252 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1314 (40544 49907 - 9231 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1315 (40589 49889 - 9240 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1316 (40584 49869 - 9257 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1317 (40622 49891 - 9262 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1318 (40550 49879 - 9228 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1319 (40502 49882 - 9227 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1320 (40469 49966 - 9217 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1321 (40529 49986 - 9228 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1322 (40510 50029 - 9227 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1323 (40449 50015 - 9217 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1324 (40437 50068 - 9212 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1325 (40433 50083 - 9214 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1326 (40470 50078 - 9219 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1327 (40463 50092 - 9219 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1328 (40428 50167 - 9229 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1329 (40431 50197 - 9237 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1330 (40427 50225 - 9236 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1331 (40396 50226 - 9230 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1332 (40377 50186 - 9209 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1333 (40376 50185 - 9209 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-27 bP r1334 (40345 50244 - 9207 / Relay location: corner of stone f556) [Input: Q828EI2R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1387 (40458 49920 - 9207 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1388 (40453 49944 - 9204 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1389 (40390 49912 - 9193 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1390 (40461 49905 - 9208 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1391 (40476 49873 - 9214 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1401 (40179 50189 - 9142 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1402 (40263 50214 - 9167 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1403 (40250 50162 - 9165 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1404 (40278 50162 - 9170 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1405 (40304 50097 - 9168 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1406 (40353 50181 - 9202 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1407 (40348 50127 - 9194 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1408 (40347 50241 - 9209 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1409 (40375 50185 - 9211 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1410 (40412 50009 - 9196 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
2006-08-29 bP r1411 (40425 49940 - 9202 / Relay location: corner of stone of f556) [Input: Q829VE1R.j]
M#/elev @top 2006-08-20 vVE 9309 [Input: Q918EI3.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2006-08-20 vVE 9168 [Input: Q918EI3.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2012-04-14 jW f636 (accumulation D) overlays f556 (apron) [Input: W414JW.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2007-07-21 mO a501 (apron) [Input: R721MO.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2012-09-09 jW s148aJ3B [Input: W909JW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2012-08-26 !! f556 (apron) [Input: W826JW.j]
2012-09-08 !! f580 (isolated stone) [Input: W908JW2.j]
2012-09-09 !! h7mJ3B [Input: W909JW.j]
Strata (included within phase) 2012-08-26 jW s148aJ3B [Input: W826JW.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2007-07-31 mO first apron up the wall [Input: R731MO1.j]
2012-08-26 jW Middle Mittani stone apron built on accumulation atop the EDIII glacis that was an extension to the west of stone apron J2f132. [Input: W826JW.j]
Typological reasons for assignment 2012-08-26 jW Analysis of ceramics from accumulation which under-laid the apron indicated a mix of Late Chalcolithic and Mittani sherds, with the final opinion that the deposit was Mittani. [Input: W826JW.j]
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications 2012-09-08 jW As we wanted to preserve the second apron at this point we did not remove its stones to examine the underlying bricks and accumulations, which would have yielded a more positive date. However since the section of f570 at the southern edge was carefully excavated and examined in detail, we are relatively confident of the middle Mittani date. [Input: W908JW2.j]
Notes on time sequencing 2006-09-04 vVE Strata 12 is defined by the building of the second apron, i.e. f532 and f556. The section of the East side of the East baulk of k107 has shown that the Second Apron was built soon after stones were added to the top of the revetment wall, i.e. f591. Since both these rebuildings show a significant change in the concept of the monumental staircase and the temple terrace, I have decided to assign f591 to Stratum S12d and the second apron to s12c. [Input: Q904VVE.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2006-08-20 vVE lithic [Input: Q918EI3.j]
Color 2006-08-20 vVE pale yellow [Input: Q918EI3.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2006-08-20 vVE 2.5Y 8/2 [Input: Q918EI3.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2006-08-20 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-21 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-23 vE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-24 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-27 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-27 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-27 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-27 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-27 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-31 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-31 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2006-08-31 vVE [Input: RY01JW.j]

2007-03-21 jW [Input: R321JW3.j]

2007-03-21 jW [Input: R321JW3.j]

2007-07-07 jW [Input: RX31JW.j]

2007-07-07 jW [Input: RX31JW.j]

2007-08-13 eI [Input: R813EI.j]

2007-08-13 eI [Input: R813EI.j]

2007-08-20 eI [Input: R820EI.j]

2007-08-20 eI [Input: R820EI.j]